NY Family Law Flashcards
New York only grants a ceremonial marriage (as opposed to a common law marriage). What are the two requirements for a ceremonial marriage?
A ceremonial marriage requires:
- Parties obtain a license; and
- Solemnization
What are the requirements to obtain a license in New York for a ceremonial marriage?
- Age
- Over 18 - no consent necessary
- Below 14 - marriage is forbidden
- 14 to 16 - parental consent **and **judicial consent required
- 16 to 18 - only parental consent
- Waiting period
- Must wait at least 24 hours
- Expires 60 days after it is issued
- Medical Testing
- African-Americans are required to take a sickle cell anemia test, unless prohibited by religion
What does Solemnization require?
- One witness, and
- Someone to perform the marriage (judge, political official, member of the clergy, or some other recognized religious organization).
The clerk will deny a marriage license when:
- Either party is already married to someone else
- Parties are too closely related (first cousins and adoptees can get married)
- Marriage is suspected to be a sham
- Parties are incapable of understanding the act
Is same-sex marriage allowed in New York? Must other states give full faith and credit to a same sex marriage from New York?
Yes, same-sex marriage is allowed in New York. Other states are not required to give full faith and credit to same sex marriage.
New York recognizes a civil union and will give full faith and credit to a civil union from another state. What is a civil union and what can you not get thru a civil union?
A civil union is a contracted relationship, you cannot obtain a divorce from a civil union because it is not a marriage.
New York does not allow common-law marriages to occur within the state, but if another state allows common-law marriage and the requirements for that state have been properly fulfilled, New York will provide ________ to the common-law marriage of another state.
Full faith and credit
How does NY treat Marvin Relationships?
A Marvin-type contract for sex in exchange for housing and being held out as one’s spouse is not recognized as an implied contract of marriage, because common-law marriage is not recognized in NY and New York does not allow contracts for intimate relationships.
Domestic partnerships are recognized in New York state and specifically in New York City for New York City employees. How can the a domestic partnership be ended?
It can be ended by mutual agreement of the parties, divorce is not necessary.
A heart balm action is no longer a basis for common-law action in New York State, when the marriage does not occur anymore. Is there any recourse for the plaintiff?
Anything given in contemplation of marriage, when the consideration was the marriage itself, is retrievable if the marriage does not occur (e.g., engagement ring).
And, if reliance on the marriage based on a false misrepresentation induced you to suffer some kinds of costs or harms, there may or may not be recoverable.
What are three ways to end a marriage?
- Annulment
- Divorce
- Death
An annulment in New York is valid as of the date of the annulment __________.
- What is a void marriage?
- Do you need judicial consent to dissolve a void marriage?
- When will a void marriage be recognized after annulment?
- A marriage that never should have taken place in the first place
- Does not need to **judicially **dissolved
- It will only be recognized after annulment for child legitimacy
What are the bases for a void marriage?
- Bigomy
- Incest
- One of the parties is incarcerated serving a life sentence
- Enoch Arden - one of the parties has a good faith belief that the other party is dead based on an absence of 5 years. You must publish a petition once a week for three weeks in an effort to verify that the person cannot be found
If consent was not properly obtained (e.g., by lying about one’s age to get a marriage license), the marriage is voidable but not void.
- When is the marriage no longer voidable?
- When the marriage is voidable, who may seek annulment?
- Once the party who was a minor reaches the age of majority, age is no longer a basis for annulment.
- The party who is of proper age cannot use the minor age of the other spouse to seek an annulment. The parents of the minor spouse may seek the annulment.
If the party without the mental incapacity, recognized the mental incapacity of the other person at the time of the marriage, the marriage __________.
Can stand
If the person with the mental incapcity suffers from a mental illness that comes and goes, and if there were not lucid at the time of the marriage, that person may ____________.
Seek an annulment during a lucid moment.
If the person continues with the marriage in a lucid moment, then they may not seek an annulment.
If the mental incapacity is one of mental retardation, the law considers the disability to be obvious, and the spouse of normal intelligence ________ use that as the basis for an annulment; but someone on behalf of the mentally retarded spouse ________ use it as a basis for annulment.
- May not
- May
If, at the time of the marriage, one party was unable to have children or is impotent, that can be a ground for an annulment. The party who is not impotent cannot have known about the problem at the time **_____________. What is the statute of limitations? Is there a right to a jury trial? **
- Of the marriage
- 5 years
- No right to a jury trial
What is the statute of limitations for seeking an annulment when the marriage is due to fraud, misrepresentation, duress, coercion, or force of any kind?
- 3 years, but lose bases upon discovery and continuance of marriage.
A party may seek annulment when there is a *persistent *mental illness lthat last for ____________.
5 years
To be valid, a separation agreement must:
- be in writing
- signed by the parties
- notarized
What are the grounds for legal seperation?
- Adultery
- Cruel and Inhuman treatment
- Abandonment
- Imprisonment for 3+ years of one of the spouses
- Failure to provide support
What is the statute of limitations for Legal Separation?
5 years
The contract cannot obligate the parties to give up __________ that they would otherwise be eligible for.
In a separation agreement, issues regarding __________ and __________ are always subject to the court’s review on _________________ (what factor?).
- Child Support
- Child Custody
- Best Interests of the Child
When can the parties use the separation agreement as a basis for a divorce?
If the parties remain separated for a full year. This is called a conversion divorce.
What happens when the separation agreement merges with the divorce judgment?
Only the court jugdment perists and a party seeking modification must show a substantial change in circumstances.