NYT 2 Flashcards
Do you like it yourself?
An maith leat féin é
I prefer
Is fearr liom
Very good, reasonably good
An maith, measartha maith
Too good, very bad
Rómhaith, go dona
Is the restaurant any good?
An bhfuil maith ar bith sa bhialann
What would you like ?
Cad é ba mhaith leat?
What do you want?
Cad é atá de dhith ort?
Do you take sugar?
An dtógann tú siúcra?
I’d prefer a glass of water
B’fhearr liom gloine uisce
Strong tea
Tae láidir
Weak tea
Tae lag
Maith thú
You’re welcome
Tá failte romhat/ romhaibh
Butcher shop
Siopa búistéara
Shoe shop
Siopa bróg
Clothes shop
Siopa éadaigh
Teach an phobail
Pub, pubs
Teach/tithe tábhairne
Chemist shop
Siopa poitigéara
Sports centre
Ionad spóirt
Shopping centre
Ionad siopadóireachta
What time are you going to Dungannon?
Cad é an t-am atá tú ag dul go Dún Geanainn?
When are you going?
Cá huair atá tú ag dul?
In half an hour
I gceann leathuair an chloig
In three and a half hours time
I gceann trí huair go leith
Nios moille
In a while
I gceann tamail
An hour
Two hours
Dhá uair
3-6 hours
Trí-sé huair
7-10 hours
Seacht-deich n-uair
It’s almost…
Tá sé choir a bheith…