Numeros Flashcards
What is the Spanish word for zero?
cero (seh-roh)
What is the Spanish word for one?
uno (oo-no)
What is the Spanish word for two?
dos (dohs)
What is the Spanish word for three?
tres (trehs)
What is the Spanish word for four?
cuatro (kwah-troh)
What is the Spanish word for five?
cinco (seen-koh)
What is the Spanish word for six?
seis (seh-ehs)
What is the Spanish word for seven?
siete (see-eh-teh)
What is the Spanish word for eight?
ocho (oh-choh)
What is the Spanish word for nine?
nueve (nweh-veh)
What is the Spanish word for ten?
diez (dyehs)
What is the Spanish word for eleven?
once (ohnce)
What is the Spanish word for twelve?
doce (doh-seh)
What is the Spanish word for thirteen?
trece (treh-seh)
What is the Spanish word for fourteen?
catorce (kah-tor-seh)
What is the Spanish word for fifteen?
quince (keen-seh)
What is the Spanish word for sixteen?
dieciséis (dyeh-see-seh-ehs)
What is the Spanish word for seventeen?
diecisiete (dyeh-see-see-ch-teh)
What is the Spanish word for eighteen?
dieciocho (dyeit-see-oh-choh)
What is the Spanish word for nineteen?
diecinueve (dyeh-see-nweh-veh)
What is the Spanish word for twenty?
veinte (vayn-teh)
What is the Spanish word for twenty-one?
veintiuno (vayn-tee-oo-no)
What is the Spanish word for twenty-two?
veintidós (vayn-tee-dohs)
What is the Spanish word for twenty-three?
veintitrés (vayn-tee-trehs)
What is the Spanish word for twenty-four?
veinticuatro (vayn-tee-kwah-troh)
What is the Spanish word for twenty-five?
veinticinco (vayn-tee-seen-koh)
What is the Spanish word for twenty-six?
veintiséis (vayn-tee-seh-ehs)
What is the Spanish word for twenty-seven?
veintisiete (vayn-tee-see-eh-teh)
What is the Spanish word for twenty-eight?
veintiocho (vayn-tee-oh-choh)
What is the Spanish word for twenty-nine?
veintinueve (vayn-tee-nweh-veh)
What is the Spanish word for thirty?
treinta (trehn-tah)
What is the Spanish phrase for thirty-one?
treinta y uno (trehn-tah ee oo-no)
What is the Spanish phrase for thirty-two?
treinta y dos (trehn-tah ee dohs)