Nutrition 6: Vitamin Deficiencies Flashcards
Fat soluble vitaminsa and water-soluble vitamins
ADEK: fat-soluble vitamins
B and C: Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A deficiency
Deficiency effects, benefits, sources
Retinol is vitamin A:
Deficiency is associated with:
Ocular effects (poor night vision), dry eyes and risk of infection
Night vision, immune system, healthy skin
Fish liver oil, raw eggs, liver pates
Retinol is teraogenic, should not be used in pregnancy or breastfeeding. Should be avoid sources
Vitamin C Deficiency
Deficiency effects, benefits, sources
Ascorbic acid is vitamin C
Deficiency is Associated with:
scurvy, gingival bleeding, petechiae (purple spots in skin)
Aids iron absorption, promote wound healing, improves common cold
Sources: Oranges, peppers, tomatoes, blackcurrants
Vitamin D deficiency
Deficiency effects, benefits, sources
Calciferol is vitamin D and is available in many forms.
Vitamin D2 - ergocalciferol
Vitamin D3 - cholecalciferol
Vitamin D is hydorxylated by the kidneys into their active form. Already hydroxylated forms can be given in renal imapirement, these are: alfacalcidol and calcitrol
ricketts, Osteomalacia,
Insufficient sunlight
Needed for absorption of dietary calcium. Maintains calcium and phosphate levels. Healthy bones and teeth
Nausea and vomiting occuring in calciferol supplements
Check plasma calcium concentraton as it may indicate toxicity
Vitamin E deficiency
Deficiency effects, benefits, sources
Tocopherol is vitamin E deficiency
Powerful antioxidant and protects the body from oxidative stress. Inhibits platlet aggregation. Interacts with warfarin as it increases bleeding
Plants oil such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, wheat germ
Vitamin K deficiency
Phytomenadione is vitamin K. This promotes blood clotting
As it is a fat soluble vitamin therefore in fat malabsorption such as liver disease, vitamin K deficiency can occur.
Menadiol is a water soluble version of vitamin K can be given in liver impairement
All neonates are given vitamin K to prevent neonatal intracranial haemorrhage and as they typically have low levels of vitamin K.
INTERACTS with warfarin as it antagonises its effect.
Source: Green leafy vegetables
Vitamin B1
Cause, benefits, source
Thiamine is vitamin B1
Alcoholics with liver cirrhosis are typically vitamin b1 deficient can lead to Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
Vitamin b1 injections are associated with anaphylaxis - resuscitations facilities must be available
Benefits: Vitamin B1 release energy from foods
Sources: Fortified cereals, wholegrain
Vitamin B2
Benfits, source
Riboflavin is vitamin B2
Benefits: Healthy skin, nerves and eyes
Sources: Milk, Eggs, fortified cerelas and rice
Vitamin B3
Benefits, source
Niacin is vitamin B3. It is available as nicotinamide (preffered over nicotinic acid which causes vasodilation)
Benefits: reduces cholesterol, healthy skin and eyes
Souces: meat, fish, wheat flour, eggs, milk
Vitamin B6
deficiency, benefits, source
Pyridoxine is vitamin B6
associated with peripheral neuropathy. Pyridoxine deficiency can occur with isoniazid and penicillamine. Pyridoxine can be co-prescribed to prevent this
Helps PMS, helps make neurotransmitters, haemoglobin
Fortified foods, chicken, vegetables
Vitamin B7
benefits, source
Biotin is Vitamin B7
Benefits: strengthens hair and nails
Sources: Range of foods, vegetables, whole cereals
Vitamin B12
treatment, benefits, source
Cobalamin/hydroxocobalamin is vitamin B12
Typically used to treat megaloblastic anaemia. This form of deficiency is common in vegans
Benefits: Healthy nervous system, makes red blood cells, processes folic acid
Meat, salmon, fortified cereals
Vitamin B types
Thiamine - Vitamin B1
Riboflavin - vitamin B2
Niacin - Vitamin B3
Pyridoxine - Vitamin B6
Biotin - vitamin B7
Cobalamin/hydroxocobalamin - Vitamin B12
The Rythm Nearly Proved being Contagious
Folic acid in pregnancy
Folic acid is taken by pregenant women to reduce the risk of neural tube defects e.g spina bifida
Folic acid dose in pregnancy
400mcg once daily before conception and until week 12 of pregnancy
If a women is in a high-risk group, the dose should be:
5mg once daily before conception and until wek 12 of pregnancy
Women with sickle cell disease must take folic aicd throughout the whole of the pregnancy
Women in high-risk groups for neural tube defects
- anti-epileptic medication
- Diabetes mellitus
- Previous infant with neural tube defects
- Sickle cell disease
- Patients who are obese