Nutrient Cycling Flashcards
What is ammonification?
Decomposes excrete proteases and deaminases to decay dead organisms. Proteases digest proteins. Deaminases remove NH2 groups from amino acids and reduce them to NH4+.
What is nitrification?
Ammonium ions are converted to nitrites and nitrates.
Nitrosomonas convert ammonium to nitrite
Nitrobacter convert nitrite to nitrate.
Why does nitrification require aerobic conditions?
It is an reduction reaction as oxygen is gained.
What is denitrification?
The loss of nitrogen from the soil. Psuedomonas convert nitrates to nitrogen. It requires anaerobic conditions as it is reduction.
What is nitrogen fixation?
The conversion of nitrogen to ammonium ions. Azotobacter is a nitrogen fixing bacteria and rhizobium in plant nodules also does this.
Why is leg-haemoglobin in root nodules?
Nitrogen diffuses into the nodules and nitrogenase catalyses the reaction to form NH4+. It requires ATP so needs aerobic conditions. The reaction is poisoned by oxygen, so the oxygen immediately binds to the leg-haemoglobin.
How does rhizobium enter root nodules?
Radicles and rhizobium secrete chemo attractants. Radicles grow towards rhizobium and rhizobium use flagella to move towards radicle. Rhizobium invade cortex and the rapid reproduction makes the swelling which is the root module.
What non-biological processes have an impact on the nitrogen cycle?
Leaching of minerals remove nitrogen from the soil
Give 5 ways humans impact the nitrogen cycle.
- Ploughing soil
- Draining land - air can enter soil
- Artificial nitrogen fixation - haber process
- Animal waste - releases N2 compounds into soil
- Planting fields of legumes - encourages nitrogen fixation
Why is animal waste beneficial to soil?
- Improves soil structure
- Improves soil fertility
- Encourages microbial activity
- Improves plant nutrition
Why does ploughing soil affect the nitrogen cycle?
Aerated the soil so favours nitrogen fixers, nitrifying bacteria and plants roots can aerobically respirate to make ATP.
Describe the process of eutrophication. (6)
- Algal bloom
- Sun can’t get to plants so plants die
- Decrease in animal diversity because no plants
- Algae die. Saprobiontic fungi decompose them, they are aerobic so create a biochemical oxygen demand.
- Upper layers of water become deoxygenated, fish die
- Anaerobic bacteria flourish. Release gases
How do farmers reduce quantities of nitrates?
- Restrict amount of fertiliser
- Only apply fertiliser when crops are actively growing
- Leave a small strip at least 10m wide next to watercourses
- Dig drainage ditches.
How do drainage ditches decrease the effect of eutrophication?
The minerals concentrate in them and eutrophication happens there, so natural watercourses aren’t disturbed.
What has caused the increase in CO2 in the air?
- Burning fossil fuels releases CO2 previously locked up in them
- Deforestation removes photosynthesising biomass that would remove it