Nuclear Physics Flashcards
What is the gamow radius relation?
R = 1.23 fm A^(1/3)
How is mean-square radius defined?
What is the mean-square radius for a solid sphere of constant density?
integra{r^2 * density} / integral{density}
3/5 R^2
What is the classical (geometric) cross-section?
What kind of experiment could measure this cross-section?
Classically, corresponds to the effective area over which a beam particle will be absorbed/interact if there is a target particle present in that area.
= pi * (R1 + R2)^2
i.e: fire beam nuclei at some thickness x of target nuclei
The chance of a beam nucleus being attenuated = the cross-section * number density of target * thickness of target
What is meant by the differential cross-section?
The effective area of target nucleus which scatters beam nuclei into some specific region of solid angle.
d rho / d omega
What energy electrons do we need to probe a nucleus?
De broglie wavelength «_space;10 fm
–> energy»_space; 120 MeV
In a classical description of electron scattering, where would we expect a minima in the differential cross section?
What are the problems with this description?
Minima at [1.22 lambda / D] due to diffraction.
-D is the nuclear diameter.
The edge of a nucleus is not well defined, there is some skin thickness.
The coulomb force and nuclear charge distribution are not considered.
What is the matrix element from electron scattering theory?
The amplitude of some component of the scattered electron.
The cross section/differential cross section is proportional to the matrix element squared.
Considering the electron to be a plane wave makes the matrix element effectively a 3D inverse fourier transform of the scattering potential.
What is the result of electron scattering theory with a point nucleus scattering potential?
We recover the rutherford scattering formula:
diff. cross-section ~ (Z e^2 / q^2)^2
where q is the difference in k-vectors between the incident and scattered electron
(momentum difference / hbar)
q = 2k sin(theta/2)
What is the result of electron scattering theory with an extended charge distribution?
The potential is dependent on r (involves integral of the charge density).
Using the convolution theorem allows the matrix element to be written in terms of the Electric Form Factor:
m-element = ( Ze^2 / e_0 q^2 ) * electric form factor
i.e: rutherford result * electric form factor
The electric form factor is effectively the inverse fourier transform of the nuclear charge distribution.
This treatment only differs from the rutherford result if the electron penetrates the nucleus.
What is the electric form factor?
What about approximately, in the case of small deflection?
Multiplying the point-like nucleus matrix element by the electric form factor gives the matrix element for an extended charge distribution.
So the diff. cross-section involves the EFF squared.
The EFF is effectively the inverse fourier transform of the nuclear charge distribution.
For small q:
EFF ~ 1 - 1/6 * mean square charge radius * q^2
(given in formula sheet)
How can we use the electric form factor to find the nuclear charge distribution?
What is the limitation of this method?
The differential cross section is proportional to the EFF squared.
So we can perform an inverse fourier transform to determine the charge density:
- divide by rutherford scattering cross-section
- square root
- take inverse fourier transform
However, to perform the inverse fourier transform completely we would need knowledge of the diff. cross-section with momentum differences up to infinity.
(i. e. penetration into the centre of the nucleus)
- ——> there are large uncertainties on the result for the charge distribution for small radius
What is the idea behind investigating the nuclear charge radius using atomic energy shifts?
What is the problem with this?
Some electron orbitals (mainly ns) have finite density inside the nuclear region (~the origin).
Therefore, the binding energy for these electrons is less than it would be for a point nucleus.
We can use 1st-order perturbation theory to find the difference in energy as a function of the nuclear radius.
However, point-like nuclei do not exist, and the theoretical calculations result in large uncertainties compared to the energy difference. Therefore we can only really find the difference between the energies, not absolute energies.
How do X-ray isotope shifts allow us to compare the mean-square charge radii of isotopes?
The differences in energies of K X-rays (to the 1s orbital) for different isotopes reflect the difference in energy of the 1s electrons (as higher electron orbitals are ~ unaffected by nuclear size).
Different isotopes have varying mean-square charge radii due to the charge-independence of the nuclear force, but have the same charge, so are ideal to compare.
What is the equation for the approximate energy shift of an electron due to finite nuclear size? IMPORTANT TO MEMORISE
What assumption are we making in doing this?
|e-wavefunction at the origin|^2 * ( Ze^2 / 6 e_0 ) * mean square charge radius.
Assuming that the electron wavefunction is approximately constant across the nuclear volume. (appropriate for ns electrons
What is the scale of isotope shifts? (as compared to absolute energy of the X-ray)
delta E / E ~ 10^-6
What are the advantages/disadvantages of using optical isotope shifts as opposed to X-ray isotope shifts?
Optical energy range - investigating valence transitions (e.g: 6p -> 6s).
- therefore the changes in energy are far smaller (~ 10^-5 smaller)
- however, spectroscopy is far more precise at these photon energies
- also, we can take much more data, especially for large nuclei as we are investigating valence electron transitions
- the energy shift of the non-s state also becomes non-negligible!
- the reduced mass of the electron-muon system becomes non-negligible, and differs for different isotopes.
How is a muonic orbital different from an electronic one?
Muon mass is ~207 times larger than electron mass.
This can be substituted into the bohr radius and energies (adjusting rydberg energy).
The orbital is much closer to the nucleus, and the energy is much greater.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of using muonic energy shifts to investigate nuclear charge radius?
Muonic wavefunction significant in the nuclear region.
- > much larger energy shifts
- > allow us to determine ABSOLUTE mean square charge radii
However, this procedure requires muonic atoms -> very complicated procedure.
Also, it can only be performed for stable isotopes.
How could we directly investigate the matter radius of nuclei?
Must use strongly interacting probes, e.g: pion, alpha particle. (these also will interact with the coulomb force)
At probe energy equal to the coulomb barrier, we see a change in the diff. cross. section of the deflected probes.
-> will be below that of rutherford scattering, due to inelastic scattering/absorption
How can we derive an expression for the momentum transfer q in terms of the initial momentum and the angle of deflection? (small angle)
Simply write out the vector equation for q, and square it, giving a term in cos(theta).
Then assume that the final momentum = initial momentum. (due to small deflection angle)
Remember that HBAR q is the actual momentum transfer.
What are the key features of nuclear charge distribution for medium-mass nuclei?
Central density roughly constant (and constant among nuclei).
Some “skin thickness” at the edge, also roughly constant among nuclei around 2.3fm
Sketch the shape of a coulomb potential for a finite size nucleus.
(check notes)
Coulomb potential (remember negative) up to the nuclear radius, at which point the potential is curtailed.
What is the classical motivation for the quantum idea of magnetic moment due to a valence nucleon?
Classical magnetic dipole moment = current * area of loop
-> this can be shown to be proportional to angular momentum
remember to use quantum angular momentum
What is a gyromagnetic ratio?
The ratio between magnetic moment and angular momentum.
(be careful with factors of hbar and nuclear magneton)
[ magnetic moment in units of nuclear magneton / angular momentum in units of hbar]
i.e: magnetic moment = gyromagnetic ratio * nuclear magneton / hbar
What is the magnetic moment of a nucleus (general vector)?
mu = ( g_l * l + g_s * s) mu_N / hbar
g_l is the orbital gyromagnetic ratio for proton or neutron depending on the valence nucleon.
g_s is intrinsic gyromagnetic ratio for proton/neutron.
mu_N is the nuclear magneton.
What are the values for orbital gyromagnetic ratio for protons and neutrons?
1 for protons (charge e)
0 for neutrons (zero charge)
What is the difference between the general nuclear magnetic moment vector and the schmidt limits?
In practice, we measure the magnitude of a magnetic moment COMPONENT. Thus, we must construct our theoretical moment in some basis: choose maximum projection along the z-direction. i.e: m_j = j
What are the approximations made by the schmidt limits?
What are they appropriate for?
What assumptions do we make when using the schmidt estimates?
Nuclear magnetic moment due to a single valence nucleon.
Assumes the nucleons to be free. (they are not in reality) –> so the schmidt limits give upper and lower bounds on nuclear magnetic moment
(upper for j = l + 1/2, lower for j = l - 1/2)
We are assuming a very simplistic shell model - levels may change order due to deformation or nucleon imbalance. No collective effects included (usually).
How can we estimate the nuclear magnetic moment due to multiple valence nucleons in the framework of schmidt estimates?
We must also consider the magnetic moment due to the TOTAL nuclear angular momentum I (collective motion).
Add a factor of g_R I to the general nuclear magnetic moment vector.
g_R ~ Z/A as only protons contribute to magnetic moment, but neutrons contribute to the total angular momentum.
What is some evidence for nuclear deformation?
Charge/matter mean square charge radii increases significantly more than expected for unstable nuclei. This is particularly seen using isotope shifts.
(we expect “picket fence” of X-ray energies for different isotopes, but this is not what we see)
Also, for deformed nuclei, there are rotational excited states, characterised by enhanced E2 transitions and energy ratio 4+/2+ ~ 3.33.
We could measure the spectroscopic quadrupole moment, but this only works if I is not 0 or 1/2.
What is the character of a deformed nucleus?
Why is this?
Nuclear potential can be expanded as a multipole (far away from the nucleus).
Monopole term is simply the point charge result.
Dipole term = 0 as the nucleus has good even parity.
Quadrupole term introduces deformation (axially symmetric) (prolate nucleus). It is dependent on Z.
Higher-order deformation would significantly increase energy.
What is the difference between intrinsic quadrupole moment and spectroscopic quadrupole moment?
Qo is the moment in the frame of the nucleus (no angular momentum).
-> we can only measure Qs in the lab frame, and it is dependent on the orientation of the nucleus. We measure the component aligned with maximal angular momentum.
However, there is a relation, valid for all I except 0, 1/2.
What does a positive value of quadrupole moment correspond to?
Prolate nucleus (extended in the angular momentum axis).
What is the difference between the hyperfine structure and fine structure of electron energy levels?
Fine structure - due to interaction of electron spin mag. mom. and electron orbital mag. mom.
Hyperfine structure - due to interaction of electron orbital mag. mom. and nuclear mag. mom.
(~1000 times smaller effect)
(allows us to investigate nuclear magnetic moment)
(same energy scale as isotope shift)
What is the hyperfine energy splitting related to?
- the nuclear magnetic moment (dot) the electron magnetic field at the nucleus.
(aligned -> lower energy)
This means that the energy splitting is proportional to the expectation value of I dot J, where I is the nuclear ang. momentum and J is the electron total ang. momentum. The constant of proportionality is different for each multiplet (electron state) (hyperfine A parameter).
We define F = I + J to characterise the multiplets.
Why might g-factors often be “quenched” before comparing to experimental data?
Schmidt g-factor estimates assume free nucleons. This is not the case in practice, for example, due to virtual mesons in the nucleus. These quantum fluctuations decrease the magnetic moments of nuclei.
A correction of g’ = 0.6g is often made.
What factor is it important to remember when using the schmidt limit formulae?
They give the nuclear magnetic moment IN TERMS OF the nuclear magneton mu_N
Why does alpha decay happen?
Why does it not occur as much as it might seem it should?
Why alpha particles?
For increasing A, there is a point at which the coulomb force overcomes the attractive strong force (coulomb term overcomes volume term in the SEMF).
Alpha particles have very high binding energy (double magic), so the Q-value for alpha decay is very high.
However, the alpha particle must pass a coulomb barrier to leave the nucleus. The coulomb barrier is low for alpha particles, compared to that for other doubly-magic nuclei.
What does the half-life of alpha decay depend on?
It is extremely sensitive to the Q value and the nuclear radius.
This results in a strong angular dependence of alpha-emission for deformed nuclei, as the coulomb barrier is significantly lower for increased radius.
Why is there a discrete spectrum of alpha particle energies for a particular nucleus?
The alpha decay can leave the parent nucleus in an excited state.
The largest alpha particle energy will be due to the decay that leaves the daughter nucleus in the ground state (largest Q value).
What factors effect the intensity of the alpha-decay discrete spectrum?
Differences in Q-value (dominant).
Decays that result in large changes in orbital angular momentum are very supressed, due to:
- alpha particle unlikely to approach the coulomb barrier at an obtuse angle. - centrifugal potential (resultant from the laplacian operator) raises the potential barrier for high l.
High energy daughter nucleus states bear little resemblance to the parent nucleus, so these transitions are supressed due to wavefunction mismatch (fermi golden rule).
Alpha particles are 0+, so the change in parity of the nucleus MUST match the change in orbital angular momentum.
What method should we use to calculate alpha-particle recoil energies?
Use conservation of energy and momentum, non-relativistically.
What is the binding energy for a nucleus?
The mass of the constituents - the mass of the nucleus.
How can we make a classical estimate for the mechanism of alpha - emission angular momentum supression?
Use l = r cross p
Then use QM l^2 = l(l+1) hbar^2
and non-relativistic expression for p.
Why do we expect a continuous distribution of energies for beta-decay, but not for alpha-decay?
For alpha decay the Q energy is shared between the recoil energy of the nucleus and the alpha particle energy (for this there is a singular solution).
For beta decay, the energy is also shared to the neutrino. This results in a continuous distribution of beta-particle energies.
(initial evidence for the existence of the neutrino)
Why can we not use a tunnelling argument for alpha-decay as we did for beta-decay?
What do we use instead?
The electron/neutrino cannot be assumed to pre-exist in the nucleus.
The electron/neutrino must be treated relativistically.
We must obtain a continuous distribution of energies.
Use the fermi golden rule.
What is the “fermi golden rule” as implemented for beta-decay?
What is the approximate result for the probability of the decay?
decay constant = 2 pi / hbar * matrix element squared * density of final states
Results in a Te^2 Tnu^2 dependence (squares of the electron and neutrino KE), as well as on the matrix element squared, which is to do with how similar the nuclear initial/final states are.
What are the differences / similarities between the beta particle energy / momentum spectra for beta + and - decay?
Both have roughly quartic shape (like gaussian), and a discrepancy at the very top due to the neutrino mass (invisible).
However, there is difference at low energy / momentum due to the effect of the coulomb force. For beta + decay, the coulomb effect reduces the number of beta+ particles emitted with low momentum, and the opposite is true for beta-.
For beta-, the electron KE graph will not go to 0 prob. at 0 KE.
What is an empirical relationship between beta decay rate and Q value?
Decay rate proportional to Q^5
What is meant by a superallowed decay?
Angular momenta/parity of the nuclei are the same.
The valence nucleons are in the SAME spin states in both nuclei (but one switched between proton/neutron).
Superallowed decays have a very large overlap matrix element in the “fermi golden rule”, so a very large decay rate. The decay rate often will surpass that of a non-superallowed decay with higher Q-value.
What is the fermi function / fermi integral for beta decay?
The fermi function describes the correction to phase space considerations due to the coulomb effect.
The fermi integral is what actually enters the expression for decay rate.
The fermi integral is what gives the Z and E_0 dependence of the decay rate. (E_0 is max electron energy (Q_beta))
Decay rate proportional to fermi integral.
What is meant by a log(ft) value?
ft is known as the “comparative half life”.
t refers to the half life of a beta decay.
f is the fermi integral.
Using ft instead of just t removes the dependence on Z and E_0, it dependent only on M^-2 where M is the overlap matrix element. Therefore ft allows for direct comparison of the matrix elements for different decays, for different nuclei.
The log is required as there is a large range of values.
What is a typical log(ft) value for a superallowed decay?
What about allowed?
superallowed ~ 3.5
allowed ~ 5.5
first forbidden ~ 7.5
(however there is significant range)
Why is the angular momentum suppression effect more significant for beta decay?
The electron (and obviously neutrino) masses are far less than the alpha, so it is much more difficult for beta decay to remove orbital angular momentum from the nucleus.
HOWEVER, unlike alpha, the electron and neutrino carry intrinsic angular momentum, which can couple to 0 or 1, which will be easily removed from the nucleus.
What is meant by a fermi-type beta decay?
What about Gamov-Teller?
Fermi Type: electron/neutrino spin couple to 0, so there can be no change in angular momentum for an allowed decay (l = 0).
Gamov-Teller: electron/neutrino spin couple to 1, so there can be a change in the nuclear angular momentum Delta I of -1, 0 or 1 (projection of s = 1).
In many decays, both fermi and gamov-teller decays are allowed.
For a first forbidden beta decay, what are the allowed changes in nuclear angular momentum?
What about changes in parity?
The electron carries away orbital angular momentum of 1 for first forbidden decays.
Delta I = 0, +- 1
Delta I = 0, +-1, +-2
Change in parity -1
BETA DECAY PARITY CHANGE DUE TO orbital angular momentum ONLY
What is the Q-value for beta- decay?
What about beta+, electron capture, alpha decay?
beta- : difference of atomic masses.
beta+ : difference of atomic masses - 2 Me
electron capture : difference of atomic masses
alpha decay : difference of atomic masses - alpha mass
What is the mass excess?
The atomic mass - the mass of the NUCLEON constituents. (nucleon mass estimated as A u)
What is the nature of gamma-ray emmision?
e.g: rate, spectrum
Much faster rate than beta / alpha decay.
Gamma rays of discrete energies, characteristic of the source nucleus. A wide range of energy, including X-ray range (though still called gamma-rays).
The gamma-ray energy is approximately equal to the change in energy level (negligible recoil energy).
What intrinsic spin can gammay rays remove from a nucleus?
only + or - 1, NOT 0
massless particles must have spin aligned with motion
Why MUST gamma-ray emission change the angular momentum of the nucleus?
Delta I = 0 is forbidden:
s = +-1 l = r cross p so PERPENDICULAR to s, thus, there cannot be cancellation with s.
What are the parity change rules for electric and magnetic gamma-ray transitions?
Pi (EL) = -1^(L)
Pi (ML) = -1^(L+1)
L in this case is the total angular momentum of the gamma-ray w.r.t. the nucleus
How much nuclear angular momentum could be removed by an electric quadrupole transition?
E2 so l = 1, s = 1 (s always = 1)
parity change +1
L = 2, but this can result in Delta I = 2 Or 1 OR 0
(stretched / unstretched transitions)
What is DCO ratio?
Directional correlation from oriented states.
Allows the L of the gamma-ray transition to be determined based on the angular distribution of emission.
(i.e: allows us to characterise a decay as dipole, quadrupole…)
For a gamma-ray transition from I_i to I_f nuclear angular momentum state, what are the possible gamma-ray angular momentum states?
|I_i - I_f| <= L <= |I_i + I_f|
L != 0
What is the decay rate for a gamma-ray transition using fermi’s golden rule?
What is the density of gamma-ray final states proportional to?
What about the matrix element?
decay const. = 2 pi / hbar * matrix element^2 * density of photon final states.
Density of final states is proportional to the photon energy^3
The matrix element is approximately 1/k * (kr)^l * legendre polynomial order l (cos(theta))
[i.e: for l increase of 1, there is rate suppression of (kr)^2]
k is the photon wavevector
What are the Weisskopf estimates?
Estimates of decay rates of different character gamma-ray transitions. These are made under the assumption of a single nucleon transitioning between 2 shell states (extreme shell model).
How can the total decay rate for a mixed transition be calculated?
Sum the partial decay rates.
How can “collective” transition rates be estimated using weisskopf estimates?
What does this mean?
A “collective” estimate accounts for the fact that there are often multiple valence nucleons that could be excited (still shell model).
These rely on empirical “effective changes”, multipliers for the numbers of valence protons and nucleons, (1.5 and 0.5 respectively).
Collective rate = Weisskopf rate * (1.5 * Np + 0.5*Nn)^2
How can lifetime be calculated from decay rate?
1 / decay rate
What are the magic numbers?
2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126
remember that these apply to protons and neutrons separately
What is the idea behind the plunger technique for measuring nuclear lifetimes?
Traditional techniques cannot be used as often nuclear lifetimes are very short.
Nucleus fired at “target foil”, producing boosted unstable nucleus. The nucleus then passes through a “degrader foil” which slows it down. We can determine whether a gamma-ray was emitted before or after the degrader foil, via the doppler shift of the gamma ray.
-> vary the distance between the target and degrader, graph the #emissions either side against distance.
What is the probability of a nucleus degrading in time t?
e^- decay constant * t
What is internal conversion?
Alternative nuclear de-excitation process to gamma-ray emission.
Can be thought of as an atomic electron absorbing gamma-ray energy (1s or 2s electrons).
The electron is ejected, with KE equal to the change in energy between nuclear states - electron binding energy.
What is the effect of internal conversion on nuclear decay rate?
How do we parametrise this?
In what cases is this effect larger?
Total decay rate = gamma decay rate + IC decay rate
Define the electron conversion coefficient:
alpha = IC decay rate / gamma decay rate
Alpha (total) is the sum of alpha for each electron orbital, usually only 1s and 2s are non-negligible.
Alpha is
- larger for smaller nuclear transition energy (gamma-emission hindered ~ E^3)
- larger for bigger atomic number (larger coulomb attraction and larger nucleus increases probability of electron being in the nucleus)
- larger for greater angular momentum transition (gamma-ray emission supressed more than electron emission)
What does the ratio alpha for nuclear de-excitation refer to?
(electron conversion coefficient)
What affects it?
Alpha = IC decay rate / gamma decay rate
i.e: total decay rate = gamma decay rate * ( 1 + alpha)
Taking the ratio removes the matrix element dependence as both processes have the same matrix element dependence.
Alpha (total) is the sum of alpha for each electron orbital, usually only 1s and 2s are non-negligible.
Alpha is
- larger for smaller nuclear transition energy (gamma-emission hindered ~ E^3)
- larger for bigger atomic number (larger coulomb attraction and larger nucleus increases probability of electron being in the nucleus)
- larger for greater angular momentum transition (gamma-ray emission supressed more than electron emission)
What is the meaning of notation used for gamma-ray angular momentum transitions?
l (lowercase L) = orbital ang. mom. of gamma-ray
s = intrinsic ang. mom. of gamma-ray
L = tot. ang. mom. of gamma-ray (stretched) (used for parity change)
Delta I = change in angular momentum of the nucleus
What changes in nuclear angular momentum could correspond to an “allowed” beta decay?
Delta I = 0, -1, +1
as can be fermi or gamov-teller type
What is the relation between lifetime and half-life?
half-life = lifetime * ln(2)
Within the shell model, what would be the first excitation of an odd-even nucleus?
The valence nucleon can be promoted to a higher energy level, naturally the spin and parity of the nucleus change along with it.
At much higher energies, non-valence paired nucleons may break apart.
Within the shell model, what would excited states look like for even-even nuclei:
- if the outer shell is not full?
- if the outer shell is full?
For not full shell (still paired so 0+), the nucleons can move to different states within the shell (RECOUPLING), creating an excited state with non-0 angular momentum (but parity will stay constant).
For a full shell, the full shell can be broken apart and one nucleon promoted to a higher energy level (PROMOTION). This will be a much higher energy transition than recoupling, and you will have to consider the angular momentum/parity of the hole as well as the promoted nucleon.
Within the shell model, what would excited states look like for odd-odd nuclei?
There will be a large range of states with ~ the same energy as the valence neutron and proton angular momenta can couple in many different ways.
How does nuclear deformation affect the shell model of the nucleus?
The magic numbers will remain constant as they correspond to large energy gaps in nucleon states. However, the sub-shell energy levels will be SHIFTED.
What is some evidence for collective behaviour of nucleons?
Nuclear excited states are observed in even-even nuclei at energies far below that required to break a nucleon pair. (mainly at large A, and far away from magic numbers e.g: 150 < A < 190 and A > 220)
For these nuclei, very large quadrupole moments are measured (corresponding to a highly deformed nucleus).
Enhanced E2 transitions due to vibrational and rotational modes.
What are the single phonon nuclear vibrational states?
What effect do they have on the nucleus?
What energy do they have?
Monopole (l = 0) : forbidden as the nucleus is incompressible.
Dipole (l = 1) : forbidden as the nucleus is isolated (conservation of momentum).
Quadrupole (l = 2) : phonon with ang. mom. 2 and parity +
Octupole (l = 3) : phonon with ang. mom. 3 and parity -
For quadrupole, E = hbar omega
(omega is the frequency of the vibration)
What are the possible contributions of two-phonon nuclear vibrational states?
Energy contribution twice that of a single phonon ( 2 hbar omega).
Due to the pauli exclusion principle, they must be in symmetric states (i.e: even tot. ang. mom.).
i.e: two quadrupole phonons can couple to 0+, 2+, 4+
Why do we generally not consider phonon states higher than quadrupole?
These states will be at energies mixed with the single particle (shell model) excitation energies.
What is a characteristic sign of vibrational collective states in nuclei?
Ratio of 4+ to 2+ energy = 2 (two phonon / single phonon)
0+ ground state, then 2+, then triplet state 0+, 4+, 2+ for an even-even nucleus.
Why are collective rotational excited states only seen for deformed nuclei?
What states are seen? Why?
The nucleus must have broken spherical symmetry to meaningfully rotate.
The symmetry of quadrupolar deformed nuclei requires that the rotational state have even parity.
i.e: 2+, 4+, 6+…
What is a characteristic sign of rotational collective states in nuclei?
Why might there be divergence from this rule?
Ratio of 4+ to 2+ energy = 3.33
(4(4+1)) / (2(2+1))
The energy of these rotational states can be estimated using the classical energy of a rotating state and the correspondence principle.
Different rotational states may be more/less deformed, so could have different moments of inertia.
Also, regular “picket fence” structure from gamma-ray spectroscopy as energy between two rotational states is proportional to the angular momentum.
Also, enhanced E2 transitions. Also, 2+ energy is much lower than it would be due to shell model.
Why are E2 nuclear transitions enhanced?
Due to collective behaviour of nucleons. Both vibrational and rotational modes result in states with 2+, that are actually in ~ the same nuclear state as the ground state (nucleons in same shells). This results in a very large matrix element.
Therefore E2 transitions (and other even E transitions), are favoured over their magnetic counterparts. Often E2 is favoured over M1!
In what cases can we not measure quadrupole moment? (spectroscopic quadrupole moment)
if I = 0 or 1/2
then Qs = 0
What is the J^pi of an octupole phonon?