Nutrition In Renal Dz Flashcards
Can special diets prevent renal disease?
Can you alleviate ureamic signs related to kidney disease?
Can you slow progression of renal disease?
Nutritional aspects of managing renal disease?
- protein
- calories
- phosphorus
- potassium
- nsodium
- fibre (bacteria ferment and also take up ammonia and urea)
- fatty acids
When should diet be changed with renal disease?
After they have been fixed in hospital and gone home - long term benefits don’t need to be implemented straight away
When may appetite stimulants be useful?
- not during hospitalisation
- once at home
What are the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids?
- potential appetite stimulant
- lots of benefits
How can adequate intake be ensured when animal is inappetant
- feeding tube
- discuss quality of life if d/t chronic kidney failure
Rational for protein restriction
- minimise nitrogenous waste
- control azotaemia (anorexia, V+, gastritis etc)
> problem - if implemented too early renal repair is problematic
- exacerbation of malnutrition and cackexia (catabolic state)
What level of azotaemia warrants protein restriction?
- not clearly defined
- common recommendation BUN >27g/l
- if chance diet early more likely to eat the diet
Typical protein levels in maintainance diet. What is protein restriction
Other than CKD when may protein restriction be useful?
> glomerulopathy
- protein losing nephropathy
- proteinuria perpetuates glomerular injury
- dont over restrict
Other than protein restriction what can help in protein losing nephropathies?
ACE inhibitors and fish oil
- help restore charge to membrane in kidney
Does protein restriction help renal patients?
- can alleviate some uraemia signs
- high protein diets do not cause renal damage!!!
When is phosphorus restriction commended?
- as soon as hyperohosphataemia early in dz
- may also need phosphorus binders with food
- content usually parallels protein levels
Does potassium go up or down with CKD?
- up
- CKD pateints need potassium restricted (evidence for v mort rates and prevention of 2* renal hyperparathyroidism)
How can renal acidosis be treated?
Sodium bicarbonate (though cats not likely to eat this) - prescription diet
How is sodium implicated in renal disease in animals?
- not the same as man w.r.t. Sodium chloride
- currently no evidence that NaCl restriction helps animals
How does fibre affect renal disease?
- lowers BUn in rodents
- enhanced colonic degradation of urea and ammonia (^ resident bacteria to ferment fibre)
How is acid base status affected by kidney disease?
- acidaemia common in advanced acute kidney failure
- acidaemia causes catabolic state (ubiquitin-proteosome system)
- protein breakdown requires energy and worsens negative energy state
- metabolic acidosis enhances progression of renal failure by promoting renal amoniagenesis and activating alternate complement pathway -> renal injury
Which fatty acids are good for you?
Omega 3
Omega 6 usual fat source, worse for you
Why are omega 3 fatty acids helpful in kidney disease?
Renal disease causes constant state of inflammation
- arachadonic acid pathway breaking down cell membrane -> inflammatory signals
- if omega 6 incorporated into cell membrane instead then when it is broken down the inflammatory mediators are less potent
> ratios used to be thought to be important, not thought anymore
> not know if all forms of kidney disease benefit
Positive effects of omega 3 FAs?
- v inflam
- lowers systemic arterial pressure
- alters plasma lipid concentration
- alters blood flow
- lowered glomerular pressure
- improves appetite??
- preserves renal function
Supplementation recommendations for omega 3 FAs?
EPA 40mg/kg/d
DHA 25mg/kg/d
> concentrated fish oil supplements (for medical doses)
1 capsule per 4.5kg body weight
Can you reverse BUN levels in chronic kidney failure?
Does renal disease always require diet change?
No - spectrum of disease
How is caloric intake associated with renal disease? How can this be addressed?
- inapetant d/t kidney dz -> malnourishment
- do not try and change food immediately
- just get them to eat anything you can
- ## IV fluids and gastroprotectants