NUR 101 Med Math Review Flashcards
What do the abbreviations mcg and gtts stand for?
micrograms and drops
What do the abbreviations mg, L, g, kg, lb, tsp, tbs, stand for?
Milligrams, Liters, grams, kilograms, pounds, teaspoon, tablespoon
What does the abbreviation BID stand for?
twice per day
what does the abbreviation TID stand for?
three times per day
what does the abbreviation QID stand for?
four times per day
what does the abbreviation HS stand for?
hour of sleep
what does the abbreviation ‘stat’ mean?
what does the abbreviation PRN mean?
as needed
what does the abbreviation NPO mean?
nothing by mouth
what does the abbreviation PO stand for?
by mouth
what does the abbreviation a.c stand for?
before meals
what does the abbreviation p.c mean?
after meals
dosage rules
-do not use trailing zeros (write 5 mg and not 5.0 mg
-use leading zeros for dosages less than one (write 0.4 mg and not .4 mg)
-spell out the word ‘units’, do not use abbreviations
-use proper abbreviation for milliliters
what are the seven rights of drug administration?
person, drug, dose, time, route, reason, documentation
Routes of administration: Oral (PO)
by mouth
routes of administration: buccal (buc)
the inner lining of the cheek
routes of administration: sublingual (SL)
under the tongue
routes of administration: intradermal (ID)
top layers of the skin
routes of administration: subcutaneous (SQ)
into the subcutaneous tissue
routes of administration: intramuscular (IM)
into the muscle
routes of administration: intravenous (IV)
into the vein
routes of administration: inhalation
inhaled through the mouth or nose
routes of administration: intranasal
through the nasal mucosa
routes of administration: Opthalamic
on the tissue of the eye
routes of administration: Intraauricular
into the ear
routes of administration: intravaginal
into the vagina
routes of administration: rectal
into the rectum
routes of administration: tropical
on the surface of the skin
routes of administration: transdermal patch
applied to skin surface
Rounding: numbers less than five:
stay the same
Rounding: numbers greater than 5
get rounded up
Rounding: when rounding, you round to the nearest…
Rounding: When rounding drops (gtts)..
they can never be a decimal, must always be rounded to a whole number
Conversions: 5 mL=
1 tsp
Conversions: 15 mL
1 Tbsp
Conversions: 30 ml=
1 oz
Conversions: 240 ml=
1 cup (8 oz (fluid ounces))
Conversions: 2.2 lbs=
1 kg
1 ounce is equal to
“a glass of water” is equal to
180 ml (6oz) or 240ml (8oz)
1 inch is equal to
2.54 cm