Intro Soil Geo Ch. 3 Flashcards
Where can the biggest changes in soil properties be seen?
top 30 to 1000cm
more than 75% of roots are located here.
how does soil differ from its parent material?
phase distribution, texture, colour, strucutre, mineralogical composition and presence of organic matter.
three soilphases
solid liquid, gas
mineral soil
less than 15-20% organic matter
organic soils
more than 15-20% organic matter.
examples of soil life
bacteria, fungi, protozoa, arthopods, earthworms.
calculation to find pore space.
100% - volume of solid%poros
why is porosity usually 50% instead of 25%?
aggregates - naturally occurring clusters of soil particles wiht relatively much space between them.
voids and channels created by roots and animals.
arrangement of soil particles.
primary minerals
quartz and silicates. usually present as sand and gravel.
secondary minerals
formed from primary minerals, those in sedimentary soils have arried in material eroded from upstream residual soils
residual soils
originate locally from in situ weathering of rock.
soil morphology
the soil’s visible and tactile properties including its architecture. It is determined by CLORPT.
soil horizon
layers parallel to the soil surfacethat have morphological, chemical, and usually physical and biological characteristics that differ from over and underlying layers. The vertical succession of soil horizons makes up a soil profile.
soil formation