Las Partes Del Cuerpo Flashcards
What is the Spanish term for ‘head’?
la cabeza
Pronunciation: (lah kah-beh-sah)
What is the Spanish term for ‘neck’?
el cuello
Pronunciation: (ehl kweh-yoh)
What is the Spanish term for ‘shoulders’?
los hombros
Pronunciation: (los ohm-bros)
What is the Spanish term for ‘arms’?
los brazos
Pronunciation: (los brah-sos)
What is the Spanish term for ‘hands’?
las manos
Pronunciation: (las mah-nohs)
What is the Spanish term for ‘chest’?
el pecho
Pronunciation: (ehl peh-choh)
What is the Spanish term for ‘abdomen’?
el abdomen
Pronunciation: (ehl ahb-doh-men)
What is the Spanish term for ‘hips’?
las caderas
Pronunciation: (las kah-deh-ras)
What is the Spanish term for ‘legs’?
las piernas
Pronunciation: (las pyeh-rnas)
What is the Spanish term for ‘feet’?
los pies
Pronunciation: (los pee-eh-s)
What is the Spanish term for ‘back’?
la espalda
Pronunciation: (la eh-spal-dah)
What is the Spanish term for ‘stomach’?
el estómago
Pronunciation: (ehl es-toh-mah-goh)
What is the Spanish term for ‘muscles’?
los músculos
Pronunciation: (los moos-koo-lohs)
What is the Spanish term for ‘nails’?
las uñas
Pronunciation: (las oon-yas)
What is the Spanish term for ‘hair’?
el cabello
Pronunciation: (ehl kah-beh-yoh)