numbers Flashcards
What do PCP trips do?
They cause bizarre behavior, suicides, and violent crimes
What do LSD trips do
They can cause flashbacks - trips that happen after the first trip without more LSD
How many FDA approved drugs are smoked?
Average percent of Marijuana that is THC
Drug Classifications
Narcotics, Stimulants, Sedative Hypnotics, Hallucinogens, Marijuana, Inhalants, Anabolic Steroids
Patterns of Drug Use/Stages of Dependency
Experimentation, Desired Effect, Tolerance, Denial, Drug Dependency
Why do addictions occur?
Nature of the Person - physical/genetic nature, curiosity, peer pressure, self-esteem; Nature of the Drug - Euphoria: Sense of great well-being and pleasure caused by the drug; Consequences from Society - society or family that tolerates abuse, encourages it
How do you reduce your risk of cancer?
Self Exams; Doctor Tests; Avoiding alcohol, STIs, tobacco, exposure to dangerous chemicals, airborne fibers, air pollution; Knowledge of family cancer history; Desirable weight; UV Radiation
What does CAUTION stand for?
Change in bowel/bladder habits, A sore that doesn’t heal, Unusual bleeding/discharge, Thickening or lump in a breast or elsewhere, Indigestion or difficulty swallowing, Obvious change in a wart or mole, Nagging cough or hoarseness
How does cancer develop?
Exposure to carcinogen or initiator, Initiator enters cells, Cells’ genetic material changes, Promoter speeds development, Cells multiply, Tumors develop, Malignant tumor grows and spreads to surrounding tissue, Metastasis occurs
7 Ways HIV is Transmitted
Sexual contact, Contaminated needles, Bodily fluids, Blood transfusions, Organ transplant, Mother with HIV, Open mouth Kissing
5 Types of Pathogens
Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Protozoa, Helminth
What is the Immune System composed of?
Body organs, Tissues, Cells, Chemicals
3 Major Changes to Make in Your Diet
Trans Fats to Oils, Meats to Lean Meats, White Grains to Whole Grains
6 Nutriesnts
Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Water
What influences what we eat and drink?
Personal preference, Ethnicity, Learned behavior, Convenience and price, Habit
4 Food Areas in the Dairy Group
Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Non-dairy Calcium Alternatives
3 Things you can do to make your plate better
Half your plate should be fruits and vegetables, Half your grains should be whole, Switch to fat free, skim, or 1% milk
5 areas of MyPlate
Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Lean Protein, Dairy
What are the current USDA guidelines? with 5 food groups; Different shape and associated with food to grab consumer attention; “My” continues personal approach from MyPyramid
What were the USDA guidelines in 2005? What did they include?
MyPyramid Food Guidelines System with 5 food groups; Redrawn form of 1992 Pyramid, Included exercise
What percent of rape victims know their offender
9 Types of Violence
Bullying, Fighting, Assault, Suicide, Homicide, Sexual Harassment, Rape, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence
6 Leading Causes of Death From Ages 15-24
Unintentional Injury, Suicide, Homicide, Cancer, Heart Disease, Birth Defects
4 Most Common Accidental Deaths
Unintentional Poisoning, Motor Vehicle, Unintentional Fall, All Unintentional Injury
What percent of teen deaths occur on Friday and Saturday?
How much does having 2 friends and 3+ friends in your car affect your risk of a fatal car accident
2 times and 4 times
How long is the average time texting takes your eyes off the road?
5 seconds
How many teens die each day in motor vehicle accidents?
10 Advertising Appeals and Explanations
Brand Loyalty, False Image, Scientific Evidence, Humor, Glittering Generality, Bandwagon, Progress, Reward, Sex, Testimonial
How do you keep your mental health stable?
Learn to come, Find time to have fun, Spend time with friends and family, Limit stress
Describe someone with good Family-Social Health
Develops friendships, Helps others, Strong bond with family, Socializes well
Describe someone with good Physical Health
Regular doctor visits, Avoids harmful behavior, Aware of infectious diseases, Prevents lifestyle diseases, Sleeps, Maintains a good weight, physical fitness, and diet
How can contracting a communicable disease impact your future? Include 4 of the 5 areas of the health triangle and give 2 examples of each.
Physical: Can die, Be forced to stop working and go on welfare; Mental: Lose self esteem, Feel useless; Emotional: Depressed, Feel like you failed and lost; Social: Lose friends, Alienated by family
Explain different ways you can contract HIV/AIDS, what happens to your body when you contract it, how someone is diagnosed with AIDS, and what the symptoms are.
Sex, kissing, contaminated needles, bodily fluids, blood transfusion, organ transplant, mother with HIV; It disables the T cells; When they have less than 200 T cells; Inability to fight off infections
How can your diet help prevent cancer? Include the four guidelines and examples of foods you should consume to help prevent cancer.
Avoid carcinogens in meat, coffee, tobacco; Eat antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, colorful food; 4: Avoid obesity, Fruits and vegetables, Limit fat consumption, No alcohol
Explain 4 ways drug abuse impacts society economically and socially
E: Takes money from poor people who need it to advance in society, Takes money from the economy; S - Makes people outcasts to their families and friends, Keeps people from getting jobs and contributing to the advancement of everyone as a whole
Think of a scenario where you are being pressured or offered to try an illegal drug to escape your problems. Explain how you would handle this situation, and use refusal skills we went over as part of your answer.
New possible friend wants to get to know you better, offers a free try of his supply; explain how many people die every day and how it would hurt my health
Pretend you just came upon an unconscious person laying on a bike path. Write down the steps in order that you would follow to help this person until professionals arrive. They will need adult CPR.
Check the scene, Check for life signs, Call 911 and get an AED, Begin CPR at a rate of 100-120 bpm with 2 breaths per 30 chest compressions, After 5 cycles, check for life signs, Stop when professionals arrive, too tired, someone else takes over, scene is unsafe, obvious life signs, AED is available
Explain 6 ways on how to improve your health status in order to live a long, healthy life. Explain the components or states of the health triangle and give 2 examples from each area from your own life that will help to improve your overall health status.
M/E - Health of my mind: Control stress, Choose to look at the bright side of random events; F/S - Health of my relationships: Surround myself with people who are against using drugs, Explain my feelings to others; P - Health of my body: Educate myself about the risks of my family genes, Avoid getting myself in dangerous situations (Reference the factors that positively/negatively affect health status)
Give an example of an advertisement to show how we are influenced through media or culture. Please use 2 of the 10 advertisement appeals to explain your answer.
Old Spice uses sex and comedy
How can being a victim of violence impact your mental, emotional, social, and physical state of well-being?
P: Can become disabled; M: Can make you feel weak and powerless; S: Looked down upon or pitied; E: Depressed
What are 5 factors that positively and negatively affect your health status?
Heredity, Environment, Random Events, Behaviors, Communication Skills
Explain how legal consequences of an unsafe practice will affect personal freedom, future education, career, and transportation. How does it affect your physical, mental, and social components?
If you text and drive… PF: Go to jail for homicide; FE: Rejected by colleges; C: Fewer accepted applications for jobs; T: Driver’s license revoked; P: Lose limbs; M: PTSD; S: Lose friends
What is the age and weight someone is considered an adult for having an AED used on them?
9 years or older or over 55 pounds
Best chance of survival for a victim of cardiac arrest is in the first…
4 minutes