NWEL Flashcards
A delta has the following features
1) Naturally fertile sediments
2) Sufficient water
3) Transport routes
4) Very limited relief
Delta definition
accretion of clay, silt, sand that forms when a river debouches into a sea or lake. The velocity in a delta area is low and thus sedimentation occurs.
The NW European lowlands location
foot of the Rijns Massief and its formation has been due to tectonics, climate change, and sea level change over the past 14 million years.
the Cretaceous period time and happenings
145 -65 million years BP
sea water levels were high and the NW European lowlands was a shallow and warm sea where there was carbonate deposition
Paleogene- Neogene period (Tertiary) time and happenings
(65-2.6 million years BP) there was tectonic uplift of the Eifel and Ardennes and subsidence of the North sea basin with causes a tilt of the Netherlands since 14 million years BP. This subsidence is still going on in NL.
which Four rivers have contributed to the formation of the NW European lowlands:
1) Rhine
2) Meuse
3) Schelde
4) Eridanos (From Scandinavia)
What happened during the quarternary? (4 steps)
- First there was infilling of the North Sea basin by fluvial deposits from uplifted areas.
- Then there was large-scale building of a coastal plain, resulting in Delta formation.
- During the Late-Cromerian the Eridanos disappeared because of the presence of an ice sheet.
- Rhine deposits become dominant because of catchment growth through river capture.
When did the Rhine and Meuse start to flow to the West instead of the NW and why?
Saalian, 0.15 Ma BP
because of the presence of an Ice sheet in the North. First it was NW because of the sinking North sea basin.
consists of rocks, gravel and coarse sand and rolls over the bottom of the water column
Consists of fine sand, silt and clay particles that are suspended in the water column
Describe flow velocity patterns in a river
(deposition and erosion graph)
The flow velocity goes up there is more deposition of bigger particles. Because of cohesion this is the particle size that is deposited and eroded is first almost zero or very low. High cohesion in small particles. They stick together. A stronger force is therefore needed to erode them (a higher flow velocity).
Anastomosing river
Anastomosing Is a higher order channel pattern consisting of multiple interconnected channels that enclose relatively large islands, normally wetlands.
Braided rivers:
These rivers have a high stream power because of a high gradient and high discharge. There is much lateral erosion and that results in a wide braid plain. Bedload dominated, so mainly coarse sediment. This results in the formation of mid channel bars.
Meandering rivers:
These rivers have a moderately high streampower, focused on certain spots (buitenbocht). There is local lateral erosion and deposition. Common transports are coarse and fine sediments, so both bedload and suspended load. There is a fining upward sequence found. Deposition in inner bend (Scroll-bars) and erosion in outer bend. Oxbow lakes form when water finds a new faster way further and is cut off.
Straight rivers:
This river has low stream power and thus almost no lateral erosion. Suspended load dominates. Thea banks consists of cohesive sediments and thus erosion resistant. Not perfectly straight river, there is always slight winding.
River types in the NW European lowlands
The stream power is too low for braided rivers, they were there in the past (remnants in the South East). The meandering of the Rhine decreases downstream due to a decreasing gradient, increasing bank stability (clay and peat -> cohesion so hard to erode) and increased tidal influence. The splitting and rejoining of the river branches of the Rhine Meuse delta constitute an anastomosing river system. But this is on a very large scale.
terrace crossing
is a border between incision (upstream) and deposition (downstream), The location is determined by tectonics, climate and sea-level. Because of sea level rise the terrace crossing shifts upward.
sedimentation wedge
sedimentary fill downstream of the terrace crossing
sediments Downstream of terrace crossing
Young sedimentary layers cover old sedimentary layers
sediments Upstream of terrace crossing
Young terraces are located lower than old terraces
Important aspects of the representation of a river profile
a dynamic equilibrium between discharge sediment load and gradient and is disrupted by tectonics, sea level changes and climate change
Rivers in cold period
hardly any vegetation
snow-meltwater discahrge runs over permafrost, resulting in large pulses of sedimetn adn water
braided rivers in a wide plain
Rivers in warm period
much vegetation
relativley large discharge and low sediment load (high infiltration).
only main channels remain active (meandering)
Why does incision occur in transitions between warm and cold periods?
inbalance between water and sediment supply –> sediment hunger (water>sediment)
incision at cold to warm periods
sediment decreases, permafrost melts, vegetation appears.
the vegetation appears and hold the sediment in place and permafrost melts increasing the discharge.
incision at warm to cold transition
peak discharge increases, vegetation remains for some time.
the peak discharge increases because of snow melt water in the spring /summer.
what is the consequence of incision at climate transition points?
what happens in the landscape?
terrace formation - abandonment of part of a river plain.
How was the climate in the Late Weichselian?
climate fluctuations and instability
Terraces around the meuse
we see incision and terrace formation and a stepwise incision. Four terraces were formed during this period. Elevation differences often > 0.5 m and within the same terrace level <0.5 m. Form the Meuse multiple channels of the original braided river have incised causing an irregular landscape of terraces with several isolated valley plain terraces.
When was the Young dryas?
12,900 - 11,600 BP
What happened to the river terraces during the young dryas?
River dunes were formed
Natural levees
Natural levees form when there is deposition next to the channel bed during a flood. The thickest and coarsest sediment is deposited at the edge and further away from the streambed where velocities are low finer sediment is deposited. There is a fining upward sequence. Over time the natural levee becomes higher and it becomes harder for coarse fraction to reach the top.
A crevasse is a natural breach of a levee.
Crevasse splays
relatively coarse sediments deposited from a crevasse channel behind the levee in the flood basin. Gap in natural levee.
A sudden abandonment of a river channel and the formation of a new river channel due to breach of a levee.
Main causes for avulsion
- Decreasing discharge capacity of the main channel due to sedimentation within the river channel.
- The gradual formation of a new route through the flood basin, which has a gradient decrease. (Riverbed becomes higher compared to the natural levees and thus easier flow.)
Contributing factors for avulsion
- Ice jams
- Digging/ scouring by animals
- Strong erosion of outer banks in meander bends.
Avulsions may develop from crevasses
Many avulsions in Holocene Rhine Meuse delta went west to east over time. Why?
- Sea level rise (and thus position of the terrace crossing, which is more and more upstream).
- Discharge of water and sediments from hinterland (climate change).
- Position of faults (earthquakes etc.)
Full avulsion
The old channel bed downstream of the avulsion point is wholly abandoned
Partial avulsion
The old channel remains to carry water next to the new channel. An anastomosing river system develops. Both channels are active.
Avulsion belt
Area influenced by avulsion.
Alluvial ridge
Complex of natural levees and residual channels (old infilled river channels), which is elevated relative to the floodbasins.
Channel belt
Zone in which channel deposits of comparable age and origin occur. So where the channel has been in the past.
Brief explanation of modern embankments, floodplains and dikes
Because of the construction of dikes after 1100 AD the river channels are now fixed and embanked floodplains formed so no new avulsions are possible. However, high water levels may cause seepage behind the dike and there could be dike breaches during high water levels or a dike breach scour hole at the foot of the dike. A dike breach deposits relatively coarse sandy sediment on top of clayey subsurface.
Describe the Eastern River landscape
The eastern river landscape is characterized by age (pre-Holocene) and terrace landscape with relief of bars (high area) and channels (low area). Upstream of the terrace crossing old terraces lie higher than young terraces. River dunes were formed during the Young Dryass, cold and dry period.
Bars (different types)
unstable points in the river
scroll bar - ancient bar
point bar - actively forming
Reclamation of western river landscape up to middle ages
Along the Meuse we can find traces of Late stone age, Bronze age, Iron age and in particular Roman times. There was secondary dune formation on the top of the river dunes. In the Late middle ages, many land was used as arable land and led to drainage and defrorestation. Only the lowest areas remained untouched (swampy) forests.
landuse change for high lying sandy terraces
arable land (primarily asparagus: no gravel, humus poor, clay poor and rooting depth 100 -150 cm
land use change for high lying clayey terraces
arable land and orchards (relatively clayey) and roses and conifer cultivation (relatively sandy area)
land use change for low lying clayey terraces
Grassland and natural forest (alder and willow)
land use of river dune
pine forest, heather, birch and oak forest
LAND ID terrace landscape
Winding roads
Arable land and settlements (high)
Grass land and forest (low)
Irregular, blocky parcellation
LAND ID river dune landscape
Straight sandy roads
Heather and pine forest (dunes)
Arable land and grass land (terrace)
Central river landscape description
The higher locations of the central river landscapes have productive soils for agriculture and for this reason (and for keeping dry) early settlements were located here.
synsedimentary decalcification
The dissolution is highest at high CO2 tension. In the floodbasin during the deposition: soil water is saturated, vegetation roots produce CO2, immediate dissolution of calcium carbonate and washing out by water.
Parcellation around natural levees (central)
The parcellation at the natural levees consists of irregular blocks and that of the flood basin consists of wide strips. At the natural levees this is the most fair and at the floodbasin strips because of drainage by straight ditches.
The natural levees in this perimarine riverlandscape are narrower, lower and more clayey (compared to central) due to:
1) A lower river gradient
2) Tidal influence (gradient is lifted when tide is high)
3) Sediment depletion -> peat formation
The river basins in west are larger than centre due to:
1) Sediment depletion
2) Wide river plain
The coarser material cannot be deposited above the natural levee, only clay. Coarse sediment too heavy to transport.
Western river landscape: the agricultural landscape
An inversion landscape formed because of reclamation of the peaty floodbasins were drained which resulted in differential compaction. Elevation differences increased between alluvial ridge and floodbasin. Gradient of the river here 5 cm /km and in central river landscape 50 cm/km.
Distribution of peat in NL
There is more peatland in the North of Europe than in the South and is classified differently in different countries. 7.3 % of the Netherlands consists of peatland. Peatlands increasingly play a role in policy relating to climate change, biodiversity and other ecosystem services.
peat definition
peat is partially decayed vegetation or organic matter, accumulated in an anaerobic environment.
conditions required for peat formation
- The input of organic matter should be larger than decomposition.
- Geomorphology: flat landfrom, with accumulation of (rain) water, swamp formation
- Climate: precipitation surplus, temperature not too high (decomposition) and not loo low (no vegetation)
- Not too acid conditions (no vegetation growth) and not too calcareous (too much decomposition)
3 ways to classify peat
trophic class, hydrology, topograph
3 trophic classes of peat
eutrophic, mesotrophic, oligotrophic
based on the nutrient status of the water, which determines composition of peat-forming plants and thus the type of peat.
eutrophic peat
nutrient rich peat (muddy water, silt and clay present), pH range 6.4 – 8 and the C/N ration is <20 (rather low). Often groundwater fed. Dominant plant species: alder, reed, sedge
Mesotrophic peat
Intermediate nutrient rich peat (e.g. seepage and river /rainwater), pH range 4.8 – 6.4 and C/N ratio 20-60. Dominant plant species: sedge, birch
Oligotrophic peat
Nutrient poor peat, often rainwater fed (groundwater contains more nutrients), pH range <4.8 and C/N ratio >60. The dominant plant species for this type of peat is Sphagnum moss
Sphagnum moss
acidifies the environment. Self-regulating plant, it retains rainwater and grows into hummocks. It suppresses many other plant species and forms peat domes.
How does classification based on hydrology occur?
Position relative to the groundwater table. Fens and Bogs
Fens (1 word)
bogs (1 word)
Fens explanation
Low position in landscape, groundwater fed peat: topogeneous, nutrient status depends on groundwater quality (oligotrophic – eutrophic)
Bogs explanation
High position in the landscape, rainwater fed: ombrogenous, always oligotrophic.
Topography - high lying peat
High lying peat landscapes are often bogs from Pleistocene cover areas, because of poor runoff from flat landforms (plateau). -> Sphagnum peat
Topography - low lying peat
Low lying peat landscapes are often below 1 m NAP. Fens have formed because of sea level rise resulting in groundwater level rise. Western and Northern coastal landscape, also perimarine landscape.
4 types of peat profiles
1) Terrestrialisation peatlands
2) Plateau peatlands
3) River plain peatlands
4) Coastal plain peat
1) Terrestrialisation peatlands
Peat forms from open water (pond, lake or heathland fens) and becomes land. The open water is often nutrient rich or mesothrophic. A eutrophic / mesotrophic fens is formed. In the peat profile layers can be distinguished. The oldest layer (calcareous gyttja) consists of very fine plant residues and algae and may contain carbonate. Detritus is eroded peat and partly decomposed (aquatic) plant residues. Terrestrialisation can also happen in nutrient poor water consisting of accumulated rain or a heathland fens and may be colonised by sphagnum.
2) Plateau peatlands
origin is in the Pleistocene coversand areas, they are bogs and ofter rainwater fed and thus oligotrophic. They form because of poor runoff from the heathland fens or brook valleys.. The plateaus are overgrown. Terrestrialisation peatlands can become plateau peatlands. Formation of plateau peat from terrestrialisation peat, because of colonisation by Sphagnum.
3) River plain peatlands
Low lying peatland that is influenced by rivers so muddy water containing silt and clay. It is a fens and becomes more mesotrophic further away from the river. Where the river does not have influence any more it is coastal plain peatland.
4) Coastal plain peat:
Is not influenced by rivers. Oligotrophic fens and leads to bog formation.
Formation of river plain peatlands and coastal plain peatlands in low lying areas (step by step)
A) Marine deposits in the coastal plain (lagoon)
B) Coast line is closed because of beach ridge formation from 6000 BP. Formation of reed peat in brackish marine clay.
C) River clay deposited along rivers: river plain peat. And in closed coastal plain: reed grows first and than sedge and then sphagnum: coastal plain peat
D) Formation of peat domes (bogs) in the coastal plain: fens have become bogs.
Suitability of oligotrophic peat
peat cutting and turf preparation
Describe the perimarine, low lying peat landscape
- Flood basins: broad, eutrophic / mesotrophic river basin peat.
- Natural levee: very narrow compared to central river landscape, flat and low, clayey, perimarine.
The History of peat reclamation, settlements, and working (bit of an essay)
The first colonisation was on the natural levees about 1000 AD. Because the natural levees are very narrow they quickly moved also to the flood basins (river plain peatlands). The land was divided according to the ‘Cope’- parcellation with exact dimensions: 1250 m x 115 m. The ditches that mark the border of the strip parcels are very wide. The strips were parallel to the river and perpendicular to other strips. By signing the Cope contract you were allowed to do agriculture in name of Utrecht.
As soon as you start to use the area as arable land, subsidence takes place. Because of reclamation the groundwater level was lowered causing physical ripening, which causes the volume of peat to decrease. There was also oxidation (chemical ripening) which lead to the decomposition of peat. With wetter conditions, there is further drainage and further groundwater level lowering.
After the groundwater level lowering (and peat erosion) there was sea ingression and increased storm activity causing the formation of lakes. For this reason people started building dams and that’s how Amsterdam has formed
‘Cope’- parcellation
1250 m x 115 m