Ob-Gyn Brainscape Flashcards - uWise - Normal Obstetrics
What are the IOM recommendations for wt gain in pregnancy (by BMI class)?
underweight (BMI 30 kg/m2) total weight gain 11 - 20 pounds
D/o to screen for in Ashkenazi Jewish populations seeking pre-conception genetic counselling?
Fanconi anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and Niemann-Pick disease are all autosomal recessive conditions that occur at an increased incidence in Jews of Ashkenazi descent
Fetal malformations associated w/ valproate?
neural tube defects, hydrocephalus and craniofacial malformations
What aneuploidy screening has the highest detection rate?
Sequential screen: (first trimester NT and PAPP-A + second trimester quad screen)
What is the risk of fetal loss w/ CVS?
risk of fetal loss associated with CVS is approximately 1% (unrelated to prior miscarriage rate)
What is the most common form of inherited mental retardation?
Fragile-X syndrome
“wnl” cut-off for 1hr glucose challenge in preg?
Risk factors associated w/ GDM vs. pre-preg DM?
IUGR is typically seen in women with pre-existing diabetes and not with gestational diabetes. Shoulder dystocia, metabolic disturbances, preeclampsia, polyhydramnios and fetal macrosomia are all associated risks of gestational diabetes.
Folic acid doses for no risk vs. high risk?
0.4mg QD or 4.0mg QD
RDA of protein for preg women?
appx 70 gm/day
Recommended weight gain during pregnancy for underweight (BMI < 18) women?
28-40 lbs
Recommended weight gain during pregnancy for normoweight (BMI 18.5-24.9) women?
Recommended weight gain during pregnancy for overweight (BMI 25-29.9) women?
Recommended weight gain during pregnancy for obese (BMI > 30) women?
Is ibuprofen safe to take in pregnancy?
Yes, until 32 weeks gestation at which time the ductus arteriosus is maturing