OB Exam 3 - Obstetric Procedures Flashcards
External Version
Change the fetal position from a breech, shoulder (transverse lie), or oblique presentation to avoid c-sec
Internal Version
Used to change the presentation of the second twin in order to deliver vaginally.
Version Technique
Use ultrasound, fetal monitoring, VS’s Terbutaline, RhoGAM if indicated.
Before, during, after to confirm position change and cord location
Version Risks
Fetus tangled in cord
abruptio placenta
emergency c-sec
Contraindications to Version
Uterine malformation Previous C-sec (classic) CPD (cephalopelvic disproportion) Placenta Previa Multifetal gestation Oligohydramnios ROM Nuchal cord Non reassuring FHR Breech is engaged
Tocolytic, Bronchodilator that is used to relax uterine muscle
Given SC to stop preterm contractions
Given SC for FHR Bradycardia
Drug that relaxes the uterine muscle
Must be 39 weeks (unless health emergency)
Cervical Readiness favorable (Bishop score)
Cervical Readiness Variables
Bishop Score (grades the variables)
- Dilation (Closed= 0, 1-2= 1, 3-4= 2, 5= 3)
- Effacement (>4= 0, 3-4= 1, 1-2= 2, 0=3)
- Station (-3=0, -2=1, -1,0 =2, +1,+2 =3)
- Cervical consistency (Firm=0, Medium=1, soft=2, none=3)
- Position of Cervix (Posterior=0, Midline=1, Anterior=2, —=3)
Cervical Ripening Drugs
-Prostaglandin Gel (prepidil gel)
(0.5mg-1.5mg applied to cervix or 2.5mg vaginally)
-Cytotec (misoprostol)
25mcg tab vaginally q3-6hr
Cervical Ripening via Mechanical Means
Laminaria Tents (seaweed)
Lamicel (synthetic seaweed)
Balloon on catheter
Cytotec Induction
- Given to ripen cervix
- Prior to aministering Pitocin (Pit has to be at least 4hrs after last dose)
- 25mcg inserted in posterior vagina
Prior to Cytotec
- No uterine activity
- Reactive NST
- No concern CPD
- IV in place & Terbutaline available
- Not to be given to women who have had prior csec/uterine surgery due to risk of hyperstimulation
High dose Cytotec
Used for post-partum hemorrhage
DIU fetus evacuation
Used to augment or induce labor or for internal monitoring.
-AmniHook to perforate sac
Nursing Consideration for Amniotomy
- Obtain baseline: FHR, station, position & presentation
- Should be ZERO station
- Assist w/procedure, chux under pt
- Post ROM care: PRIORITY is to check the FHR for one minute (b/c greatest risk is cord prolapse), then note color, amount, odor
- Check temp q2hrs after ROM
Aminotomy Risk
Cord prolapse (GREATEST RISK)
Abruptio Placenta
Nurse Care Prolapsed cord
Induction & Augmentation of Labor Indications
-Intrauterine environment hostile to fetus (IUGR, blood incompatibility)
-SROM at or near term without onset of labor (PROM)
-Postterm pregnancy
Chorioamnionitis (inflammation of the amniotic sac)
-HTN (reduced placental blood flow)
-Abrutio placentae
-Maternal medical conditions (GDM, HTN, renal disease
Induction & Augmentation of Labor Contraindications
Placenta previa
Vasa previa
Umbilical cord prolapse
Abnormal fetal presentation
Fetal presenting part above the pelvic inlet (above zero station)
Previous upper uterine surgery like classical c-sec
Induction & Augmentation of Labor Risks
Hypertonic Uterine activity
Uterine rupture
Maternal water intoxication (from pitocin)
Greater risk for chorioamnionitis and c-sec
Oxytocin (Pitocin) Administration
10 units or 10,000 milliunits diluted in 500 mL of isotonic solution = 20 milliunits/mL
- Administered as SECONDARY line at the port CLOSEST to the venipuncture
- Monitor UC pattern, FHR, and maternal VS
Induction & Augmentation of Labor Considerations
- Observe FETAL response
- Complete FHR 20-30min baseline prior to induction
- Observe MATERNAL response
- Monitor for hyper stimulation
Water Intoxication S/S
HA Blurred Vision increased blood pressure increased respiration decreased pulse rales coughing
**Monitor for postpartum hemorrhage (uterine atony due to muscle fatigue)
Nursing Considerations Version
Operative Birth procedures
Forceps & vacuum extraction
Operative Vaginal Birth - Maternal indications
-Shorten second stage, exhaustion, inability to push effectively
Cardiac or pulmonary disorder (dont want mother to valsalva which happens with pushing)
Operative Vaginal Birth Contraindications
C-sec birth preferable
high fetal station