Nutrition exam 1 Flashcards
Physical and chemical processes that occur inside the cells of the body that maintain life
Citric acid cycle
occurs in mitos and is aerobic
conversion of excess glucose to glycogen
conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver or in absence of G6P in muscle
formation of glucose from non-carb sources; mainly in liver except during starvation when kidneys assist
Maple syrup disease
Lack of enzyme needed to metabolize aa; build up cause maple smelling urine/sweat, seizures, neuro changes; treat with dialysis, B1 injections, nix leucine, isoleucine, valine; common in mennonites
Gaucher’s disease
build up of glucocerebrosides in tissue, common in Ashkenazi jews; enlarged liver/spleen, brownish pigmentation (Type 1,2,3); treat with enzyme replacement therapy
MCAD deficiency
Deficiency of medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase; occur due to low sugar; confusion/coma, weakness, vomiting, seizures; treat with glucose at birth, eat often, high carb/low fat diet; supplement with carnitine
Glycolysis produces
two pyruvate and ATP
Krebs cycle produces
30 (ish) ATP
chemical rxns in cells, regulates transfer of nutrients, H2O balance, normal heartbeat, nerve transmission; absorbed in intestines; adrenal glands; muscle contractions, BP, growth, nerve impulses, healthy skin; stroke prevention
130mg; extracellular fluid (.5 osmotic strength of plasma); H2) alance, transition of fluids and blood pH; works with K+; absorbed in stomach and s. intestines; proper digestion, nerve function, muscle contractions
stomach acid, transmit nerve impulses, regulate H2O, acid-base balance, required for B12 and iron absorption;, stops growth of microorganisms in stomach, activates amylase
formation and maintenance of bones, teeth, healthy gums, blood clotting, muscle growth, protein DNA/RNA, energy, break down fats, cell membrane permeability, neuromuscular activity, stops lead from being absorbed
neuromuscular activity of heart/rhythm, cofactor in >300 enzyme systems, necessary for Ca/Vit C, P, K, Na, B vits, E vit metabolism; blood sugar->energy, testosterone/progesterone; RNA/DNA