Ob/Gyn from PANCE Pearls Flashcards
What is mastitis
Inflammation of the breast
What causes mastitis and what is the pathogen
Infection, usually in lactating women secondary to nipple trauma
Staph. Aureus
What are some features of the different forms of mastitis
Breast Abscess
Infection: Unilateral breast pain with tenderness, warmth, swelling, nipple discharge
Congestive: Bilateral breast pain and swelling
Breast Abscess: Induration with fluctuance
Tx of Infectious Mastitis
Warm compress, breast pump, Abx (Dicloxacillin, Nafcillin, Cephalosporin)
Can continue to nurse or use breast pump
Tx of Congestive Mastitis
Can you continue breastfeeding
Ice packs, tight fitting bras, analgestics, avoid breast stimulation
If wanting to continue breastfeeding, manually empty breast after baby finishes feeding
Tx of Breast Abscess
Can you continue breastfeeding
Incision and Drainage
Stop breastfeeding from affected breast
Sx of fibrocystic breast disorders
Multiple, mobile, well-demarcated areas in breast tissue
Tender, bilateral
Cysts may increase or decrease in size with menstrual hormonal changes
Dx of fibrocystic breast disorder
Biopsy shows straw-colored fluid
Tx of fibrocystic breast disorder
Most resolve spontaneously
FNA to remove fluid if symptomatic
What is a fibroadenoma
2nd most common benign breast disorder
Composed of glandular and fibrous tissue
Sx of fibroadenoma
Smooth, well-circumscribed, mobile, rubbery lump
No axillary involvement or nipple discharge
Gradually grows over time and does not usually wax and wane with periods
Tx of fibroadenoma
Most resolve with time if small enough
What are risk factors for Breast Cancer
BRCA 1 and BRCA 2
1st degree relative with breast CA
Increased estrogen exposure
Increased number of menstrual cycles
What are the two types of breast cancers
Intraductal Carcinoma
Lobular Carcinoma
Sx of Breast Cancer
Breast mass, usually painless, hard, fixed lump
Usually found in upper outer quadrant
Unilateral nipple discharge, may be bloody, purulent or green
Asymmetric skin redness, ulceration, dimpling, Peau d’orange