Nutrient Cycling Flashcards
What is nitrogen mineralization and immobilization? Under what kind environment, one process will have a advantage on another process?
Simply diagram and interpret the nitrogen cycle in terrestrial ecosystem. (like Figure 9.6)
Microbes involve most part of nitrogen cycle. How they response to increased nitrogen deposition?
What are the relative magnitudes of atmospheric inputs and mineralization from dead
organic matter in supplying the annual
nitrogen uptake by vegetation?
If Earth is bathed in dinitrogen gas, why is
the productivity of so many ecosystems
limited by availability of nitrogen? What is
biological nitrogen fixation? What factors
influence when and where it occurs?
What are the mechanisms by which nitrogen is deposited from the atmosphere into
terrestrial ecosystems?
What are the major steps in the mineralization of litter nitrogen to inorganic
forms? What microbial processes mediate
each step and what are the products of each
step? Which of these processes are extracellular and which are intracellular?
What ecological factors account for differences among ecosystems in annual net
nitrogen mineralization? How does each of
these factors influence microbial activity?
What determines the balance between
nitrogen mineralization and nitrogen immobilization in soils
. What factors determine the balance
between plant uptake and microbial uptake
of dissolved organic and inorganic nitrogen
in soils?
How do ammonium and nitrate differ in
mobility in the soil? Why? How does this
influence plant uptake and susceptibility to
leaching loss?
What is denitrification and what regulates
it? What are the gases that can be produced,
and what are their roles in the atmosphere?
What is the main mechanism by which
phosphorus enters ecosystems?
What factors control availability of phosphorus for plant uptake? Why is phosphorus availability low in many tropical soils?
Why are mycorrhizae so important for
plant acquisition of phosphorus?