Nursing communication Flashcards
therapeutic communication
-positive, beneficial interactions that focus on patient
- focus is on client’s specific needs
- unacceptable to express inappropriate anger and humor
- effective change of information
- positive effect on nurse-patient helping relationship
social communication
-information interactions amongst friends, neighbors, acquaintances
- involves mutual sharing of ideas, opinions, feelings
- can express appropriate or inappropriate anger, humor, etc
- has little effect on nurse-patient helping relationship
non-therapeutic communication
-negative, harmful interactions that are not focused on the patient’s needs
- does not focus on patient or health topics
- crosses boundaries of acceptable interactions
- adverse effect on nurse-patient helping relationship
5 levels of communication
1) intrapersonal -self talk
2) interpersonal -one-on-one, face-to-face
3) small group
4) public
5) electronic
2 forms of communication
1) verbal
2) nonverbal
verbal communication (+ aspects that are important in nursing communication)
-spoken or written words
- vocabulary
- connotative and denotative meaning
- pacing
- clarity
- timing
connotative vs. denotative meaning
connotative- personal, cultural meaning (quirky: odd, but in a fun way)
denotative- literal, dictionary meaning (quirky: having a particular trait)
nonverbal communication (+ aspects that are important in nursing communication)
- transmission of messages or signals through a nonverbal platform
- receiver “hears” nonverbal message as true message
- eye contact
- gestures
- posture
- facial expressions
4 phases of a helping relationship
1) pre-interaction
- review pt. data, anticipate health concerns
2) orientation
- begins nurse-patient relationship
- assess health status, determine pt. goals, establish trust
3) working
- RN and pt. work together to solve problems, meet goals, ask questions
4) termination
- ending of nurse-patient relationship
- relinquish responsibility, summarize care
nurse’s decision making is _______: each patient has different needs
Lateral violence (and how to stop it)
- workplace bullying
- adversely affects work environment
- skills in conflict management
- assertive communication
- calmly address behavior and ask for it to stop
- document details
- involve management
personal space
the distance people require their interactions with others
intimate, personal, social, and public space (and their distances)
intimate 0-1.5 ft -parents with children, whispering, ppl who wanna touch
personal 1.5-4 ft -family and friends
social 4-14 ft -communication in social, work, business setting
public 12-15 ft - speaker and audience, small groups
difference between basic communication and therapeutic communication?
- goal directed
- non judgemental
- defined rules and boundaries
- focused on client
5 “key” concepts of professional nursing communication
1) confidentiality
2) respect
3) assertiveness
4) advocacy
5) professional boundaries
non therapeutic technique: closed ended questions
- asking closed ended questions that can be answered with yes or no
- does not give patient ability to elaborate or respond
non therapeutic techniques that DISCOUNT patient feelings
nurses belittling patient experience
- offering false hope
- generalized responses (yup, sounds good)
- comparing pt. experiences
- using terms of endearment
- being defensive
Factors influencing communication process
- development - children use shorter sentences, older ppl allow more time to answer
- lack of personal space
- culture
- environment
- interpersonal attitudes
- values
how to display active listening (physically)
- nodding
- eye contact
- leaning forward
- facing forward
- facial expressions that are animated
- statements indicating interest “please go on”, etc
why to use silence as communication technique
- shows concern for patient in challenging situation
- gives patient time to think/reflect
- reduce tension
-“being present without words”
why to use touch as communication technique
- demonstrates empathy
- offers emotional support and comfort
why are “I” statements important
- takes responsibility
- avoids putting ppl on defense
- makes it OUR needs, OUR feelings
- allows for direct communication
therapeutic communication technique:
using open-ended questions
-asking broad questions that invite pt. to explore, describe, elaborate thoughts and feelings
-“tell me more about that”
“go on”
“are you saying ….”
therapeutic communication technique:
providing general leads
-using statements or questions that encourage client to speak or choose topic
where would you like to begin
what would you like to talk about today
therapeutic communication technique:
being specific and tentative
-making specific statements rather than general
-making tentative statements rather than absolute:
•“Rate your pain on a scale of 0-
•“Are you in pain?” (general)
•“You seem unconcerned about your
diabetes.” (tentative)
•“You don’t care about your diabetes and
never will.”( absolute)
therapeutic communication technique:
- shows active listening
- clarifies pt. meaning
-•Client: “It’s no use.”
•Nurse: “You’re pretty discouraged.”
therapeutic communication technique:
seeking clarification
the nurse lets the client know that
what was said was unclear:
• “I didn’t understand what you said.
Would you please repeat it ?”
therapeutic communication technique:
perception seeking
A method similar to clarifying
-verifies the meaning of specific words
rather than the overall meaning of the
“My husband never gives me presents”
• “ You mean he has never given you a
birthday present?”
• “Well-not never.”
therapeutic communication technique:
offering self
Suggesting one’s presence, interest, or wish
to understand the client without making any
demands or attaching conditions that the
client must comply with to receive the
nurse’s attention:
•“I’ll sit with you for awhile.”
•“I’ll stay here with you.”
therapeutic communication technique:
self disclosure
Self-disclosures are subjectively true
personal experiences about the self that
are intentionally revealed to another
“That happened to me once, too. It was
devastating. I went to counseling and it really
helped…What are your thoughts about seeing a
therapeutic communication technique:
giving information
Providing, in a simple and direct manner,
specific factual information the client may or
may not request:
•“Your surgery will be at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow.”
•“I don’t know the answer to that question but I
will find out and get back with you this
therapeutic communication technique: acknowledging
Giving recognition, in a nonjudgmental
way, of a change in behavior, an effort the
client has made, or a contribution to a
•“I notice you keep squinting your eyes. Are
you having difficulty seeing?”
•“You took a shower all by yourself today.
therapeutic communication technique:
he nurse selects one topic for exploration
from several topics presented by the client:
•“You mentioned several things that you
like about your new medication. What
do you like best about it
therapeutic communication technique:
REFLECTING ideas, feelings, questions, or content
back to clients to enable them to explore their
own ideas and feelings about a situation:
•Client: “What should I tell my doctor?”
•Nurse: “What do you want to tell your
therapeutic communication technique:
The nurse briefly states in an orderly manner
what was discussed. The purpose is to ensure
that the client and nurse are in agreement
about what was said, what decisions were
made, and closure:
•“Let me review the steps with you for coughing
and deep breathing.”
•“Have I got this all straight?”
speech style similar to baby talk
-conveys the message of dependence and incompetence in older adults
does not communicate respect
ex: inappropriate terms of endearment (diminutives) inappropriate plural pronoun use tag questions slow, loud speech
hearing impaired patients - how to communicate
o Hearing-impaired patients Hearing aid • See if they are used, are they charged Minimize background noise Stay within 3-6 feet Face patient so they can read lips Use whiteboard
how to communicate with visually impaired patients
Describe location of objects
Use analog clock descriptions to specify location and for eating
Communication tools like Braille, large print, audiobooks
Announcing presence, speaking before touching
Explain procedures or assessments in more detail
how to communicate with patient’s impaired consciousness
- Comatose, semi-comatose, under anesthesia, partially anesthetized, sedated, or seemingly unaware of their surroundings
- Continue to communicate and teach patient as though the patient could hear
- Always speak before touching or providing care
- Observe for nonverbal pain signs or restlessness
how to communicate with pt. with ventilators or tracheostomies
- Use gestures, like nods, shrugs, eye movements that communicate meaning
- Assistive devices that help interpret eye movement
how to communicate with dementia patients
- Ask family for strategies
- Do not confront or continually reorient patient – can aggravate
- Reminisce with patient
- Distract patient with activity – walking, folding clothes
- Accepts errors rather than continually correct
motivational interviewing
- technique that encourages patient to share thoughts, beliefs, fears, and concerns with the aim of changing their behavior
- guided communication
- focuses on patient’s strength and supporting strengths to make change
ex: use info on pt.’s personal goals to promote their adherence to plan –want to quit smoking, use behaviors to make goal
empathy verses sympathy
empathy - ability to understand and accept another person’s reality
- sensitive
- establishes trust
- involves putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and understanding WHY they may have these particular feelings
sympathy - concern, sorrow, pity
- not as therapeutic
- understanding from your own perspective
non-therapeutic communication technique: changing subject
- changing the subject from what patient wants to talk about
- demonstrates lack of empathy and blocks further communication
non-therapeutic communication technique: giving unwanted advice
disrespectful and presumptive to insert your opinions and ideas when they may not be wanted
“you should really stop smoking. don’t you know it’s bad for you?”
“if i were you”
non-therapeutic communication technique:
-unthoughtful WHY questions
“Why would you do that?”
“Why do you feel that way?”
“Why are you so self-destructive?”
non-therapeutic communication technique:
approving or disapproving
denouncing or inappropriately approving the client’s behavior or ideas