O&G Flashcards
30 year old, previously regular 30 day cycle presents with 3 months of no periods
climacteric symptoms: hot flushes, night sweats
secondary amenorrhoea
Normal LFTs, TFTs, FBC raised FSH ( > 35 iu/l), LH levels (> 20 mIU/l) (but low oestrodiol - ( < 100 pmol/l))
Premature Ovarian Failure
= onset of menopausal symptoms in <40yrs + elevated gonadotrophin levels
CAUSES: Idiopathic (MOSTLY), chemo/radio, autoimmune
Primary amenorrhoea (no menses by 16yrs) causes?
Turner’s syndrome
testicular feminisation
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
congenital malformations of the genital tract
Secondary amenorrhoea (previous reg cycles, but now stopped >/=6mnths) causes?
hypothalamic amenorrhoea (e.g. Stress, excessive exercise)
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
premature ovarian failure
Sheehan’s syndrome (pituitary gland is damaged during childbirth - low BP or haemorrhage)
Asherman’s syndrome (intrauterine adhesions)
Ix for Amenorrhoea?
exclude pregnancy with urinary or serum bHCG
gonadotrophins: low levels indicate a hypothalamic cause where as raised levels suggest an ovarian problem (e.g. Premature ovarian failure)
androgen levels: raised levels may be seen in PCOS
thyroid function tests
Mx for secondary amenorrhoea (esp POI)?
symptomatic relief (e.g. lubricants)
lifestyle (reg exercise, stop smoking, alcohol)
Non-hormonal (Alpha-adrenergic agonists - clonidine; BBlockers - propanolol; Bisphosphonates - Raloxifene, Denosumab; SSRIs, Gabapentin)
HRT - PO/TD/ring/IUD; continuous combined regimen (no periods)
Testosterone supplementation
Topical vaginal oestrogen (dryness)
Gamete donation
CBT (low moods, anxiety)
Primary PPH (<24hrs, >500ml blood loss) causes + RFs? **NB: secondary PPH (>24hrs-12 wks) usually due to retained placental tissue/endometritis)
Causes 4 Ts: Tone (MOST COMMON -uterine atony), Tissue (retained placenta), Trauma, Thrombin (coag abrnormalities)
RFs: Previous PPH, previous CS, prolonged labour, Pre-Eclampsia, Incr maternal age, polyhydramnios, multiparrity, emergency CS, placenta parevia, macrosmonia, ritodrine (used for tocolysis)
Primary PPH Mx?
ABC approach Call for help Vaginal exam + remove placenta if still present Rub up a uterine contraction Admin bolus of syntocin/syntometrine Insert 2 large bore cannulae 14 gauge Take FBC, clotting, X-match Consider catheterisation
MEDICAL: IV syntocin 10 units/IV ergometrine 500mcg IM carboprost (prostaglandin)
SURGICAL (2nd line): Intrauterine balloon tamponade (if uterine atony)
B-Lynch suture
Ligation of uterine/internal iliac arteries
37 weeks pregnant with nausea, severe itching and lethargy. On examination she is clinically jaundiced but observations are normal. Normal Hb, platelets, WBC, LFTs incr - obstructive
Diag + Mx?
Obstetric Cholestasis
Monitor LFTs weekly
Conservative (loose clothing, emollients)
Medical - Antihistamines, Ursodeoxycholic acid, Cholestyramine, Vit K
CTG, Doppler, IOL at 37wks (incr risk of pre-term, still birth & meconium)
**Measure LFTs 10 days PN.
NB: Acute Fatty liver has non-specific symptoms (pre-eclampsia-like + abdo pain) + incr ALT (>500) –> DELIVER ASAP (ICU Emergency)
Uterine Fibroids (Afro-caribbean, asymp OR menorrhagia, lower abdo pain, bloating, urinary freq, subfertiity) Mx?
Mx =
1st line - IUS (levonorgestrel-releasing)
Tranexamic acid, COCP
GnRH short term (reduce size)
If large fibroid - myomectomy (preserves fertility) OR hysteroscopic endometrial ablation/hysterectomy, uterine artery embolisation
Induction of labour (IOL) indications?
> 41-42 wks or >12 days after due date
Diabetic >38wks
Rhesus incompatibility
Methods of IOL?
Intravaginal prostaglandins
Membrane sweep
Artificial ROM
Pregnant mother presents with exposure to chickenpox <10 days ago, unsure if she has had it as a child - Mx?
Check VZ Antibody status (IgG and IgM)
If negative, give VZIG (effective for 10 days post-exposure)
Oral acyclovir if presenting within 24hrs of rash
Oligohydramnios (<500ml at 32-36 weeks and AFI <5th percentile) causes?
PROM Renal agenesis IUGR Post-term pre-eclampsia
RFs and Ix for Ovarian cancer?
BRCA1/2 gene mutations, early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity
CA125 levels (>35 IU/mL) If raised, Abdo/pelvis USS
Diagnosis & Mx for ovarian cancer?
Diagnostic laparotomy
Surgery with platinum-based chemotherapy
Which conditions are routinely screened for in pregnancy?
Hep B
Blood group, Rhesus status, anti-red cell Ab
Down’s syndrome
Fetal anomalies
Neural tube defects
Risk factors for pre-eclampsia
Which conditions are NOT screened for routinely in antenatal care?
Bacterial vaginosis Chalmydia CMV Fragile X syndrome Hep C!!! GBS Toxoplasmosis
Emergency contraception for high BMI?
Copper coil (IUD) - not affected by BMI
Fitted within 5 days of unprotected sex
Inhibits fertilisation/implantation
99% effective
can be left in as long-term contraception
53-year-old female presents with 2 months of PV bleeding. Passed through the menopause at 49-years-old, BMI is 34kg/m² and drinks 18-units of alcohol/week. One sexual partner her whole life and no pain during sex or post-coital bleeding. Most likely diagnosis?
ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA (can develop into endometrial cancer) - intermenstrual bleeds, post-menopausal, menorrhagia, irreg bleeds + HIGH BMI
Types = simple, complex, simple atypical, complex atypical
Mx for typical = high dose progestogens with repeat sampling in 3-4months AND/OR levonorgestrel IUS
Mx for atypical = hysterectomy
Cervical cancer - requires more than 1 sexual partner. Has intermenstrual/postmenopausal bleeds
Vaginal atrophy - post-menopausal, pain during sex, dryness, some post-coital bleeds
Mx for atrophic vaginitis (PM bleeds, vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, occasional spotting)?
Topical oestrogen (restore vaginal mucosa) + lubricants, moisturisers (adjunct)
How long to use contraception for after menopause?
> 50 yrs - for 12months after LMP
<50 yrs - 24mnths after LMP
Mx for maternal GBS infection at 34 weeks?
Oral benzylpencillin + offer IV benzylpenicillin at start of labour and at 4hr intervals
(IV antibiotic prophylais (IAP) indicated if prev GBS, pyrexia >38 during labour, late-onset GBS, PROM, premature labour)
Most common cause of CYCLICAL secondary dysmenorrhoea?
What is the score that can be used to classify the severity of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy?
PUQE score
Pregnancy-Unique Quantification of Emesis
Most common cause of recurrent miscarriages?
APL syndrome
Screening tools for post-natal depression?
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (score >13 out of 30 indicates depression)
(also PHQ-9 form)
Most common reason for short episodes of decreased variability on CTG? (<40min)
Foetus is asleep
Normal foetal HR = 100-160bpm (normal variability = 5-25bpm; abnormal <5bpm)
> 40 min –> cause of concern (maternal drugs e.g. benzos, opiods, methyldopa; foetal acidosis due to hypoxia; prematurity <28wks; foetal tachy >140bpm; congenital heart abnormalities)
HRT suitable for perimenopausal women?
Systemic Combined (oestrogen and progesterone) CYCLICAL HRT
Preferred as: produces predictable withdrawal bleeding, whereas continuous cause unpredictable bleeding
Mx of PPROM in 32+0 who is otherwise well?
Admit for 48hrs + reg obs
Abx (10 days oral Erythromycin; to prevent chorioamnionitis)
corticosteroids (promote lung maturity, otherwise risk of pulmonary hypoplasia)
consider delivery by 34wks