Nutrition Screening Flashcards
Subjective Global Assessment
a nutrition screening tool that looks at history, intake GI symptoms, appearance, weight change
Nutrition Screening
using preliminary assessments to identify those who have malnutrition or are at risk of for it
all health care team can participate
to be effective, mechanism must be accurate based on SPECIFICITY & SENSITIVITY (identifying those w/o and those w/ the condition)
Cultural competence
ability to provide care to patients with diverse values, beliefs, and behaviors and tailor delivery to meet those needs
Mini Nutritional Assessment
for 65 years or older; evaluates independence, meds, # of full meals consumed, intake
Nutrition Screening Initiative
for elderly
Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index
- serum albumin and weight changes
Malnutrition Screening Tool
for acute hospitalized adult pop
- recent wt loss, recent poor intake
Nutrition Risk Screening
for med-surg hospitalized
- % wt loss, BMI, intake, > 70 years
Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool
- BMI, unintentional wt loss, effect of acute disease on intake for > 5 days
Nutrition assessment
makes comparisons between data collected and reliable standards
1) REVIEW data
2) Data is CLUSTERED for comparison w/ characteristics of a diagnosis:
- food/nutrition related history
- lab/medical tests
- NFPE findings
- anthropometrics
- client history
3) indicators are compared to IDENTIFIED STANDARDS
Diet history
intake assessment
present patterns of eating (do not ask leading questions)
Food record
intake assessment
record of everything eaten in a specific period of time
24 hour recall
intake assessment
mental recall of everything eaten in previous 24 hours
used in clinical settings
**underreport/overreport are concerns
Food frequency lists/questionnaires
intake assessment
how often an item is consumed
used in community settings
Anthropometric measurements
look at body structure
1) weight
2) weight change
3) triceps skinfold thickness (TSF)
4) arm muscle area (AMA)
5) BMI
6) waist circumference
7) waist/hip ration (WHR)
8) biolectrical impedance analysis (BIS)
9) bod bod / air displacement plethysmography (ADP)
formula that estimates desirable body weight
M: 106 lbs + 6 lbs( x additional inch over 5’)
F: 100 lbs + 5 lbs ( x additional inch over 5’)
- under 5’, subtract 5lbs (F) / 6lbs (M)
- small frame: subtract 10%
- larger frame: add 10%
% weight change
assess nutritional risk
(usual wt - actual wt) / usual wt x 100
considered significant if 10% loss in 6 months
Triceps skinfold thickness (TSF)
measures body fat and calorie reserves
Arm muscle area (AMA)
measures skeletal muscle / somatic protein
uses TSF and MAC
useful in identifying malnutrition in children
Body mass index (BMI)
compares wt to ht
(wt in lbs / in^2) x 703
wt in kg / m^2
healthy: 18.5-24.9
overweight: 25-29
obesity: >30
Waist circumference
predicts central adiposity
independent risk factor for disease when out of proportio to toal body fat
Waist hip ratio (WHR)
differentiates between android (male-type) and gynoid (female-type) obesity
M: >1
F: >0.8
indicates ANDROID & increased risk for DM, HTN
Bioelectrical impedence analysis (BIA)
evaluate fat free mass and total body water
*must be well hydrated
Bod pod / air displacement plethysmography (ADP)
measures body composition by determining body density
NFPE step
uses sight, smell, and hearing to assess pt
ex. fluid status, skin integrity, wound healing, feeding device, jaundice, ascites
If hair is thin, sparse, brittle…
Vit C & protein deficiency
If hair is easily pluckable…
protein deficiency
If eyes pale, dry, poor vision
Vit A, Zn, or riboflavin (B2) deficiency
if lips swollen, red, dry, cracked
riboflavin (B2) , niacin (B3) deficiency
if gums sore, red, swollen, bleeding
Vit C deficiency
If teeth, loss of enamel, loose
Ca deficiency, poor intake
If skin, pale, dry, scaly
Fe, folic acid, Zn deficiency
If nails, brittle, thin, spoon, shaped
Fe or protein deficiency
NFPE step
gather data via touch
ex. tenderness, rigidity, edema, skin integrity, body temp
NFPE step
listen to bowel using stethoscope
normal: gurglin, high-pitched
hypoactive: may indicate ileus or peritonitis
hyperactive: may indicate diarrhea or obstruction
NFPE step
search for obstruction/ascites
*not done by RD
Serum albumin
maintains fluid balance
range: 3.5 - 5 g/dl
*low albumin: edema
*high albumin: dehydration
Serum transferrin
transports Fe to bone marrow
> 200 mg/dl
*if Fe low, transferring production is high
*used to assess anemia
Transthyretin (TTHY)
Prealbumin (PAB)
picks up changes in PRO status quickly
*not useful in assessment
Retinol binding protein (RBP)
binds and transports retinol
circulates with pre-albumin
Hematocrit (Hct)
volume of packed cells in whole blood
***w/ Hgb, can evaluate Fe status
Hemoglobin (Hgb)
iron-containing pigment of red blooc cells
M: 14-18 g/dl
F: 12-16 g/dl
Pregnant: > 11
*** w/ Hct, can evaluate Fe status
Serum ferritin
indicates size of Fe storage pool
Serum creatinine
related to muscle mass
measures somatic protein
M: 0.6 - 1.2 mg/dl
F: 0.5 - 1.1 mg/dl
*w/ BUN, may indicate renal disease