GI Flashcards
What is GERD
Reflux of stomach contents into esophagus
What leads to the sx of GERD
Breakdown of reflux barrier and poor clearance of aci
What causes GERD
Incompetent Barrier (LES relaxation, hiatial hernia, scleroderma)
Aggressive reflux
Reduced acid clearance in esophagus
Increased abdominal pressure
What are 4 common associated conditions of GERD
Sliding Hiatal Hernia
Tobacco and Alcohol
Decreased Gastrin Production
Sx of GERD
Pyrosis Regurgitation Water Brash Dysphagia Hoarseness Globus Sensation Chronic Cough Asthma Chest Pain
What are common complications of GERD
Barrett’s Esophagus
Ulcers or Adenocarcinoma
Dental Caries
Dx of GERD
Trial of H2 blockers first
pH Monitoring
Tx of GERD
Lifestyle Modification
H2 blockers, PPI, Antacids
Fundoplication if no relief
What are indications for surgical treatment of GERD
Failure of medical management
Esophageal Stricture
Pulmonary Insufficiency (nocturnal aspiration)
Barrett’s Esophagus (squamous epithelium transition to columnar due to reflux)
What is an Esophageal Stricture
Narrowing or tightness of esophagus causing problems in swallowing
What causes Esophageal Stricture
Ingesting Lye or caustic substances
Dx of Esophageal Stricture
EGD within 24 hours of ingestion to assess level of ulceration + contrast to rule out performation
Tx of Esophageal Stricture
Immediate: NPO + IV fluids + H2 blocker Don't induce emesis Medical: Shallow - Corticosteroids Moderate to deep - Abx (Penicillin or Gentamicin) Endoscopy every 2 years
What is surgical tx for Esophageal Stricture
Dilation: With Maloney Dilator/Balloon Catheter
Esophagectomy: With Colon interposition or gastric pull up
What is a Hiatal Hernia
Protrusion of GE junction through hiatus of diaphragm
What are 6 causes of Hiatal Hernia
Widened Hiatus Esophageal shortening Increased intra-abdominal pressure Autosomal Dominant Congenital Acquired (traumatic)
What are the 4 types of Hiatal Hernias
Type 1: Sliding Hernia
Type 2: Defect in phrenoesophageal membrane, leads to gastric fundus herniation
Type 3: Both GE junction and fundus herniate through hiatus
Type 4: Omentum/Colon/Small bowel present in hernia sack
Sx of Hiatal Hernia
Reflux symptoms
Dx of Hiatal Hernia
Upper Endoscopy
Tx of Hiatal Hernia
Tx for GERD sx
Surgical if severe
What is Zenker’s Diverticulum
False Pharyngoesophageal Diverticulum
Involves mucosa and submucosa at UES
Sx of Zenker’s Diverticulum
Dysphagia + Neck Mass + Hilitosis + Food regurgitation + Heartburn
Dx of Zenker’s Diverticulum
Barium Swallow
Tx of Zenker’s Diverticulum
Diverticulectomy Cricopharyngeal Myotomy (UES relaxation)
What is Leiomyoma
Benign smooth muscle tumor
Sx of Leiomyoma in Esophagus
Dx of Leiomyoma in Esophagus
Barium Swallow: Will show filling defect
Esophagoscopy: CONFIRMS Dx
Ultrasound to confirm mass is intramural
Tx of Leiomyoma in Esophagus
Surgical Removal
Enucleation: Removal of mass without harm to surrounding tissues
Resection if low grade tumor
What are 3 forms of Intraluminal Masses
Mucosal Polyps, Lipomas, Myxofibromas
Sx of Intraluminar Masses
Dysphagia + Regurgitation + Weight Loss
Dx of Intraluminar Masses
Radiographs and Esophagoscopy
Tx of Intraluminar Masses
Esophagotomy and Repair
Sx of Esophageal Carcinoma
Dysphagia, first with solids then eventually with liquids
Weight Loss
Hoarseness if laryngeal nerve is damaged
Dx of Esophageal Carcinoma
Contrast XRAY
Upper Endoscopy with Biopsy
Tx for Esophageal Carcinoma
Radio Frequency Ablation and Endoscopic Mucosal Resection for low grade
Esophagectomy + Gastric pull-up or colon resection for invasive
What population is more likely to get Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Esoaphgus
African Americans and Chinese
Smokers, Alcoholics
Hot foods or bad oral hygiene
What population is more likely to get Adenocarcinoma of Esophagus
White men with GERD, usually final stages that eventually lead to Barrett’s Esophagus
What is Achalasia
Loss of peristalsis in lower esophagus + lower esophageal sphincter remains closed during swallowing
What causes Achalasia
Neurologic: Loss of Auerbach’s plexus, Vagus Nerve
Infectious: Chagas, but rare
Sx of Achalasia
Dx of Achalasia
Distal narrowing and proximal dilation of esophagus
Manometry: Motility study shows increased LES pressure thatdoes not relax
Xray with contrast: BIRDS BEAK
Tx of Achalasia
Surgical Myotomy
Bolloon Dilation
What is Diffuse Esophageal Spasm
Strong non-peristaltic contractions of esophagus + Normal Sphincters
Sx of Diffuse Esophageal Spasms
Chest pain with radiation to back, ears, neck, and jaw
Dx of Diffuse Esophageal Spasms
Manometry: Repetitive high-amplitude contractions
Xray with Contrast: Segmented Spasms/CORKSCREW Esophagus
Tx of Diffuse Esophageal Spasms
Medical: Antireflux/CCB/Nitrates
Surgical: Long Esophagomytomy
What is Nutcracker Peristalsis
Hypertensive Peristalsis
Presents like Diffuse Esophageal Spasms but are very strong Peristaltic waves
Dx and Tx for Nutcracker Peristalsis
Manometry, Xray with Contrast, Antireflux Meds, Long Esophagomytomy
What is Peptic Ulcer Disease
Damage to gastric mucosal barrier causing erosion through submucosa or muscularis propria
Causes of PUD
Bile Reflux
Gastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome): Neuroendocrine tumor that secretes gastrin, leads to ulcers and diarrhea
Sx of PUD
Burning mid-epigastric stomach paid reduced by food or antacids
N/V, Hematemesis, Melena
Usually asymptomatic until severe
Dx of PUD
Upper GI Xray: Barim pooling at ulcer
Endoscopy if alarm sx present (weight loss, melena, mass)
H.Pylori Breath Test
Tx of PUD
H.Pylori Positive do Triple Therapy: Clarithromycin + PPI + Amoxicillin/Metronidazole if allergic
Triple Therapy usually done for 10-13 days
H.Pylori Negative do PPI or H2 blocker for 4-8 weeks
Sucralfate: binds in ulcer and protects for 6 hours
What are 5 surgical indications for PUD
Intractability Uncontrolled Bleeding Perforation Gastric Outlet Obstruction Malignancy
What is the most common type of Gastric Cancer
Gastric Adenocarcinoma: poor survival 90-95% are malignant
What are the 2 types of Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Intestinal Type: Glandular and well-differentiated found in Distal stomach
Diffuse Type: Poorly differentiated small cell infiltrating tumor of proximal stomach
What are risk factors for gastric adenocarcinoma
Older males High Salt Intake Smoked Meats Low Protein Vit. A and C Smoking
Sx of Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Epigastric Pain + Anorexi + Fatigue + Vomiting and Weight Loss
Palpable Lymph Nodes: Supraclavicular or Periumbilical
Dx of Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Upper GI Xray
Upper Endoscopy + Biopsy
Tx of Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Subtotal or Total Gastrectomy
Resection or Bypass + Radiotherapy
Adjuvant Chemotherapy: 5-FU/Leukovorin + Radiation
What is a Gastric Lymphoma
Uncommon with good prognosis
Sx of Gastric Lymphoma
Abdominal Pain + Early Satiety + Fatigue + Constitutional B Sx (Fevers, night sweats, weight loss)
Dx of Gastric Lymphoma
Endoscopy and Biopsy with Endoscopic US for staging
Tx for Gastric Lymphoma
Medical: Chemo + Radiation (CHOP: Cyclophosphamide + Hydroxyduanomycin + Oncovin + Prednisone)
Surgical: Gastrectomy
What is a Gastric Sarcoma
Uncommon Cancer that arises from mesenchymal cells
Sx of Gastric Sarcoma
Usually incidental until large and obstruction
Dx of Gastric Sarcoma
Immunohistochemical stain hows CD1117
Tx of Gastric Sarcoma
Surgical removal
Imatinim (Gleevac)
What is Gastric Dumping Syndrome
When ingested food passes through the stomach rapidly and enters small intestine largely undigested
What causes Gastric Dumping Syndrome
Gastric Bypass, Roux-en-Y Surgery
Sx of Early Dumping Syndrome
15-30 minutes after a meal
N/V, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, dizziness, and fatigue
Sx of Late Dumping Syndrome
1-3 hours after meal
Weakness, sweating, dizziness
Dx of Dumping Syndrome
Tx of Dumping Syndrome
Avoid foods that cause it
Eat several small meals a day low in carbs, avoid simple sugars
What is Pyloric Stenosis
Hypertrophy of muscular layer of pylorus that obstructs the gastric outlet
What age group does Pyloric Stenosis usually present in
2 weeks to 2 months old
Usually males, caucasians
Sx of Pyloric Stenosis
Projectile vomiting in infants
May lead to dehydration, Hypochloremia + Hypocalcemia + Metabolic Alkalosis + Jaundice
Dx of Pyloric Stenosis
Olive Shaped mass at midepigastric region
Ultrasound: Thick Pylorus, muscular wall width
Upper GI Xray: Gastric retention, elongation/narrowing antrum, string sign
Tx of Pyloric Stenosis
Pyloromyotomy: Incision of the longitudinal and circular muscles of the antrum
What are 4 causes of Small Bowel Obstruction