Nutrition & Health Flashcards
What are the criteria for a nutrient to be classified as indispensable/essential?
- Must be required for growth, health or survival
- Absence/deficiency of substance in diet will lead to characteristic signs of deficiency disease
- Growth failure & signs of deficiencies can only be prevented by:
a. The nutrient itself
b. A precursor of nutrient - Not synthesised in the body & is required for critical function in body
- When intake is below a critical intake level - the growth response & severity of signs of deficiency is proportional to amount consumed
What are the exceptions to the criteria for nutrient classification as indispensable/essential?
- Some can be synthesized in the body from a precursor (e.g. VitA or Niacin)
- De novo synthesis in the body (Vit D from sunlight)
- Synthesis by microbes in the gut (Vit K)
What are examples of dispensable/non-essential nutrients?
- Non-essential Amino Acids
- Specific fats/CHO
- Alcohol
- Food additives
What are 2 non-essential nutrients that still have health benefits?
- Fluoride:
o Low dosages = prophylactic decrease in dental cavities
o Too much leads to fluorosis - Fiber:
o Insoluble (whole wheat, bran):
- NB for gastro-intestinal function
- Prevents constipation & colon cancer
o Soluble (oat bran):
- Fermentation leads to short chain fatty acids which :
• Provide energy for colonocytes
• Decrease plasma cholesterol
• V important in moderating the comp of microbiome
What are conditionally essential nutrients?
Essential in some populations but not in others
What are examples of populations with conditionally essential nutrient needs?
- Premature infants:
o Have immature metabolic enzyme systems
o They can’t synthesise/digest all the nutrients needed - Hyper-catabolic patients:
o Increased protein degradation
o Decreased protein synthesis
o i.e. Glutamine use > Glutamine production
What are Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)?
Is a collective term, including:
- Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) - Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) - Adequate Intake (AI) - Tolerable upper Intake Level (UL)
What is the Estimated Average Requirement?
- Intake that meets the estimated needs of a nutrient of 50% of individuals in a specified gender group, at the given life-stage.
- Includes an adjustment for an assumed bioavailability of respective nutrient
- Used for setting the RDA
- Insufficient scientific evidence for EAR -> no RDA set
What is the Recommended Dietary Allowances?
- Intake that meets the nutrient needs of almost all individuals in that gender group, at the given life-stage
- EAR + 2SD (standard deviations)
- RDA applies to individuals, not to groups
- Goal for dietary intake for the individual
What is Adequate Intake?
- Experimentally derived intake levels or approximations of observed mean nutrient intakes by a group of healthy people, who have normal circulating nutrient blood concentrations, growth, or other functional indicators of health.
- AI recommendation when scientific evidence is inadequate to set an EAR
- Indicates that substantially more research is needed to established EAR & RDA
What is the Tolerable Upper Intake Level?
- Max nutrient intake by an individual, which is unlikely to pose risks of adverse health effects in almost all individuals in a specified group.
- Set to protect the most sensitive individuals in the healthy general population
- Applies to chronic daily use
- Not a recommended level of intake
- Contains NOAEL & LOAEL
When did Tolerable Upper Intake Levels become necessary?
When food fortification occurred/became mandatory in many countries & Supplementation became available on the market (allowed people to meet these max levels).
What is a NOAEL?
- No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level (NOAEL):
o Highest intake/experimental oral dose of a nutrient at which no adverse effects have been observed in the individuals investigated
o This does not mean that there is no potential for adverse effects with such a high intake.
What is a LOAEL?
- Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level (LOAEL):
o The lowest intake at which an adverse effect has been identified.
o If insufficient data to set a NOAEL - use LOAEL as guideline.
What are the applications of DRIs?
- Can use it to plan or assess a diet
- DRIs were purposefully developed for applying standards to groups & individuals - before they only had the RDA which was only for groups of people who were healthy and not any single individual.
- Food Labels