Lists/Rules Flashcards
Begin mode calculator
College tuition paid
Retirement benefits received
Family needs
End mode calculator
401(k) deferrals
Profit sharing contributions
Bond interest paid
Mortgage payments
Participating Policy Dividend Option
Cash option
Premium reduction
Accumulated with interest
Purchase paid up additions (whole)
One year term insurance (5th dividend)
Nonforfeiture options (insurance)
Cash value surrender
Reduced paid up insurance
Paid up term insurance
Settlement options (insurance)
Lump sum cash
Interest only option
Installments for a fixed period
Installments for a fixed amount
Life income (annuity)
Gross Income Inclusions
B) ordinary income / taxable interest / wages / salary/ tips / IRA Dist
C) business income / loss, pensions, annuities
D) Capital gains / losses, alimony before 2019
E) real estate / punitive damages, unemployment income, taxable social security
Gross income exclusions
Child support
Muni bond interest
Workers compensation payments
Compensatory damages
Adjustments to gross income -> AGI
IRA Contributions
Student loan interest
HSA contributions
Keogh or SEP
Self employment tax (0.07065)
Alimony after 2018
100% self employment health insurance
Military moving expense
Early withdrawal penalties
$4k educational expenses
Taxable fringe benefits
Health insurance premiums paid for self- employed, partners, or 2% owners of S Corporation are taxable income
Itemized deductions (schedule A)
Medical dental qualified LTC (>7.5%)
State and local sales tax
Personal property tax
Real estate tax
Mortgage ins. Qual. Residence (<$100k AGI)
Home mortgage interest
Charitable gifts
Investment interest (margin)
Casualty loss (declared area)
Self employment income wage base
Net schedule C income
Travel / entertain / other exp. Deducted
Board of directors fees
Part time earnings
General partnership income
Property classes (depreciable assets)
5-year= computers, autos, light duty trucks (1245 property)
7-year= office furniture and fixtures (1245 property)
27.5-year = residential rental property (1259 property)
39-year = non residential real property (1250 property)
Not AMT Deductible
(Add back)
Incentive stock options (ISOs)
Property. State, city income and sales tax (limit combined $10k)
AMT Preference Items
Private-activity Muni bond
Oil and gas % depletion/ excess Intangible drilling costs, % depletion (excess depletion over adj. basis)
Depreciation (MACRS, ARCS) NOT straight line
Transfer for value exceptions
Sales to insured
Corporation whew insured is a shareholder of officer