Numbers Flashcards
Between 1980 and 1990 the number of licensed motor carriers more than double to over ___
Book Page 8
In 2020 the trucking industry hauled ____ ___ tons of freight transported in the U.S.
10.23 billion tons
page 9
In 2020 the trucking industry hauled ____% of the nation’s freight bill transported in the U.S.
page 9
In 2020 the trucking industry was a $____ industry
723.3 Billion
page 9
Significant Legislation
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) provides over $__ billion in funding for surface transportation programs for fiscal years 2013 and 2014
Book Page 11
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act authorizes $_____ in new funding over five years for surface transportation programs
477 billions
page 12
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act authorizes $____ for highways
347.5 billions
page 12
What % did the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act boost above levels set by the Fact Act
page 12
The Fast Act authorized $____ over fiscal years 2016 through 2020 for highway
$305 billion
page 11
Significant Legislation
In 2009, the United States unilaterally stopped the Demonstration Project and, shortly thereafter, Mexico established compensatory tariffs on a variety of U.S. exports to Mexico. These tariffs are estimated to have cost American businesses an estimated $___ billion
$2.4 billion
Book Page 12
Significant Legislation
For over ____ years, the US and Mexico struggled to implement NAFTA trucking provisions.
Book page 12
FMCSA issued certificates of standard and provisional operating authority registration to the ___ Mexican domiciled motor carriers who participated in the Pilot Program at its completion
Book Page 13
A __ day comment period, negotiations between the U.S., Mexico and Canada commenced
90 day
Book page 13
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), Reported that there were _______ bridges in 2020
Book Page 27
As of 2020 there were how many good bridges
Book Page 27
As of 2020 there were how many Fair bridges
Book page 27
As of 2020 there were how many poor bridges
Book page 27
Approximately $_____ is given by FHWA annually to assist transportation agencies to plan, design, build, repair, rehabilitate and inspect bridges and structures
$ 7 million
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What is the % of bridge growth since 2015 ?
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How many more bridges are there in 2020 than in 2015?
page 27
The National Highway System is only comprises ____% of the nation’s roads
Book page 26
The National Highway System carries more than ____% of all vehicle traffic
Book page 26
The growth rate in highway vehicle miles traveled had exceeded ___% for every five years period in the 1960’s
Book page 26
VMT grew steadily in the 1980s by ____%
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VMT grew steadily in the 1990s by ___%
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VMT grew steadily in the 2000s by ___%
Book page 27
The National Highway System carries ____% of heavy truck traffic
Book page 26
What was VMT in 2020?
291 trillion
page 27
What was the VMT in 2015?
3.11 trillion or 3.10
page 27
What was the % of decrease in VMT from 2015 to 2020
page 27
What was the % growth of VMT from 2010 to 2015
page 27
What was the VMT in 2010?
2.98 trillion
page 27
There are over ____ miles of highways and roads in the United States.
4.19 million
Page 26
In 2019 Commercial single-unit and combination trucks traveled ____ ____ miles
300.05 billion
page 15
In 2019 Combination trucks along logged ____ ____ miles for business purpose.
175.3 billion
Page 15
In 2019 combination trucks drove an average of more than ____ miles
page 15
In 2019 long-haul Class 8 tractors travel around ____ miles each year
page 15
How much did commercial trucks paid in federal and state highway-user taxes in 2019
48.35 billions
Book page 20
In January 2021, the average cost in taxes for a 5 axle tractor semitrailer combination was ______
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How much did Oregon collect in taxes on a typical 5-axle tractor-semitrailer combination
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How much did Alaska collect in taxes on a typical 5-axle tractor-semitrailer combination
Book page 20
Of the $48.35 billion How much was paid in federal highway-user taxes by the trucking industry in 2019
19 billion
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Of the $48.35 billion tax collected in 2019. what % of this consisted of diesel taxes
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Of the $48.35 billion tax collected in 2019. what % of this consisted of federal use taxes
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Of the $48.35 billion tax collected in 2019. what % of this consisted of gasoline taxes
page 20
Of the $48.35 billion tax collected in 2019. what % of this consisted of retail truck taxes
Of the $48.35 billion tax collected in 2019. what % of this consisted of tire taxes
page 20
Of the $48.35 billion tax collected States collected $___ ___ in total highway-user taxes
$29.35 Billion
page 20
Of the $48.35 billion tax collected $___ ___ contributed to commercial truck diesel taxes
13.1 billion
page 20
DOT is divided into ____ operating administrations, four of which are directly related to trucking.
Book page 21
Typically inspectors conduct over ___ ___ inspections annually
3.5 million
page 24
How many roadside truck inspections were conducted in 2020?
2.7 million
page 24
What was the % of decrease in roadside truck inspection from 2019 to 2020?
page 24
Trucking A Leader in Safety/Security
According to figures from FMCSA, U.S. truck driver ability and commitment to avoid and reduce crashes resulted in a __% decrease in the number of fatal large trucks involving large trucks between 2000 and 2019
2.1 %
Book Page 16
How many light pickup trucks did the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reclassify to revise vehicle classification base on gross vehicle weight rating
page 16
___% operate fewer than 6 trucks
Book Page 25
___% operate fewer than 20 trucks
Book Page 25
What class carries have a gross annual revenues of between 3 and 10 million
Book Page 26
What class carries have a gross annual revenues of 10 million or greater
Book Page 26
The U.S. trucking industry is comprised of ___ for hire, private motor carrier and other interstate motor carriers
1.89 million
Book Page 25
What class carries have a gross annual revenues of less than 3 million
Book Page 26
Approximately ___ ____ trucks (all classes) were registered for commercial use in 2019
37.9 million
page 25
Of the almost 38 million trucks that were registered in 2019 ____ ___ were Class 8 vehicles
3.91 million
page 25
In 2020, ___ ___ Class 8 trucks were in operation
3.97 million
page 25
DHS designated ____ different security criteria in the REAL ID Final Rule that license issuing jurisdictions must meet in order to be certified as REAL ID compliant by the department. The first ten of these criteria were due by May 2, 2008, although states were allowed to apply for waiver of these requirements until the end of 2009
Book Page 79
How many TWICs have been issued to port employees, longshoremen, mariners, truckers , and others who require unescorted access to secure areas of ports and vessels
page 78
How many REAL ID compliant driver’s licenses and identification cards have been issued
105 million
page 80
105 million REAL ID compliant driver’s licenses and identification cards had been issued at this time, representing ___% of all driver’s licenses and identification holders
page 80
What % of all fires reported in the U.S. are vehicle fires
Book page 159
How many vehicle fire were reported in 2018
Book page 159
How many civilians died in vehicle fires in 2018
Book page 159
How many civilians were injured in vehicle fires
Book page 159
What was the dollar amount of property loss due to vehicle fire
1.1 billon
Book page 158
What was the percent of all civilian fire deaths are attributable to vehicle
Book page 159
What percent of all civilian fire injuries are attributable to vehicle
8 %
Book page 159
Highway vehicle fires occur ___ % of the time in passage vehicles
Book page 159
Only ___ % of the time does a vehicle fire occur in non- passenger vehicle
10 %
Book page 159
What ___% of the time does a fire occur in a freight road transport vehicles
Book page 159
What ___% of vehicle fire are due to some sort of mechanical failure
Book page 159
What ___% of all vehicle fires originate in the engine, running gear or wheel area of the vehicle
Book page 159
What ___% of all fatal highway vehicle fires originate in the engine, running gear or wheel area of the vehicle
Book page 159
What percent of fires is a result from heat from electrical arcing
Book page 159
What percent of fires is a result from heat from radiated or conducted heat from operating equipment
Book page 159
What percent of fires is a result from spark, ember or flame from operation equipment
Book page 159
Sparks that resulted from friction
made up __ % of the fire
Book page 159
What percent of fires is a result from Insulation around electrical wiring in the engine area
Book page 159
What percent of fires is a result from flammable liquids in the engine area were the most common items first ignited
Book Page 159
___% of accidents on stair result in serious injury.
Book Page 152
How many workers suffer back injuries each year
more than one million
Book Page 152
Back injuries accounting for one out of every ___ workplace injuries and illnesses
Book Page 152
How many of the back injuries were to the lower back
four out of five
Book Page 152
How many of these back injuries were while lifting
three out of four
Book Page 152
Health, Wellness and Injury Prevention
If your head make contact with a solid object at a speed of only ___ mph, the force generated is sufficient to crack a skull open
2.5 MPH
Book page 152
Most adults require ____ hours of sleep
7 to 8
Book Page 150
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s reported that in the 2017-2018 season it was estimated that ____ people died of Influenza or the Flu virus in the United States
Page 151
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s reported that in the 2019-2020 season it was estimated that ____ illnesses as a result of regular seasonal epidemics of Influenza or the Flu virus in the United States
38 million
Page 151
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s reported that in the 2019-2020 season it was estimated that ____ medical visits as a result of regular seasonal epidemics of Influenza or the Flu virus in the United States
18 million
page 151
____ kilograms the weight below which placarding is not required for Table 2 hazardous material
page 98
____ pounds the weight below which placarding is not required for Table 2 hazardous material
page 98
___ C the flashpoint that marks the upper limit for flammable liquids under the regulations
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___ F the flashpoint that marks the upper limit for flammable liquids under the regulations
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____ C and ___C the flashpoints, above and below which a liquid is classified as a combustible liquid under the regulation
60.5 and 93
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____ F and ___F the flashpoints, above and below which a liquid is classified as a combustible liquid under the regulation
141 and 200
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