Nutrition Flashcards
2 major category of data collctn in dietary assessment
Most accurate method in diet ass
Weighing method
What is inventory method
Common in popltn found in institutions wherein food comes from a common kitchen
2 ex of interview method
24h diet recall
Diet history
Used method to obtain CURRENT dietary info
24h diet recall
Used in epid to see general dietary pattern instead of current
Diet history
Purpose of biochemical studies? Such as obt serum and urine concentrations?
Establish malnutrition in its preclinical stage
Simple and practical method of ascertaining nutri status of individuals
Clinical exam
Reflect changes in morphological variation dt inapprop food intake
Anthropo assessment
Most widely reproducible anthropo measuremnt
Good indicator for chronicity of any debilitating illness
How to make out dwarfism or short stature?
Use mclaren classification
Muac is measured how?
Bet olecranon and acromion
mUAc tool that uses 3 visual zones
Shakir tape
Shakir tape says 13cm
Mild to mod
Mild >13.5, severe, 12.5
Subq fat is measured
Skinfold thickness
Sites for Sft?
Triceps, biceps, subscapular, suprailiac
Diff rao index from BMI?
Rao index uses CM2 in denominator
Generally interpreted as an indicator for present nutri status
Wt for ht
Common classifications of nutri disorders in phils
Protein energy malnut
Micronutrient def
Community nutrition survey
Dietary assessment
Presence of edema due to poor nutri. Means sickness of the weaning.
Means wihtering or wasting
Which pem has high plasma cortisol and low insulin
What are u der NOH?
Overall goal
Strat objectve
Indicators +targets
Strategic objective of NOH?
Proportion of people suffer fr hunger and malnut reduced
Indicators of NOH
Provides framework for inproving nutri stat of filipinos
PPAN or phil plan of action for nutri
definition of malnutrition
deficiency, excess, or imbalance of energy, protein and other nutrients that causes measurable effects in tiissue, function and clinical outcome.
acute undernutrition
chronic form
stunting rank?
wasting rank?
current situation of malnutrition?
decrease in all forms except overweight
malnutrition caused by 3 factors?
household food security,
access to services
child caring
what is food security?
access by all people at all times to enough food, in terms of amt, quality and diversity without risk of loss to this access
one of the oldest and widely used classifications of nutri status
modified GOMEZ to include edema
Bengoa modification
classification based on MUAC
use of kanawati index?
if with calamities
nutrtional assessments are divided into two:
indirect methods?
Vital health stat
dietary assessment
basis for food formulation of food programmes and EMERGENCY rationing
food balance sheet method
for long term nutritional adequacy
height for age
give two differences of marasmus and kwashiorkor besides edema?
fatty liver - kwashiorkor
older infants - kwashiorkor
most common form of severe Iodine def
overall GOAL of NOH
- PEM and IDA are reduced
- VAD and ID are eliminated as public health problems
- nutritional risk factors and its effects are managed
goal of PPAN
contribute to improving quality of HR base to reduce child/maternal mortality
the addn of essential micronut
food fortification
the provision of pharma prepared vitamins
micronut supplementation
the adoption of practices thru education
diet diversification
micro supplementation recommended to what popln?
0-59 months
priority in special conditions such as?
malaria and schisto endemicity
-micronut deficiency!
3-pronged strategy to combat microbnutrient deficiency?
micro supplementation
food fortification
diet diversification
define RDA
level of nutrient intakes that are adequate to maintain health
a strat to encourage manufacturers…
sangkap pinoy seal
food fortified examples?
salt - iodine - 6 ppm
sugar - vit A - 175 RE
2 laws that are passed in food fortifcn?
ASIN law
Food fortification law
Guiding principles of Ppan?
Evidence based interventions
Good governance is at center of nutrition impvmnt
Compare gMP from OPT
Gmp - serial weighing
Omp - annual mass weighing lf preschoolers