Nutrition Flashcards
Loss of appetite
Enzymes or organic molecules; help protect the body from harmful chemicals called free radicals
Form of arteriosclerosis characterized by accumulation of fats or minerals deposits on the inner walls of the arteries
Basal metabolism rate
The amount of energy needed to maintain life when the subject is at complete rest
Bland diet
Diet containing only mild flavored foods with soft textures
Unit of measurement of the fuel value of food
Calorie controlled diet
Both low calorie and high calorie used for over weight patients
Group of chemical substances including sugars, cellulose and starches nutrients that provide the greatest amount of energy in the average diet
Fibrous form of carbohydrate
Fat like substance synthesized in the liver and found in the body cells and animal fats
Diabetic diet
Used for patients with diabetic mellitus
Physical and chemical breakdown of food by the body in preparation for absorption
Essential nutrients
Those elements in food required by the body for proper function
Fat restricted diet
Diet with limited amounts of fats or lipids
nutrient that provides the most concentrated form of energy