Nutrition Review Flashcards
What is the function of protein?
Growth and repair of the body cells.
Provides energy.
Growth and development.
Build and repair muscles.
What are some sources of protein?
LBV- Fortified cereals,nuts ,pulses
What is a high biological food?
If the food contains all the essential amino acids it is said to have a high biological value.
What is a low biological food?
If the does not contain all the essential amino acids it is said to have a low biological value.
What are some alternatives to protein?
Soya,mycoprotein, quinoa
What is a deficiency of protein?
Can delay growth in children.
Delay the healing of wounds.
Protein energy malnutrition occurs in developing countries and mainly affects young children.
What is excess of protein?
Can be harmful to kidneys and liver.
If we don’t use the protein we consume for energy it will be stored as excess fat
Functions of fat.
Protection of vital organs.
For energy.
Source of fat-soluble vitamins(A,D,E,K).
Source of essential fatty acids(omega 3 and 6).
How much energy does protein provide per gram?
How much energy per gram does fat provide?
What are some animal fat sources?
Meat products like sausages.
Oily fish like tuna or salmon.
What are some vegetable fat sources?
Vegetable and plant oils like olive and sunflower.
Avocados and olives.
Nuts and nut products like peanut butter.
Seeds like sesame seeds.
What is visible fat?
Fat can be visible on some foods such as a fat layer on the outside of lamb or pork.
Sometimes you can see the fat inside meat as white marbling.
What is invisible fat?
Some fats are invisible and cannot be seen easily because they have been used to make the product.
Crisps,biscuits and cakes contain invisible fat.
What can eating too much saturated fat do?
Can lead to obesity and coronary heart disease.
Foods that are high in saturated fat will contain cholesterol.
A combination of saturated fat and cholesterol can lead to a build-up of fatty deposits around the heart.
What are some ways to reduce intake of saturated fat?
Choose lean cuts of meat.
Choose low fat versions of cheese and butter.
Check the label for fat content.
Cut off visible fat.
Grill/oven/bake foods rather than frying.
Increase fibre rich foods.
Reduce the amount of margarine/butter used.
Buy foods in brine water rather than oil.
When frying food, try to cook with a little water.
Use herbs and spices instead of sauces.
What are the 2 types of unsaturated fat?
What can monounsaturated fat help with?
What are some sources?
Lower blood cholesterol.
Reduce the risk of diabetes.
Lower risk of cancer.
Avocados,cashews and peanuts.
What are the 2 essential fatty acids?
Omega 3-mackerel,salmon,walnuts,soybeans.
Omega 6-sunflower oil,walnuts,sunflower seeds,corn oil.
What do essential fatty acids help with?
Help reduce blood cholesterol levels which can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.
How much energy per gram do carbohydrates give?
What are the energy levels that are distributed?
What are carbohydrates needed for?
Providing energy.
Can provide fibre which helps with digestion and fills us up and keeps blood sugars at a constant level.
Help fuel our brain,heart muscles and main nervous system.
Carbohydrates should stop the use of protein as an energy source so that the protein can continue its primary function for growth and repair.
What are some foods that are high and low in fibre?
High-wholemeal bread,brown rice,brown pasta,potato with skin.
Low-white bread,white rice,white pasta,potato without skin.
Why are starchy foods better than sugary foods?
Starchy foods contain other nutrients-B vitamins in pasta or vitamin C in potatoes. Starchy foods are generally not empty calories.
Starchy foods provide slow-releasing energy and this helps to control blood sugar levels.
This is particularly useful for people with diabetes. Sugars on the other hand release energy quickly.
Starchy foods full you up for longer as many are good sources of dietary fibre.
This prevents unnecessary snacking on junk food.
Why should young children avoid too many fibre-rich foods?
Full of fibre can make it difficult for them to meet their other nutritional needs.
What are empty calories?
Foods that provide no nutritional value but a high energy count.
What are some sources of sugar?
Many foods and drinks contain sugars such as fruits and vegetables.
Processed foods such as breakfast cereals,biscuits,cakes,jam,confectionery and sweetened soft drinks.
What amount of energy is recommended from sugar intake?
Ways to reduce tooth decay?
Brush your teeth twice a day.
Floss your teeth.
Visit your dentist twice a year.
Drink fizzy drinks with a straw.
Cut back on sugary foods.
Don’t add sugar to your tea or coffee.
Ways to reduce sugar in diet?
Read labels-sugar is often hidden in foods.
Buy tinned fruit in its own juice,not syrup.
Don’t add sugar to your tea and coffee.
Reduce the sugar amount in recipes.
Avoid sugar coated cereals.
But low sugar products.
Use alternatives to sweeten food such as bananas,apples,dried fruit.
Eat less chocolate,biscuits and cakes.
Avoid sweetened drinks-drink water instead.
Consume less processed products.
How many grams of sugar per day?
30g of sugar a day