OB lecture 11-12 Flashcards
What are the 7 key elements of organizational structure?
- Work specialization, dividing tasks into smaller jobs: division of labour
- Chain of command, unity of command
- Span of control: narrow or wide span of control
- Centralization and decentralization
- Formalization
- departmentalization: functional, product/service, geographical, process/customer
- Boundary spanning
What are the common structures in organizational structure?
Simple structure, bureaucracy, matrix and virtual
Which models do you have and explain them
- Mechanistic, tall hierarchy, formal centralization and large organization
- Organic, flat hierarchy, informal, decentralized and small organization
Which organizational strategies do you have?
innovation strategy: organic
Cost minimization strategy: mechanistic
Imitation strategy: organic + mechanistic
Explain Schein’s three levels of organizational culture
- Surface manifestations of culture: the visible and tangible elements.
- Values: these reflect the organizaitons core principles
- Basic assumptions: these are the deeply embedded, often unconscious beliefs that form the foundation of organizational culture.
What are the 4 culture types of Cameron and Quinn’s competing values framework?
- clan culture (collaborate)
- Adhocracy culture (create)
- Hierarchy culture (control)
- Market culture (compete)
What is the difference between strong and weak organizational culture?
Strong cultures provide unit and direction, but can resit change. while weak cultures lack cohesion, but may adapt more easily
Where does organizational culture come from?
Founder’s philosophy -> selection and leadership -> socialization -> organizational culture
What is the organizational socialization process?
- prearrival stage
- Encounter stage
- Metamorphosis stage
- outcome: productivity, commitment, turnover
Name 3 diversity management
Culture of inclusion, identity conscious and identity-blind