OB/GYN Flashcards
Fallopian Tubes
transport the egg from the ovary to the uterus
Hollow muscular organ located in the female pelvis between the rectum and bladder. Main function to nourish the developing fetus. AKA womb
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cylinder shaped neck of tissue that connects the vagina and uterus. Dilates during child birth up to 10 cm
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elastic, muscular canal with a soft, flexible lining that provides lubrication and sensation. Also called “birth canal” during birth.
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produces eggs that travels through the fallopian tubes and to the uterus to implant if fertilized
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umbilical cord
connects the baby to the placenta
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large organ that develops during pregnancy to facilitate in exchange of nutrients, waste, and oxygen between the mother and baby.
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mucus plug
thick jelly-like fluid that seals the cervix
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pubic symphysis
cartilaginous joint that connects the two sides of the pelvis
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number of times pregnant. Includes miscarriages, abortions and fetal demise
Ex: G2P1 Pregnant twice, one child
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number of deliveries (twins count as one).
Ex:G2P1 pregnant twice, one child/delivery
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first time pregnancy. Usually a long labor, plenty of time to transport. Has had one delivery
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has had more children, labor may be short and delivery imminent
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never has delivered before
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What to consider in Assessment
Scene Size Up: Where the pt is located, who is present, is there any fluid present (blood, water break, vomit, etc)
Assessment: pt’s alertness (post-ictal, DLOC, AMS?), ABC
HISTORY: G/P, LMP (last menstral period)/Due date, prenatal care, any known issues with pregnancy
Second Assessment: contractions (time), abdominal pain (constant or severe), vaginal bleeding or fluid, seizures or tremors
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Physiological Changes to Body during Pregnancy
Blood volume increase, risk of bleeding out if abdominal trauma occurs
Clotting factors increase, risk of PE during and soon after pregnancy
After 20 weeks, the uterus can be large enough to cut the blood flow of the vena cava, can cause hypotension; can also cause reflux and vomiting by pushing on the stomach
As the woman becomes larger, it can throw her balance off and increase risk of falling
Growing baby can cause reduction in lung capacity and in women with previous respiratory issues can cause respiratory decomposition
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fundal height
distance from symphysis (pubic) bone to fundus (top of uterus. measured in cm. used to approximate gestation age after week 20.
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stages of delivery
1: pass of mucus plug (water breaking), full dilation of cervix and effacement
2: Dilation to birth of child (labor)
3: delivery of placenta
4: 1st hour after delivery of placenta (highest risk of hemorrhage)