Nucleotides Flashcards
A glycosidic bond?
Bond between a sugar and another group
Ester bond
Fused 5 and 6 memebered rings
6 membered rings
In purines, N … forms glycosidic bond. In pyrimidines, N … forms
9, 1
Structure of pyrimidines
Thymine has double bonded O at position 2, 4 and Ch3 and 5
Uracil has no CH3 at position 5
Cytosine has no CH3 either had NH2 instead at position 4
Counting starts form nitrogen at extreme bottom.
Purine structure
Counting starts from top left and down
Adenine has nh2 at position 6
Guanine has nh2 at position 2 and and o at position 6
Phosphate groups linked to
5’ or 3’ carbon
Common Adenosine derivatives
ATP 3' 5' Cyclic Adenosine monophosphate Flavin Adenosine Dinucleotide( FAD and FMN) Nicotinaminde Adenosine Dinucleotide S- adenoysylmethionine
Funtions of ATP
Energy storage and transfer, release of third phosphate to produce ADP. ADP releases energy for cell activity
What is an analogue
Organic chemical compound related to another by substitution of atoms with other groups
Anti tumour agents used in chemotherapy
Interfere with DNA synthesis and kill rapidly dividing cells such as tumour cells
6 mercaptopurine
5 fluorouracil
Some analogs inhibit the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines and so biosynthesis of dna. Clinically active in cancer treatment
Gour, caused by an accumulation of uric acid is treated by a base analog called
Allopurinol which is a structural analog of hypoxanthine
Biomedical importance of nucleotides
Storage and transfer of energy
Precursors of nucleic acids
Storage and transfer of genetic information, DNA and RNA
Components of important coenzimes like NAD and fAD and conenzyme A