Nursing Management: CONTROLLING Flashcards
Is the process by which managers assures that the actual expenditures & activities conform to plan.
It is assessing/regulating performance in accordance w/ the plans that have been adopted, the instructions issued & the principles established.
Characteristics of an evaluation tool
means that the evaluation tool is free from bias.
It should be objective
Characteristics of an evaluation tool
refers to the accuracy or precision of the tool that if administered twice, it will produce the same results.
It should be reliable
Characteristics of an evaluation tool
refers to the relevancy of the measurement to the performance of the employee.
It should be valid
Characteristics of an evaluation tool
means the ability of the measured fine line differences among the criteria being measured.
Its should be sensitive
It is a continuous flow between measuring, comparing and action
Control process
Nursing Rounds
Quality Assurance
Nursing Audit
- is essentially the activities & techniques employed to achieve and maintain the quality of a product service or processes
- it includes monitoring activity but it is also concerned w/ finding & eliminating causes of quality problems so that the requirements of the costumer are continuously met.
Quality Control
- pt./client/family satisfaction of nursing care
- facilities & climate
- methods used to deliver nursing care
- outcome of nursing care
Focus of Quality Control
is an on-going repetitive process w/ the actual frequency dependent on the type of activity being measured.
- Nursing care of pt. is monitored continuously
- Formal performance appraisal – done only twice a year
Measurement of Performance
It is a control process in which employees’ performance are evaluated against standards.
It is the most valuable tool in controlling human resources & productivity.
Performance appraisal
Methods of Measuring Performance
w/c consist of :
a. Incidental observation of work performance
b. Responses made workers during conferences
c. Noting the interaction of workers with the clients, their families, visitors & co-workers
Informal appraisal
Methods of Measuring Performance
is accomplished regularly & methodically by collecting objective facts that can demonstrate the difference between what was expected & what was done.
Formal Appraisal
Formal Appraisal
the Appraiser writes a paragraph or more covering the worker’s strengths, weaknesses & potentials
Methods of Measuring Performance
- contains compilation of all nursing performance expected
of a worker.
The appraiser’s task is to place a checkmark in the appropriate column whether the worker does or does not show the desired behavior.
Methods of Measuring Performance
- In simple _______ the evaluator ranks the employees according to how he or she talked w/ respect to certain aspects of performance or qualifications.
Methods of Measuring Performance
- it includes a series of items representing the different tasks or activities in the nurse’s job description or the absence or presence of desired behavior & the extent to w/c these are possessed.
Rating Scales
Methods of Measuring Performance
The Evaluator is asked to choose from the statements that best describe the nurse being evaluated.
The items are grouped that the evaluator is forced to choose from favorable as well as unfavorable statements & to counterpart the tendency towards leniency of some evaluators.
Force choice comparison
Methods of Measuring Performance
- describes the nurses experience w/ a group or a person or in validating technical skills & interpersonal relationship.
It should include:
- description of the particular occasion
- delineation of the behavior noted including who, what, why, when, where, & how.
- evaluator’s opinion or estimate of the incident or behavior.
Anecdotal Recording
Assures patient of an acceptable standard of care provided for them.
-A problem solving process that systematically assesses the quality of care & corrects any defect that is observed.
-is the measurement of the actual level of service provided plus the efforts to modify when necessary. (by William Some)
Quality Assurance
Methods of quality assurance
a. Concurrent, Open chart or Benedicter
- is one in w/c patient care is observed & evaluated
- a review of the patient charts while the patients are still confined in the hospital
- observation of the staff as patient care is given
Patient care audits
-is one in w/c patient care is evaluated through:
1. A review of discharged patient’s charts
- Questionnaire last or interviews conducted on discharged patient
Retrospective audits
Methods of quality assurance
Peers (employees of the same profession, ranks & setting) may do patient care audits evaluating another’s job performance against accepted standard.
Peer review
Methods of quality assurance
- A group of workers doing similar work meets regularly, voluntarily, in normal working time, under the leadership of their supervisor, to identify, analyze and solve work-related problems & so recommended should implement the solution themselves.
Quality Circles
- is created & composed of a representative form all levels of the nursing staff
- member of the training staff 3. Head/senior nurse
- supervising nurse 4. Staff nurse
In smaller Hospitals:
Chief nurse may be a member
Assistant of the committee
Control resources
of the utilization of materials & supplies in the various nursing units.
Periodic review
Control of resources
should be proportionate to the number of patient (dressing, treatment done, injection given, etc.)
Consumption of supplies and materials
should be avoided to prevent pilferage (steal), misuse or spoilage.
Requisition of/or stocking a large number of supplies & materials
Part of controlling process in management is
- Any employee charged for break of the rules & regulations, policies, norms of conduct shall be given the corresponding due process.
Disciplinary action