OB Test # 3 Intrapartum Flashcards
If a woman has vaginal bleeding, why should you never perform a vaginal exam of the cervix before an ultrasound can be done?
Because your fingers could stimulate contractions
Differentiate the False Pelvis from the True Pelvis. What are the 3 subdivisions of the True Pelvis?
1) False Pelvis - Above the pelvic brim
2) True Pelvis - Represents the bony limits of the birth canal. Has 3 subdivisions:
A) Pelvic Inlet - The upper border
B) Mid Pelvis - Pelvic cavity
C) Pelvic Outlet - Lower border
What are the 4 different pelvic types based on the Caldwell-Moloy Classification?
1) Gynecoid - Round: Most common and normal
2) Android - Heart shaped: Good prognosis
3) Anthropoid - Oval: Poor prognosis
4) Platyploid - Flat: Poorest prognosis
What are the 5 premonitory signs of labor?
1) Braxton Hicks
2) Ligthening
3) ⬆ Vaginal secretions
4) Blood show/mucous plug
5) Energy spurt
What are the ONLY 2 true signs of True Labor?
Progressive dilation and effacement
What are the 5 signs of True labor?
1) Progressive dilation and effacement
2) Regular contractions - ⬆ frequency, duration and intensity and intensity ⬆ with ambulation.
3) Pain starts in the back and radiates to abdomen
4) Pain not relieved by ambulation or resting
5) Contractions do not decrease with rest nor warm bath
What are the the most significant sign of False labor?
Pain is relieved by ambulation, changes of position, resting or hot bath or shower.
(T/F) women who have given birth before usually have a wicker birth the next times around.
What 9 things are assessed during the Admission assessment?
1) Status of membranes
2) Leopold’s Maneuver
3) Pregnancy Hx
4) Cervical dilation
5) Pain
6) Labs
7) High risk screening for HTN/DTRs
8) Heart, lungs, etc.
9) Ultrasound
Define Ferning
Ferning - The appearance of a fern-like pattern of dried cervical mucus. An indication of of the presence of estrogen.
In what 3 instances will the Nitrazine paper turn blue (alkaline)?
1) When amniotic fluid pH is 7 to 7.5
2) When vaginal pH is > 4.5
In what instances do the Nitrazine paper give false positive and false negative results?
1) False Positive - Occur from specimen contamination due to heavy vaginal discharge, blood, cervical mucous, semen, alkaline urine, and soap.
2) False Negative - May be produced by prolonged rupture of membranes (longer than 24 hrs), or when a small volume of fl,IUD has leaked.
What significant respiratory physiological change takes place during the birth process?
What 2 significant GI physiological changes takes place during the birth process?
1) ⬇ Motility
2) Thirst
What significant GU physiological change takes place during the birth process?
Reduced sensation of a full bladder
What 3 significant Hemopoietic changes takes place during the birth process?
1) EBL of 500mL for vaginal and 1000mL for Caesarian
2) ⬆ clotting factors (even though this can cause DVTs)
3) ⬇ Fibrinolysis
Describe the 4 P’s of the birthing process.
1) Powers - Contractions and maternal pushing efforts.
2) Passage - Maternal pelvis size and type.
3) Passenger - Baby (fetal head, fetal lie, fetal attitude and fetal presentation.
4) Psyche - Maternal emotions (i.e., fear and anxiety).
Which hormone is responsible for the molding of the fetal head during birth?
Fetal Lie Vs. Fetal Attitude Vs. Fetal Presentation
1) Fetal Lie - relationship of the fetal spinal column to that of the mother’s. (Can be longitudinal, transverse or oblique).
2) Fetal Attitude - Relationship of the fetal body parts to one another. (Should be general flexion).
3) Fetal Presentation - Which part is coming out the Vajay first (should be head with face towards the mother’s abdomen).
(T/F) A C-section (not vaginal birth) should be used for malpresentation.
Define Station as it relates to the birthing process.
Station - The presenting part of the fetus Vs. the line between the ischial spines (above the line is negative and below it is positive).
Define the stages of labor
1) Stage 1 - Cervical dilation from 0-10 cm
2) Stage 2 - Birth of baby (pushing)
3) Stage 3 - Placental delivery
4) Stage 4 - Recovery (1 to 4 hrs after birth).
Describe the 3 phases of Stage 1 of Labor.
1) Latent Phase - Cervical dilation of 3 to 5 cm.
2) Active Phase - Cervical dilation of 4 to 6 cm.
3) Transition Phase - Cervical dilation of 7 to 10 cm.
What is open glottis pushing? What are the 3 advantages of it?
- Grunting without holding breath and bearing down spontaneously while pushing for no more than 6-8 secs, no more than 3x per contraction. The advantages are:
1) ⬇ Risk of episiotomy/laceration
2) ⬇ Risk of operative vaginal birth
3) ⬇ Maternal fatigue
What is closed glottis pushing (Valsalva Maneuver)? What are the 5 disadvantages of it?
- Inhaling a deep breath, holding it, and pushing as hard as possible for as long as possible, pushing 3 times per contraction. The 5 disadvantages are:
1) ⬆ Intrathoracic pressure
2) ⬆ risk for perineal trauma, maternal exhaustion, cystocele and urinary stress incontinence.
3) Impaired blood return from the lower extremities
4) Initially ⬆ then ⬇ blood flow to the placenta
5) Intermittent fetal hypoxia and anaerobic metabolism
(T/F) The bladder is often hypotonic during the 4th stage of labor (recovery)?
What equipment should be available for a sterile Amniotomy?
1) Amnio-hook
2) Sterile glove Nd lubricant
3) Clean crux, blankets and washcloths
In what position is a patient placed for a sterile Amniotomy procedure?
Semi reclining
What 3 nursing assessments are needed prior to and after a sterile Amniotomy procedure?
1) Assure that the presenting part is engaged prior to Amniotomy to prevent cord prolapse.
2) Monitor FHR prior to and after Amniotomy for cord prolapse or compression AEB by variable decelerations.
3) Monitor the color, amount, and smell of the fluid.
Define Amniotomy
Artificial rupture of the membranes
Name 4 things that can cause a prolapsed cord.
1) A fetus that remains at a high station
2) A very small fetus
3) A transverse lie
4) Polyhydraminos
What 4 interventions are used to manage a prolapsed cord?
1) Birth by stat c/s unless vaginal birth is imminent
2) Position hips higher than the head (i.e., knee-Chet or trendelenburg positions).
3) Push fetal presenting part upward with a gloved hand
4) Give O2 per face mask
Describe the cause of 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage pain during labor.
1) First Stage Pain - Cervical dilation
2) Second Stage Pain - Uterine muscle cell hypoxia
3) Third Stage Pain - Uterine contractions
What are the physiological and psychological effect of pain during labor?
1) Physiological - Fear and anxiety release epinephrine which causes uterine vasoconstriction and increased uterine muscle tone.
2) Psychological - Unresolved pain will affect her memory of this life event in a negative way and may inhibit bonding after birth.
What is the major advantage of non-pharmacological pain relief during labor?
They don’t slow progress of labor
What are the 6 non-pharmacological methods of pain relief for labor?
1) Relaxation
2) Visualization
3) Thermal stimulation
4) Focal point
5) Massage
6) Music