Numbers/Rates Memorization Flashcards
Charges or misconduct reported to CFP Board
30 days
May appeal DEC ruling
Within 30 days
28% of gross income
Monthly debt %
36% of gross income
Kiddie tax unearned standard deduction
$1,150 standard deduction
$1,150 at kids rate 10%
Excess unearned income at parent’s rate
Kiddie tax earned income
Greater of $1,150
or earned income +$400
Primary residence home sale gain exclusion
$500k married
$250k single
18 months COBRA
Voluntary/involuntary termination
Full to part time transition
Employees dependents
36 months COBRA
Death, Divorce, Separation, eligible for Medicare, spouse+ dependents
Loss of dependent status, dependents with status change
Disability covers x% of earned income
50%- 60%
Unemployment benefits duration
Up to 26 weeks
13 week extension in high unemployment periods
Disability qualifying event
29 months
Expected to last not less than 12 months
Most disability policy elimination periods
90 days
Inform simultaneous death act
Deaths within 120 hours = predeceased
Health FSA contribution limit
$2,850 annually
Dependent care FSA reimbursement max
$5,000 per year
Accredited investor
$1mm net worth
$200k annual single income
$300k annual married income
Frivolous return penalty
Negligence tax underpayment penalty
20% of underpayment
Tax fraud penalty
75% of underpayment
Failure to pay taxes penalty
0.5% per month, max 25%
Failure to file taxes penalty
5% per month, max of 25%
Avoid penalty on tax underpayment, pay ->
90% of current year tax liability
100% of prior year or
110% of prior year of MAGI $150k+
Self employment tax
1/2 deductible
Insurance premiums paid in group coverage tax-free up to
$50k of coverage
Tax-free benefit for dependent care
Tax-free employer educational assistance
Tax free employer assisted adoption benefits
Tax- free employer subsidized parking
$280 / month
Tax-free discount to employees on company products
20% discount on selling price to customers
State and local tax
Personal property tax
Real estate tax
Limited deduction
$10k combined
These 3 itemized deductions are limited to $10k combined
State and local sales tax
Personal property tax
Real estate tax
Mortgage interest deductible (on mortgage base balance)
$750k married
$375k single
Improvements only
Medicate tax
2.35% on wages over $200k
1.45% on wages up to $200k