NYC- demographics and challanges and strategys Flashcards
explain the age demographic in NYC
demogrpahic trends in NYC are similar to those of other more economically developed countries
- females delaying of child birth or increasingly opting to focus on thier careers has
- median age of the population = 36.9 yrs old
- 52.5% of the population was female
- the 30-39 years is the largest age category in NYC
- the large increase in population for the 25-39 age group Accounted for by young adults choosing to live in the city for tertiary education and for the work opportunites that are on offer
- populations of age groups below 50yrs are predicted to decline by 2030
explain the socioeconomic demographic in NYC
the 3 distinct income zones in NYC are:
- Inner zone (central manhattan or brooklyn heights) where the rich commute by foor or public transit
- Second zone (outer boroughs such as Jamaica)where the poor commute by public transit
- A tree change third zone (westchester) where the rich drive
- Chinatown and washington heights higher number of immigrants
and are examples of low income enclaves - super blocks such as the bronx are associaated bith thte lower income areas of the city.
the avg monthly rent for june 2022: Manhattan $5,000 compared to brooklyn $3,800 and bronx $1,600
- billionareas row is the The rise of 8 supertall ultra luxury residential skyscrapers in th epast decade has seen the emergence of billionares with the top 2 floors selling for $100,470,000 most expensice apartment ever sold in nyc
explain the cultural distribution in NYC
- 36.7% of the population is foreign born
- the largest athnic groups are african americans, puerto ricans, west indians, dominicans and chinese.
- there are 700 different languages spoken with english, spanish, chinese, mandurin and russian
- 56.1% of staten islands population identi fys as white making it the least diverse of all the boroughs, the isolation of the island also making it undesireable for newly arrived immigrants therfore choosing no to live there.
- the brox has the largest proportion of black and hispanic people with 28.5% and 54.8% respectively
- where as Queens differs from the bronx and staten island as its not dominated by one ethnicity group.
- across all borough except manhattan the hispanic population grew
explain the scope of the transport challenge
- Regarded by 57% of newyorker as a significant challenge facing the city.
- The yrear beofre pandemic 1.6 million people commuted into NYC dayily
Ø Subway = 39%
Ø Drive alone=23%
Ø Bus=11%
Ø Walk=9%
Ø Commuter rail=7%
Ø Carpool=4%
Ø Taxi=1.6%
Ø Bicycle=1.1%
Ø Ferry=0.4% - 54% of new yorkers use public transport to commute and don’t own a private vehicle
- 2020 mean travel time to work 41.4 minuets and with the population predicted to exceed 9 million by 2050 ths issue will only increase
- NYC DOT, Metropolitian transit authority and NC transit authority are all governemtn department of several that work to manage citys transpotation system.
- Budget of $1.1 billion and a 10 yr capital program of $19.7 billion.
- DOT responsibilities include maintaining streets,hwys, sidewalks, brdges, street signs, streetlights
- NYCTA opperates staton island railway and NYC subway and bus systems
MTA is responsible for all public transportation iin NYC metropolitain are
- The yrear beofre pandemic 1.6 million people commuted into NYC dayily
explain the causes of the transport challange
Ageing infrastructure
Ø 269 have exceeded their 50 year useful life with 26% at more than 70 years old. As a rsult it slows the movement of trains ans forces mainatnace workers to build their own replacement parts as manufactures don’t make them anymore
Ø 30,500km of road in 2021 of which the DOT deemed ‘poor’ condition up from 16% in 2000
Ø 2021 65% of weekday trains reached their destination on time the lowest since 1970s Ø Difficult for commuters to travel from with in or outside to another borough highlighting poor planning and foresight iin the 20th centry
Growth in housing on periphery
Ø Housing growth followed expansion of
subway system
Ø Increase in housing prices and unaffordabilty in manhattan has meant that people on middle to low incomes have been pushed further out
Ø Development occurred in car depentent areas leading to an increase iin traffic congestion
Delivery and commercial vehicles
Ø Surge in retail e-commerce purchases over the past decade has seen an increase I delivery trucks
Ø 1.5 million packages delivered dayily pre-covid
Ø Delivery tusck double parking and causes congestion during peak hours with complaints thet they consume bike lanes and parking spaces. Double parking causes narrowing, blocking lanes, jeopardises pedestrian safety.
Influx of visitors to NYC
Ø Millions of tourist, hospital patients, students, day trippers and out of town visitors.
Ø This puttig pressure on existing infratructure ; roads rail air and sea.
Ø In 2019 alone NYC was the most visited city in the western hemisphere, hosting 66.6 million visitors.
explain the impacts if the transportation challange
Traffic congestion
Ø Traffic congstion occurs when there is an increase usage of trnsport networks which are not designed for the increased volume of users. Resulting slower speeds, longer trip times, traffic jams, wasted time andproductiveitu resulting in lost revenue, high chance of collision
Ø Since 2006 congestion has increase 53%
Accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists
Ø Traffic make smore dangerous for pedestrians and cycists.
Ø 2021 over 228,000 motor vehicle accidents in all of NYC which is 625 per day
Ø With queens having the most (29.5%) and the bronx having the least(16.1%) possibly due to heavier reliance on subway
Increased expenses
Ø 2022 avg fuel price in NYC AUD $1.95 compared to australia AUD $1.62
Ø This adversly affects household budgests and this is exacerbated when vehicles are left idling in congestion
Ø Maintainance and expensesfor rise shar, commercial trucks are oassed on to the consumer showing that congestion impacts everyone directly and indirectly
explain the plannning strategy congestion surcharge
Ø BYC signed its congestion pricing policy into law in 2019 from late 2023, the introduction of congestion pricing will see drivers charged extra during peak housrs to enter manhattans CBD.
Ø Before pandemic 7.7 million people fllowed through this district on an average weekday.
Ø 75% made from cars, taxi, van,trucks
Ø A congestion surcharge refers to the use of electronic tolling to charge vehicles for entering certain areas during peak commuting hours, ideally resulting in reduced traffic congestion and increased revenue for transt- orientated projects.
Evident positives include:
Ø Reduced congestion
Ø Fewer accidents
Ø Increases productivity and revenues for businesses
Ø Less harmful pollutant emissions from idling vehicles
Ø Reduced travel timefor buses which are primarily used by people on low incomes who do not own cars and live far away from the subway
Ø Surchareges will vary depending on type of vehicle. With some exemptions cuch as those carrying people with disabilities, emergency services, fro those annual income is less than $60,000. they are all eldgible fot state tax credit equal to the amount if tolls paid durign taxable yr.
Metropolitian transit authority railroads and subway are a century old and money raised through congestion pricing ($9-$23) used for repairs helping to fund the $15 billion to improve subway, bus and commuter rail
explain the planning strategy NYC DOT carshare
Ø Car sharing is defineed as a model of car rental where people rent cars for a short period of time often by the hr.
Ø In comparision to car rentals, car sharing is not limited by office hrs as pick up and return are all self service.
Ø vehicle locations are distributed throughout the are close to public transport.
Ø after the 3 year pilot programme it was released in 2021 into mainstream and offers many elements such as; data sharing, low income discounts and membership fees, hand control options for those with disability ensuring access to all
Ø Carshare business selecting locations that benefit their business and avoids strain for DOT Ø leads to lower ghg emissions helping city reach its full carbon nutrality by 2050. Ø Transport sustainability research centre conducted three surveys an the results showed that the 285 carshare spaces led to about 1,140 cars being shed or supressed.
evaluate the plannign stratgey carshare and it ability to address the challenge using the concept of sustainability
NYC DOT carshare program
- Social Ø Household transportation costs are signifcantly reduced with an improved range of mobility options for all new yorkers regardless of socioeconomic status or disability, presentin this as an iclusice option for trale. Ø Newer technology which educated=s and allows them to xperiece models perhaps not previously considered - Economic Ø Instead of paying for registration car maintainance, parking carshare can be cost effective for short term needs while the costs incurred by municipalities are reduced given ther is less traffic and congestion contributing to wear on roads. Ø CSO's pricing varies depending on competitive rates and plans forstudents and people on lower incomes. Ø Car owners can use carsharring apps like turo to rent their vehicle to create passive income Ø Easier access to work through hyre cars that enable people to rent vehicles or uber. - Environmental Ø Cfewer private cars and their harmful green hous gas emissions on the road, leading to improved air quality. Ø And reducing pollution of leaked fluids in soil and land Ø Carsharing produced an annual net reduction of aroun 12,000 metric tonnes in ghg per year I NYC Ø Less space used for parking means larger ares for green spaces ot alternative routes for cyclist or pedastrians 45% of people still opt to drive private vehicles due to pandemic, safety and convenience
evaluate the extent to which one planning strategy used to adress the challange, has or will enhance the places liveability
Vision zero action plan
Ø Aims to achieve efficient mobility throughout 5 boroughs by providing people with safe, reliable aand sustainable transportation options. Ø Posetively to improving the sense of safety fo all road users especially pedestrians and cyclist Ø By installing safety tratments, traffic accidents are reduced, managing congestion Ø Manhattan has been a 48% deline in padestrian fatilieties and the brox has seen a 63% decline since the vision sero strtegy has been implemented Ø Expanding bike lanes and implementing pedestrian priority areas provindg greter safety and accessibility regardless of age or experience level. For exmaple a number of 2 way protected bikelanes in the bronx such as st ann's avenue and east 113 street. Where the streetscapes are designed to enhance emenities including added greenery and designs suitable for those with mobility impairments contributing tho higher quality of life for all residents of NYC Ø Bike riding can reduce risks iwht cardiovasular disease and type 2 diabetes. Ø However although padestrian dealths have dcreased they still consistantly make uo for majority of NYC traffic fatalitiesand on going efforts are needed to ensure outcomes for all residents
explain he scope of economic recontructing
defines economic restructuring as significant changes to the nature and structure of an economy, typically transitioning from manufacturing to service-based. This shift began post-World War II in many western countries. City centers, while being vital economic nodes, are vulnerable to economic changes, such as the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) which led to significant unemployment in New York City’s financial and service sectors. Over time, these changes can lead to city centers “hollowing out”, a phenomenon known as the ‘Doughnut Effect’. Both Australia and the U.S. have faced issues related to this.
Specifically, in New York City:
- The metropolitan area lost over 310,000 manufacturing jobs since 1999.
- There are over 3,000 vacant commercial and industrial properties in the city, with 40% being brownfield sites (contaminated land).
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has provided approximately $1.76 billion in grants to address these brownfield sites.
exlain the causes of economic reconstructuing
Centrifugal forces : Industries in New York’s boroughs began relocating in the 1950s due to decentralizing forces. The Second World War led to the creation of new industrial estates away from city centres. As industries moved away, investment declined, leading to deteriorating infrastructure and housing.
globalisation: New Jersey ports took over cargo freight from New York City due to the rise of containerization.
The construction of expressways in New York City, initiated in the 1950s, increased accessibility but also diverted economic activity. The Cross Bronx Expressway, constructed between 1949 and 1972, is a notable example of this.
what are the impacts of economic reconstructuring
Economic Impacts:
- Economic cycles weakened NYC resilience to global economic shocks.
- The Bronx faced significant decline, turning into fire-ridden slums.
- By the 1980s, the city lost 400,000 jobs, with significant reductions in manufacturing (35%) and office jobs (15%).
- Former industrial areas like Brooklyn and the Bronx experienced urban decay.
- Brownfield sites, or previously used industrial lands, led to missed opportunities for business growth, affordable housing, and open spaces, furthering economic and social decline.
Environmental Impacts:
- Abandoned industrial lands, or brownfield sites, became major sources of pollution, contaminating soil and water.
- These sites contained pollutants like heavy metals and organic solvents, remnants of their industrial past.
- The presence of these pollutants posed risks to public health, ecosystems, and wildlife.
- Redeveloping these sites offers a chance to address environmental, social, and economic challenges.
Social Impacts:
- Brownfield sites, combined with vandalism, reduced the appeal of industrial neighbourhoods, leading to increased crime and social unrest.
- Many brownfields are located in low-income areas.
- The city’s economic shift from manufacturing to service sectors (like finance, commerce, and services) in the 1980s resulted in income disparities. High-income professionals earned significantly more than service workers in sectors like hospitality, retail, and construction.
- The new economic sectors didn’t offer as many middle-income jobs as the post-Second World War boom period.
- The city’s transformation from a production hub to a consumption centre led to a surge in construction, replacing old factories and houses in areas like SoHo and Williamsburg with chain stores, boutiques, and entertainment venues.
- This redevelopment and gentrification boosted real estate prices and altered the socioeconomic makeup of many inner-city neighbourhoods, often displacing low-income residents due to rising rents.
explain the planning strategy of th e high line and how it addresses the challenge of economic reconstructuring
initative 9 of 30 aims to ensure all new yorkers have access to safe and secure and affordabele housinf wich addresses the urban renewable and gentrification of once blightes land to create space fro recreational areas and housing.
such as a freight train on the west side of manhattan that was once on the ground but killed many padestrians so they made plans in the last 1920 to elavte these tracks as a part of an econmic stimulus project in the wake of the great depression. thus creating the highine. being 3km long reducing deaths and congestion on roads and increasing agglomeration links between manufactoring businesses. in 1980s the tracks were no longer in use and some parts were removed, which were then coloised by many weeds and plants.
in 1999 2 locals advoted for the highline to save it and create a public parkland and walktrails with constructions begining in2006 and opening in 2009
evaluate the highline strategy using the concept of sustainability
* Low crime around with new york times reporting no reports of major crimes such as assults or robberies since opening.
* Due to greater more eyes on the streets decreasing oppurtnistic criminal behavior.
* Cuts through art museums such as the Whitney art gallery where many people can socialise exersice and relax.
* Small parks and recreation areas are found along the high line helping address the citys oneNYC 2050 goal of having vibrant public places
* Little use by low income residents or people of colour therefore failing to ensure social improvement for ALL citizens
* Land competion increases where buisenesses in these areas are put under greater pressure to relocate
* Possibly decreasing employment and economic diversity
* Residents complaining that its become over crowed with tourists and not exactly relaxing, saying the new york times that the highline has become “tourist clogged”
* Previous mayor micheal bloomberg said that the high line prompted revitilisation of the local neighborhoods.
* 1st 3yrs of project 30 residential projects were planned or under construction nearby some pricing in the millions.
* Area is multi functional and employs a variety of people. Businesses include internet companies, cafes, resturants, art galleries, meat processors, a woman’s jail, graphic design companies.
* The aggregation of technology firms increases economic productivity with a high number of young entrepreneurs. The googel head quarters located near by
* The city committed 112.2 million to the 150 million project. The friends of the hihg line raised the remainder and are responsible for moat of maintainance
* Increase in development and land values has provided goo return for the citys investment as higher land taxes can be recouped both now and in the ufture
* Lack of affordible housing in the area with the high line increasing housing and rental costs. Since 2009 aprox 20 adjoining properties have sold for at least $10 million
* Issue also created with hentrification will only further be intensified
* Reduces storm water runoff by up to 80% and reduces the impact of the urban heat island effect.
* Creates shade and a habitat for many native insects and birds and is apart of a migratory corridor along the hudson river or 300 species of birds including raptures, waterfowl and shorebirds.
* Seected brough tolerant native plant species that are low maintance that reduce the need for pesticides and chemical fertilsers,
* Uses LED lights to safely illuminate the pathways and plantings without causing glare.
* All materials were assessed on durability and overall life span therefore reducing the need to replace or dispose of
* Limitation to consider is that the park is often closed due to inclement weather with snowfall and subzero temps during winter.
Evaluate the extent to which one planning strategy used to address the challenge, has to will enhance the places’s livability.
- Liveability is defined as the concept being linked to a range of factors for example quality of life, health, sense of safety, access to services, costs of liviing, confotable living standards, mobility and transport.
- High line addressed the need of needing more public parks withourt reducing the number of essential housing
- The highline adresses the OneNYC 2050 goal of vibrant public spaces providng a sens eof calm
- The increase in green spaces ahs lead to gentrification which ebenefits residents living there as it improves the number of amenities and property values
- Attracted many architects, leading to improved amenities and attracts facilities such as museums, restaurnats
- Park does often close due to subzero temps and snowfall
- The stair case entrys are also hard to identify
- Gentrification can also lead to a large increase in housing price causing many residents to leave. Prroperty prices with in 1km of the highline increased by 207% between 2007 and 2008 compared to the averge 119% across manhattan at the time