NVG Closed Book Questions Flashcards
To remain current to act as PIC and carry pax within the preceding 2 months you must perform
6 NVG Operations
Stan Man- landing at unimproved areas require a min of PIC, SIC and one addtional crewmember utilizing NVGs (T/F)
NVGs are like binos, they magnify images (T/F)
The stages of the moon have no effect on NVGs (T/F)
Further info on flying the AW-139 with NVGs can be found:
Supplement 60 of the flight manual
Peripheral vision with NVGs does exist outside the 40 degree FOV as long as the SL in non-IR mode is used (T/F)
Pilots should always scan through NVGs and around them to pick up LED lights and color definition such as emergency lights IVO LZ or LE search area. Plus, wires may be ID’d by scanning through or around NVGs on final. A combination scan provides the best of both types of vision for hazards. (T/F)
Types of laser injuries to the eye can be:
All of the above
flash blind
impaired night vision
Unimproved areas are defined in the stan man as any landing area without an FAA designation (T/F)
The human eye at night primarily uses…
GT: (Night Roder)
The ability of a pilot operating with NVGs to estimate distances and perceive depth is limited. (T/F)
NVGs must be inspected to ensure that they are within the _________.
180 day inspection
After a flight conducting NVGs it may take up to _____________ to fully adapt
2-3 minute recovery to 30 minute adaptation
Spatial Disorientation that can occur during a flight with NVGs can be defined as:
All of the above
the inability to determine position, attitude, and motion relative to the earth’s surface
aircraft bank greater than 30 degrees
scanning technique consisting of rapid head movements
unfamiliar adaptation related to lack of NVG experience
Which items are non-functional when NVG mode is utilized in the cockpit?
All of the above
Main and Tail Rotor Lights
Strobe lights
If you have not completed your required 6 nvg ops within the last 2 months what do you have to do to become current?
You have 2 months more but cannot carry passengers
NVGs reduce the dangers from brown our or white out conditions (T/F)
You have just departed your LZ from a confined area and you are enroute to the hospital. What techniques can pilots employ to avoid impacting LED lighted towers that may be in your flight path?
Compensate by a combination of utilizing NVGs, TAWS and looking under and around the NVGs
As per the STC for the AW139 for NVG use minimum crew for landing at an unimproved site is
One pilot and one other trained person in the cockpit
The crew briefing should include for NVGs at a minimum: NVG aircraft lighting, NVG goggle failure procedures, CRM call outs for approaches i.e. ground speeds, AGL altitudes, and VSI greater than 300 fpm below 300’ AGL. (T/F)
Helicopter night vision google operating experience (HNVGO) is defined as:
___ Take offs and _____ landings _______ hovering tasks ______ area departure and arrival tasks _______ tasks transitioning from aided to unaided flight.
6, 6, 6, 6, 6
In regard to NVGs the term ABC means
Automatic Brightness Control
NVGs are expected to last (at room temps)
20-30 hours
Lack of oxygen reduces rod sensitivity (and hence night vision) above 4000 ‘ PA night vision is decreased. Smoking and hence having increased carbon monoxide in the blood causes at ground level the same effects as if you were flying at 5000’ PA. (T/F)
Limitations of NVGs are caused by the fact that NVGs utilize only the ____________ and therefore a constantly moving scan utilizing the stop-turn-stop technique to avoid obstacles is required.
Near IR Region
Flash blindness may take up to _______ minutes to recover
5-45 min
The Human eye takes an average __________ minutes for full dark adaptation.
30-45 minutes
LED lights can be clearly seen under NVGs (T/F)