O&G incorrects Flashcards
First step in management of woman of reproductive age with abdominal pain? BP = 110/80
Hemodynamically stable thus = BHCG !!
If deemed pregnant then TVUSS
If not then other imaging to rule out other causes. Also need to know if pregnant to use other imaging modalities
Unstable = straight to resus, laparoscopy if ectopic suspected f
Why is decreased uterine mobility and uterosacral ligament thickening seen in endometriosis?
Inflammation of excess tissue and fibrosis and adhesions
Adhesions are extrauterine!
Intrauterine = pelvic inflammatory disease
Raloxifene is used in post menopausal osteoporosis especially in patients at risk of? However this drug increase the risk of?
Breast cancer
VTE risk due to estrogen agonist activity. Avoid in history of
38 year old. Amenorrhea 3 months. Bitemporal hair thickening, coarse hair on upper lip. Abdominal bloating and cramping. Large pelvic mass extending through left lower quadrant. No tenderness or ascites. Urine pregnancy test negative. Diagnosis?
Serotoli leydig cell tumour (deepening of voice, male pattern baldness, increased muscle bulk and clitoromegaly may be present and help distinguish from PCOS)
Not PCOS as you would have bilateral ovarian symptoms and symptoms happen over a longer period
Not struma ovarii as you have hyperthyroidism not virilisation
Choriocarcinoma = positive pregnancy test
Pregnant woman, shortness of breath doing household chores or walking 2/6 systolic murmur. 2+ pitting Edema. Bloods show respiratory alkalosis? Next step in management?
Provide reassurance only
Chronic hyperventilation occurs in pregnancy due to elevated progesterone and gives the sensation of dyspnea
Murmur = physiological, edema is normal due to urterine compression of vena cava
Patient did not have pulmonary embolism as PaO2 was high !! And you would expect a low one/hypoxia Pe
Patient did not have heart failure as auscultation of the lungs was clear with no crackles
Urethral diverticulum symptoms?
Post voidal dribbling
Anterior vaginal wall mass
Purulent/bloody urethral discharge
Stress inncontinence in contrast = +ve valsalva
Vesicovaginal fistula = continuous urine flow, no vaginal mass
managment of pregnant patient with no increase in dilation from 8cm in 4 hours?
- Proceed to ceasarean delivery!! -> patient is in active phase arrest (active phase is 6cm - 10cm)
- oxytocin is used to enhance contractions if less than 200 montevideo units, it is used in protracted labour eg rate of <1cm every 2 hours, but NOT arrested
prostaglandin is just used for cervical ripening in early labour induction
- operative vaginal delivery only an option at 10cm dilation eg expedite delivery in cat 3 tracings, maternal exhaustion etc
insert notes on google drive for incorrects
patients are at risk of lead exposure need lead levels monitored if they live in house built before?
past question put date 1983 of a house as trick option
at first prenatal visit, how is syphilis screened for?
rapid plasma reagin test
30 weeks pregnant, twin pregnancy
RUQ pain, severe nausea and vomiting
- elevated liver enzymes - scleral icterus
- Thrombocytopenia!!! (due to dic)
- profound hypoglycemia!!! - helps distinguish
- leukocytosis!!! - helps distinguish
- anemia (hemolytic anemia due to dic)
- raised creatinine (AKI)
next step in management?
immediate delivery!!
patient has acute fatty liver of pregnancy
pregnant patient with new onset htn >20 weeks with no signs of end organ damage, minimal proteinuria +1
next step in management?
24 hour urine protein collection!!!
clinical signs of end organ damage = headache, visual changes, RUQ
lab signs of end organ damage = raised creatinine or transaminases, elevated platelet count
protein of at least +2 is diagnostic!!
10 weeks pregnant, thrombocytopenia, no other symptoms. blood smear shows clumping of platelets
most likely diagnosis?
intrauterine demise management?
IOL for vaginal delivery, ideally within a week
when a pregnant mother tests positive for carrying an autosomal recessive gene for a condition eg tay sachs, next step in management?
test father
if positive, then CVS or amnio
tuboovarian abscess symptoms
cystic masses with distortion of adnexal structures , fever, abnormal discharge, cervical motion tenderness
management of adnexal mass on ultrasound for mass with benign features vs malignant features
malignant -> (solid components, thick septations, increased vascularity) = immediate laparoscopy
benign = reassurance and observation if premenopausal, ca-125 if post menopausal
irregular menses with spotting
sexually active with a partner
lower abdominal pain 5 days ago -> now RUQ pain
fevers, chills, vomiting
Pelvic inflammatory disease!
sti can present with irregular menstrual bleeding -> subtle sign
ascending infection to uterus -> fever and lower abdominal pain
further ascension -> perihepatitis/fitz hugh curtis syndrome = nausea, vomiting RUQ
other than pregnancy, what other obstetric condition may present with preeclampsia with severe features?
hydatidiform mole
suction currettage
name some beniign physiological conditions that develop in pregnancy
increased upper lip hair, PUPP (itchy abdomen in straie), spider angioma, melasma
what is pathological nipple discharge?
how is it investigated?
how is physiological nipple discharge investigated?
unilateral, bloody discharge, spontaneous OR associated with breast abnormalities (palpable mass, skin changes)
<30 = ultrasound
>30 = mammogram
>/= 40 =. ultrasound and mammogram
if normal ultrasound/mammogram -> MRI of breast!!!
physiological = measure serum prolactin and TSH!, do a pregnancy test
describe breast cyst management pathway
breast ultrasound is 1st line imaging if <30 years
helps determine if complex cyst (thick walled, septated, solid and cystic components) or simple cyst (thin walled, anechoic/fluid filled, no echogenic debris or solid components)
- complex = biopsy
- simple:
- asymptomatic simple cyst = observe
- Tender simple cyst = FNA for pain relief. if non bloody aspirate and the cyst resolves no additional management. if it doesnt resolve = biopsy and additional imaging!!!. If Bloody aspirate = biopsy and additional imaging.
management of non cyclic unilateral focal breast bain?
mass -> biopsy
no mass -> imaging
cyclical lower abdominal pain and pain with defecation 13 year old, no menarche yet, firm mass protruding between labia majora which swells with valsalva maneuevre
most likely diagnosis/
imperforate hymen
- collecting blood -> pain on defecation, back pain, pelvic pressure due to pressure on surrounding organs
forceps delivery with 3rd degree laceration which was sutured
presents 4 weeks later with malodorous vaginal discharge
dark red area on pasterior vaginal wall associated with malodorous tan brown discharge
most likely diagnosis?
rectovaginal fistula
discharge = feces passing through vagina
dark red velvety lesion = rectal mucosa that is visible
vesicovaginal fistulas in contrast = clear watery liquid (urine) and located on anterior vaginal wall
what are the indications for GBS prophylaxis in pregnancy?
name all 5
1.GBS bacteriuria or GBS urinary tract infection in current pregnancy regardless of treatment
+ve GBS rectovaginal culture in current pregnancy
2.prior infant that had GBS-infection eg neonatal sepsis
unknown GBS Status plus any of:
3.- <37 weeks gestation
4.- intrapartum fever
5. - rupture of membranes for 18 hours or more
60 year old woman, large ovarian mass and post menopausal bleeding. endometrial hyperplasia with no atypia on biopsy. most likely diagnosis?
granulosa cell tumour (seen in a granny!) -> endometrial hyperplasia and cancer risk due to unopposed estrogen secretion by tumour!! histology = call exner bodies/cells in rosette pattern
emryonal carcinoma and yolk sac tumour = young people!! different symptoms
note!! when granulosa cell tumour occurs in young child = precocious puberty = make them a granny/adult
management of pregnant patient, history of hypertriglyceridemia. now presenting with pancreatitis like symptoms. RUQ ultrasound normal. next step in management?
Lipid panel!!
pregnant women, particularly those with history of high triglycerides are at increased risk of triglyceride induced pancreatitis
not ERCP as this is used to for gallstones and in case of gallstones, ultrasound will likely not be normal -> it may show biliary tree dilatation, biliary sludge, some gallstones etc
management of patient with hypothyroidism wishing to become pregnant?
increase levothyroxine dose when patient becomes pregnant
treatment for gonorrhea and chlamydia?
ceftriaxone and doxycycline which covers both pathogens
pregnant woman, asymptomatic. booking bloods were normal. now has AST of 300, ALT OF 254. Alk phos is normal.
next step in management of patient?
viral hepatitis serology!!
due to hepatocellular pattern of injury!! (normal alk phos)
infection could have been contracted after initial tests
LFTs are not severely raised suggesting move from active to chronic phase of the disease
woman pregnant
in first pregnancy had placental abruption and was given anti d immunoglobulin
now she has anti D antibodies. what does this mean?
inadequate dose of anti d immunoglobulin given after first pregnancy
woman that has been trying to concive for years
reports morning sickness, abdominal distension and positive pregnancy test
however hosptial pregnancy tests are negative and ultrasound shows thin endometrial stripe
most likely diagnosis?
NOT a missed abortion as ultrasound will show an unviable fetus. morning sickness would have resolved and pregnancy test will be positive
treatment for asymptomatic bacteuria in pregnancy?
nitrofurantoin, fosfomycin!! or trimethroprim sulfomexazole - drug depends on gestation!!!. eg at 10 weeks can use fosfomycin
trimethorprim sulfomexaxzole avoided in first semester as it interferes with folic acid metabolism
ABO hemolytc disease occurs in a woman with blood group X and a fetus with blood group __ ?
describe symptoms
O -> wOman
A or B -> fetus
asymptomatic, mild anemia, jaundice = mild disease typically
neonatal graves disease symptoms?
risk factors?
course of disease
low birth weight
high bp or goitre may be seen
mother who has or had graves disease
self resolves within months!!. treat in intermim with methimazole, beta blockers etc
1st line preventative therapy for migraines in pregnancy?
beta blockers -> propranolol, metoprolol
Pyelonephritis management during pregnancy?
if clinical improvement shown (no fever for 48 hours), what is further management?
broad spectrum IV antibiotics -> Ceftriaxone!!!
further management = oral beta lactam!! eg cephalosporins eg cephalexin!! or penicillins!! (as they are safe during all trimesters)
then cephalexin prophylaxis for rest of pregnancy
a pregnant patient with fever, nausea, vomiting and RUQ pain most likely has?
acute appendicitis!!
urgent surgery!! -> risk of fetal demise
differentiate from Preeclampsia as in appendicitiis peritoneal signs (rebound, guarding) may be present and fever is present
if it was placental abruption -> uterine tenderness and uterine tachysystole (decelerations with uterine contractions) would occur
ureteral obstruction -> colicky symptoms, abnormal urinalysis
trichomonas treatment?
meTRonidazole!! - also for BV
not doxycycline!!!
a post partum patient with fever, leukocytosis and right sided pain most likely has?
acute appendicitis!!
amennorrhea of at least 3 months (secondary amenorrhea), after a negative pregnancy test, what is the next step in management?
to rule out HPO disfunction
if patient described has a bit of acne that could be normal AND acne worsens after stopping OCP
irregular menses, hirsutism, acne AND elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone is seen in?
non classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia!!! (partial deficiency of 21 hydroxylase activity)
mild so electrolytes and bp normal
post hysterectomy
right sided back pain
costovertebral angle tenderness
urinalysis is normal
most likely diagnosis?
other way it may present?
hydronephrosis -> due to ureteral injury during surgery!!!! and resulting outflow obstruction
also seen post c section
can have abdominal distension(pain and bloating), large volume of intraabdominal fluid on ultrasound, eatery vaginal discharge due to overflow, and fever and nausea due to peritoneal irritation
normal urinalysis as only one ureter affected
conduct renal ultrasound
management for a woman in labour with an active genital herpes lesion?
c section!!
post partum 10 days, severe headache + seizure + papilledema + history of DVT in mother. normal BP
normal CT scan
next step in management?
do MRI of brain with MR VENOGRAPHY (concerned for Cerebral venous thrombosis!)
CT normal in 30% of cases
may also present with stroke
AVOID thrombolytics! Risk of intracerbral hemorrhage due to thin walled venous structures
treatment = heparin
Vaginal spotting and mild cramping common in first trimester. benign in patient with closes cervix and intrauterine normal gestation
post partum woman with irregular vaginal bleeding, enlarged uterus, pulmonary symptoms and multiple infliltrates on CXR. next step in diagnosis?
BHCG -> most likely choriocarcinoma
can occur after normal pregnancy and spontaneous abortion!! as well as molar pregnancy
pulmonary symptoms = metastasis!! -> lungs is most common site
p.e would not explain bleeding or pulmonary symptoms
in choriamonionaitis after broad spectrum antibiotics, what is the next step in management?
labour augumentation
NOT c section -> this is reserved for obstetric indications eg non reassuring fetal ctg, breech presentation, prior uterine surgeries etc. fetal tachycardia alone is not sufficient to warrant this
pre eclampsia can present with severe features (low plateletets, low hemoglobin or elevated wbcc due to inflammation)
when eclampsia occurs with this (new onset siezures)
how do you manage?
magnesium sulfate AND prompt delivery
what is the criteria for second stage arrest of labour?
3 or more hours of pushing in primagravida
2 or more hours of pushing in multip
- cephalopelvic disproportion -> suggested by moulding and caput
- fetal malposition
- inadequate contractions = <200 montevideo units over 10 minutes
- maternal exhaustion
amniotic fluid embolism presents with resp failure (profound hypoxia may cause siezure), shock/hypotension and dic in labour or postpartum period
1st step in management?
intubation! with mechanical ventilation!! -> correct hypoxemia
after that: vasopressors for BP, transfusion to correct DIC
effect of pregnancy on blood pressure?
diagnosis of pregnant woman at 14 weeks with BP reading of 138/92?
Chronic hypertension as diastolic blood pressure is >/= 90!
most common risk factors for pprom?
genital tract infection - asymptomatic bacturia, BV
history of pprom
(also antepartum bleeding)
next step in a patient with history of lichen sclerosis and a new vulval lesion (white firm plaque) - > next step in management?
vulval biopsy!!! to evaluate for vulval cancer. as lichen sclerosis is a risk factor
if benign lichen sclerosis found -> continue high dose corticosteroids!
malignant but non invasive -> imiquimod or laser ablative therapy
malignant and invasive -> excision
vulval cancer symptoms -> pruritus, plaque/ulcer, bleeding
repeat screening for stis in 3rd trimeter eg 28 weeks is done for which pregnant woman?
age <25
prior sti
high risk sexual activity
distinguish between mullerian agenesis
5 alpha reductase deficiency
mullerian agenesis -> female ranging testosterone levels!! normal pubic hair!!. 46 XX. breasts present. absent uterus cervix and upper vagina BUT ovaries present!!
5 alpha reductase -> virilazation at puberty (clitoremegaly, acne, male pattern hair development) will be present!! absent development of breasts!! due to testosterone receptors. 46 XY. normal pubic hair!!. male ranging testosterone levels
(5 alpha reductase cant convert testosterone to DHT so undescended testes and phenotypically female but male internal genitalia)
Androgen insensitivtiy syndrome -> breast development due to aromoatization of testosterone to estrogen!!.(think of this one as insensitive so you do the things you wouldnt normally do like grow breasts - the androgen receptor in the breast is not working so it doesnt inhbit breast growth) minimal pubic hair!! due to insensitivity to androgen. 46 XY. male ranging testosterone levels.
No clitoromegaly here/virilization as the testosterone receptor is non functional!! No female internal organs so no uterus or ovaries
intrauterine fetal demise with fetus showing multiple limb fractures and a hypoplastic thoracic cavity is most likely?
type 2 osteogenesis imperfecta
contraindications to COCP?
increased VTE risk including smoking
increased cardiovascular risk including uncontrolled hypertension, stroke, ischemic heart disease, migraine with aura. (cocp can worsen htn and thus increase risk of MI and stroke).
medical conditions negatively affected by increased estrogen - active breast cancer, active liver disease (acute hepatitis, liver cancer)
post partum
initial couple of months anxiety and excessive worry about child
followed by fatigue, weight gain despite normal exercise, constipation
exam -> bradycardia, lower extremetiy edema
most liklely diagnosis?
next step in management?
postpartum thyroiditis -> brief hyperthyroid then hypo then euthyroid. condition associated with anti-tpo antibodies. goitre may be present
thyroid function studies!
postpartum thyroiditis and postpartum depression may have overlapping symptoms. PT should be excluded first
also note: painless/ silent thyroiditis is similar to postpartum thyroiditis however no association to pregnancy so is not diagnosed within 1 year of pregnancy
7 year old precocious puberty and ovarian mass. diagnosis?
granulosa cell tumour
a dysgerminoma doesnt cause this and they differentiate into scincitiotrophoblasts so secrete lactate dehydrogenase and b-hcg
emergency c section, 2 days later fever of 38.3
uterine is soft and fundus is tender. headeache and fatigue
what intervention would have been most effective at preventing this presentation?
preoperative antibiotics
patient has postpartum endometritis = fever >24 hours postpartum + uterine tenderness
offensive lochia may also occur and headahce/malaise
pregnant woman with 24 hour urinary output of 5.5 after an intake of 3. specific gravity 1.001
all other labs normal
what is the diagnosis?
Diabetes insipidus
polyuria/urinary output> 3. AND specific gravity aka urine density <1.006 indicating dilute urine
37 weeks pregnant
no prenatal care
rupture of membranes 2 days ago which is now meconium stained
in active labour 6 cm
next step in management?
administer penicillin!!!
prophylaxis as GBS status uknown and she has rupture of membreanes for >18 hours
How to interpret the quadruple screen test for
- downs syndrome
- Trisomy 18/Edwards
- neural tube/abdominal wall defect
- the child with down syndrome says HI! = ELEVATED HCG and inhibin A . (others low). thick of it as excited to say hi
- Edward is a low HEAp = low hcg, low estradiol, low afp
- neural tube defect = elevated AFP only
multiple pregnancy increases afp due to more fetal tissue present.
why does providing obstetricians with clinical performance data compared to national benchmarks help improve quallity of care?
data driven feedback is very effective!!
describe treatment of moderate or severe menopause
contraindications to estrogen eg breast cancer, VTE = Paroxetine (an ssri)
no contraindications = estrogen only HRT if no uterus, estrogen + progesterone if uterus
mangnesium sulfate may cause hypermagnesmia due to?
renal insuffficiency
oxytocin toxicity causes?
a low lying placenta with myometrial thinning and numerous lacunae indictes what condition?
name a serious potential complication
placenta accreta
postpartum hemorrhage
ace/arb use in pregnancy fetal complication vs presentation of ARPKD
ACE/or ARB -> bilateral UNDERDEVELOPED kidneys and oligohydramnios
ARPKD -> bilaterally ENLARGED polycystic kidneys and oligohydramnios
describe options for contraception after a baby and the side effects/ positive effects
medroxyprogesterone injection - induces anovulation (decreased menstural bleeding) by high levels of progesterone which is appetite stimulant -> weight gain, mood changes!!
copper IUD -> increased menstrual bleeding and dysmennorrhea
progestin-releasing IUD -> locally acting not systemic so decreased risk of weight gain, mood changes. decreases heavy menstrual bleeding! by inducing ammenorrhea. but the bleeding may be irregular
COCP - 1st line for premenstrual syndrome
progestin only methods can be initiated at any time after delivery whilst COCP only after 6 weeks due to VTE risk
when would you screen a pregnant patient for diabetes at 1st prenatal visit (eg at 10 weeks)?
What test is used to screen?
obesity (BMI>/=30)!!!!! + at least one of:
- prior macrosomic infant = birth weight >/= 4kg!!
- PCOS -> suggested by irregular menstrual cycles
- age >/= 40
- prior GDM
- family history of type 2 diabetes
1-hr 50g GCT NOT fasting blood glucose level
gct >/= 200 is diagnostic
what is the amniotic fluid index for oligo and polyhdramnios?
oligo = </= 5 cm
poly = >/= 24 cm
what is the pathology behind PCOS?
failure of follicle maturation and oocyte release
Tamoxifen is used as an adjuvant treatment for breast cancer and prevention of breast cancer in high risks patients. what are the side effects?
(T amoxifen T reats breast cancer)
Hot flashes! = most common!! “Hot tamale”
VTE! - “hot tamale -> think red hot sauce”
Endometrial cancer NOT ovarian. (a serm)
uterine sarcoma
Raloxifene is used for postmenopausal osteoporosis. and prevention of breast cancer in what are the side effects?
hot flushes
and VTE
postpartum endometritis antibiotic regimen?
Ceftriaxone + clindamycin
hypothalamic dysfunction eg due to intense exercise is unlikely to be the cause of infertility in a woman with regular menses.
POI = amennorrhea
hyopthyroidism also = irregular menses
what is uterine synechia?
aka ashermans syndrome -> endometrial scarring and intrauterine adhesions -> light menses/ammenorrhea
d&c risk factor
what are the contraindications to these drugs used for PPH
- methylergonovine
- Carboprost
- tranexamic acid
- hypertensive patients
- asthma
- caution in hypercoagulable conditions
(note oxytocin first line and misoprostol second line. both have note contraindications)
an older woman with vulvar pain and pruritus
erythematus vulvar lesions with white border
erythematus vagina that is stenotic
oral ulcers
what is the diagnosis?
lichen planus!
a different variant presents as just small puritic papules with purple hue
patient with rupture of membranes resulting in bright red amniotic fluid. sinusoidal pattern on ctg? what is the most likely cause of this pattern?
fetal blood loss. sinusoidal pattern = fetal anemia
blood loss in this case = ruptured vasa praevia
urgent c section -> risk of fetal hypoxemia
it is a cat 3 tracing!!!
36 year old, worsening pelvic pressure and dyspareunia
pelvic mass that extends to umbilicus, it is mobile with several palpable protuberances
what is the diagnosis?
why is it not ovarian cancer?
palpable protuberances = irregular uterine contour
extending to umbilicus = severe uterine enlargement
mass effect may cause pelvic pressure, pain with intercourse, urinary frequency, constipation
ovarian cancer = FIXED mass due to invasive spread into nearby structures. AND fluid wave on examination! (ascites)