Nutrition and Cancer(s) Flashcards
What is cancer?
uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body
What are some characteristics of cancerous cells? (7)
– Escape normal growth signals
– Can replicate indefinitely, can form tumors
– Can avoid programmed cell death (apoptosis)
– Can alter energy metabolism
– Can avoid immune surveillance
– Can invade other tissues (metastasis)
– Can develop a blood supply (angiogenesis)
What are some synonyms of cancer?
malignant tumors, neoplasms, carcinoma
What are benign tumors?
not cancerous, do not invade and metastasize
What is the etymology of cancer?
“Cancer”is from the latin cancri = crab and the greek
carcinos = crawfish
What does Prefix“onco-”andsuffix“-oma” mean?
malignant massor = tumour
– oncology = science that studies cancer
– ex: melanoma = cancer of the skin
What is the 3-step classic view of carcinogenesis?
Initiation –> DNA damage
Promotion –> initiated cells proliferate
Progression –> preneoplastic cells develop into invasive tumors
What is the multistage modern view of carcinogenesis?
- mutations inactivates tumor suppressor genes
- cells proliferate
- mutation inactivates DNA repair gene
- mutation of proto-oncogene creates an oncogene
- mutation inactivates several more tumor supressor genes
- cancer
What are proto-oncogenes?
promote cell growth and division
What are tumor supressor genes?
inhibit cell growth and survival
What are some strategies to block carcinogenesis?
anti-initiation strategies
anti-promotion/progression strategies
What are anti-initiation strategies? (4)
- alter carcinogen metabolism
- enhance carcinogen detoxification
- scavenge electrophiles/ROS
- enhance DNA repair
What are anti-promotion/progression strategies? (6)
- scavenge ROS
- decrease inflammation
- suppress proliferation
- enhance apoptosis
- enhance immunity
- discourage angiogenesis
What are the components of gene expression?
- genotype
- penetrance
- epigenetics
- phenotype
What is genotype?
an individual genetic structure based on his/her DNA
What is phenotype?
expression of the genotype: observable characteristics
What is penetrance?
the power at gene would be expressed
if we have a certain gene mutation and if it has high penetrance then it will have an affect on the phenotype
What is epigenetics?
- Modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.
- Environment including nutrition
What is a mutation? What are the types? Give example
structural change in the base pair sequence of DNA
– Inherited: eg. BRCA1 gene ↑ risk of breast and ovarian cancer
– Due to exogenous factors
What is a polymorphism?
- the presence of genetic variation within a population, upon which natural selection can operate
- structure of the gene varies among individuals (weaker but more common than mutations)
What is a single nucleotide polymorphism? (SNIPs)
- a variation in a single base pair in a DNA sequence.
- may affect the response to exposures
What are epigenetic changes? Give examples
affect gene structure, function and expression
– DNA methylation (hypermethylation of the promotor region of tumor suppressor genes → silencing)
– Acetylation of the histones → affects chromatin folding
What are nutritional genomics and proteomics?
interactions between diet and genes and their products
bioactive food components that can act in the gene expression
most of the effect will happen after the genomic DNA
What are the major contributors of cancer?
tobacco 30%
diet & obesity 30%
genetic background 5%
lack of exercise 5%
Give examples of nutrients affecting gene functions (5) and explain each
• Oxidative damage to DNA may be:
–Increased by carcinogens found in foods, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron
– Decreased by antioxidant nutrients (Vit. C&E) or cofactors in antioxidant enzymes (selenium, copper)
- Direct role of folate in DNA synthesis, repair and methylation
- Vitamins A and D interact with promoter regions of many genes, and regulate cell proliferation and differentiation
- A group of nuclear receptors (PPARα) is activated by oxidized fats
- Catechins (found in green tea, apples and chocolate) and flavonoids affect gene expression in cell culture