OB lecture 8-10 Flashcards
What network structure is good for complex tasks and makes team members happier? and what network structure is good for simple tasks and makes team members less happy?
- All channel and circle; low centralization
- Wheel and Y: high centralization
Which choices of communication do you have?
- Rich communication levels: face-to-face meetings, phone calls
- lean communication levels: emails, text messages
What are the barriers to effectie communication? Name 3
filtering, selective perception, information overload, emotions, language, etc.
What is a high context culture and low context culture?
Low context: straightforward, literal meanings of words, clarity, purpose and outcomes are more important, business first
- high context: often implied but not plainly expressed, nonverbal cues, establishing relationship first
What are the differences of power and leadership?
Power: about creating depedency, downward influence, focuses on tactics
Leadership: about creating shared goals, lateral and upward relationships, focuses on style
Which 5 bases of power are there?
Coercive power, legitimate power, result power, expert power and referent power
What creates dependence?
Importance, scarcity and non-sustainability
What is the difference between organizational chart and SNA?
Organizational chart shows the formal, hierarchical structure of an organization and SNA shows the actual relationships, interactions and flows of information in an organization.
What are the differences between influence tactics?
Hard tactics are more direct, assertive, and often forceful. Soft tactics are more indirect and emphasize persuasion, collaboration, and relationship building
What are politics?
activities that are not required as part of a person’s formal role in the organization but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within an organization
how do people interpret politics?
reactive, reluctant, strategic or integrated perception
What is the traditional view of conflict? and of the interactionist.
- Conflict is something dysfunctional and must be avoided
- conflict could be both functional and dysfunctional
Which types of negotiation are there?
distributive negotiation: win-lose, zero-sum and integrative negotiation: win-win
What are the key facets of negotiation?
- how do people approach the negotiation: itnerpersonal orientation, power orientation, willingness to take risk
- underlying concept of negotiation: negotiation strategies, strategic time-frame
- negotiation process: styles of negotiation, outcomes orientation
What are the alternative dispute resolution to solve a negotiation?
Conciliation, mediation or arbitration