Define dispositional explanation
Focus on individuals internal personality
Why should obedience be explained through a combination of explanations
people believe obedience is not always explained by external factors and social structure as not all of Milgram‘s participants obeyed some rebelled in identical conditions= could be because of personality
How can we link dispositional explanation to what inspired Milgram’s study
Milgram wanted to see if ‘Germans are different’⇒ explore this dispute explanation to see if their personalities were diff
What is authoritarian personality (2)
Main personality type found to influenced obedience
Susceptible to obey those in authority→ Submissive to those in higher status and dismissive to those inferior
Who developed the idea of AP
What did Adorno create
Fascism scale
Fascism- extreme right wing ideology
What was the aim of Adornos AP study
Understand how ppl followed orders during holocaust⇒ investigate AP
Explain the procedure of adornos AP study (3)
- tested 2000 middle class white Americans & their unconscious attitude towards other racial groups
- Asked 50 questions in self report questionnaire eg ‘are obedience & respect for authority important to teach children?’
- They were asked to rate from 1-6 (1=disagree) on likert scale)
What did Adorno find in AP study & theory behind these people (6)
- those scoring high on F-scale⇒ had AP
- hostile to those perceived as weak→ showed deference & servility to those of high status & in authority
- Believed strong and powerful needed to be in in authority
- viewed sex, gender and race traditionally
- inflexible to their outlook
- had cognitive style: categorise people in fixed to stereotype
What is the psychodynamic theory of origin behind AP (3)
Authoritarian parenting→ parents have high expectations and discipline from childhood
Experience created resentment in child⇒ can’t express feeling to parent bc of fear so displaced onto weaker= scapegoating Explain central traits of obedience to authority⇒ hated inferior
Evaluate casual causation, What did milgram suggest (-ve) (4)
Those that score high on obedience score high on F-scale⇒ link between the 2
They’re 2 measurable variables that only correlate→ don’t show cause and effect as there’s no IV→ and so doesn’t mean it’s a cause Suggested that they may not even directly link together⇒ could be 3rd factor/variable involved→ eg bad education Adorno cannot claim that a harsh parenting style caused a development of an Authoritarian personality, we must consider other explanations like legitimacy of authority.
Evaluate political bias + what was suggested by johoda et al (3) (-ve)
F-scale measured tendency to fascism→ fascism is essential to AP⇒ thus can’t account for L-wing politics
Just as much evidence for L-wing authoritarianism (Eg starlin) Horse shoe theory= proves extreme L-wing and F-wing have lots in common⇒ both ideologies need total obey to legitimate political authority
evaluate how adorno’s sample was biased (2)
– Only used 2000 middle class white Americans who are more likely to have an Authoritarian personality due to demographics and the time of the study
– Research lacks population validity and historical validity, so conclusions cannot be generalised to people outside the sample.