Oatho2 Flashcards
75% to 80% of cases, one of the parathyroid glands harbors a
solitary adenoma
typical parathyroid adenoma
well-circumscribed, soft, tan nodule, invested by a delicate capsule confined to a single gland
The other glands are normal in size or somewhat shrunken, as a result of
feedback inhibition by elevated serum calcium.
Most parathyroid adenomas weigh between
0.5 and 5 g.
LM of parathyroid adenoma
composed predominantly of chief cells
A rim of compressed, non-neoplastic parathyroid tissue, generally separated by a fibrous capsule, often is visible at the edge of the adenoma
The chief cells of the adenoma
larger, show greater nuclear size
Cells with bizarre and
pleomorphic nuclei are often seen
within adenomas = “
endocrine atypia”
…are rare in adenomas
Mitotic figures
contrast with the normal
parathyroid parenchyma, adipose
tissue is
inconspicuous within
multiglandular process
some cases, however, enlargement may be grossly apparent in only one or
two glands, complicating the distinction between
hyperplasia and adenoma
the most common pattern → chief cell hyperplasia→ involve the glands in
a diffuse or multinodular pattern
constituent cells in parathyroid hyperplasia contain
abundant clear cytoplasm as a consequence
of the accumulation of glycogen =
water-clear cell hyperplasia
.. inconspicuous within foci of
stromal fat
PARATHYROID CARCINOMAS enlarge… and • consist of … that sometimes exceed .. in weight
one parathyroid gland
gray-white, irregular masses
10 g