Nuclear - Fission Reactors Flashcards
Composition of naturual uranium…
99.28% of U238, 0.72% U235.
How many neutrons does spontaneous fission of a U nucleus release?
About 2-3 neutrons
Commercial reactors emply…
Enrichement of U235 or segregate/localise fuel within a matrix of a moderator…
Moderator enrichment percentages…
Water 2.65% or graphite 1.6%
Thermal Neutron
A neutron within thermodynamic equilibrium, moving with same kinetic energy as their surroundings
Neutron Multiplcation Factor(K Factor)
Describes ratio of neutrons produced by fission in one generation to the number of neutrons lost through absorption/leakage in the preceeding generation.
Cross Section
Measures proabbiltiuy that a prcoess will take place involved with radiant excitation intersecting a localised phenomenon
Mechanism of bulk moderator…
235 neutron emission escapes fuel element where it was created before 238 absorption, then enter fuel element as a thermal neutron.
Mathematic asosciation of the neutron multiplication factor…
Closer to one, the better, exceedingb one meaning each neuytron generation generates more neutrons, desire to equal 1.
K factor fluctuation…
With moderators and leakage of neutrons; control rods act as a controlling agent.
Common material for control rods…
Boron-carbide is resistant to environmental degradation and an excellent neutron absorber…
Fermis Four Factor Formula
This is used to determine multiplication of a nuclear chain reaction in a hypothetical infinite medium
What are the four FFFF?
Reproduction factor
Fast fission factor
Resonance Escape Probability
Thermal Utilization Factor
Reproduction Factor
Measures how many fast neutrons a thermal neutron generates when encountering a uranium nucleus
Fast fisssion factor
Generated fast neutrons initation of 238 fission likelihood before slowing down to thermal velocity.