NUC 110 - Vocab Flashcards
Vocab for Communications
Attending Physician (MRP)
The term applied to a physician who admits and is responsible for a hospital patient (MRP - Most responsible physician)
Biomedical Engineering
Responsible for the repair and upkeep of heart monitors, heart-lung machines, CT scanners, addressographs, thermometers, BP cuffs, etc.
Biopsy Tray
used by the Physician to remove a small specimen of tissue for microscopic examination
Bone Marrow Tray
used by the Physician to obtain a specimen of bone marrow
Certified Health Unit Coordinator (CHUC)
A health unit coordinator who has successfully passed the national certification examination sponsored by the National Association of Health Unit Coordinators (USA)
Clinical Pathway
A method of outlining a patient’s path of treatment for a specific diagnosis, procedure, or symptom
Code Blue
A term used in hospitals to announce when a patient has stopped breathing or his or her heart has stopped beating, or both
Code or Crash Cart
A cart stocked by the nursing and pharmacy staff with emergency medications, advanced breathing supplies, intravenous solutions and appropriate tubing, needles, a heart monitor and defibrillator, an oxygen tank, a suction machine (used when a patient stops breathing or his or her heart stops beating, or both)
Code of Ethics
A set of standards for behaviour based on values
Critical Thinking
Critical thinkers distinguish between fact and opinion; ask questions; make detailed observations, uncover assumptions and define their terms; and make assertions or decisions based on sound logic and solid evidence.
Cutdown Tray
used by the Physician to expose a vein when one cannot be found to start an I.V.
An event that produces more casualties than hospital departments can usually handle
A mechanical device for transporting food supplies from one hospital floor to another
A full-time, acute care specialist whose focus is exclusively on hospitalized patients
An uncommon occurrence in the hospital which is not in accordance with the normal routine. It can involve patient, visitor or staff.
Informed Consent
A doctrine that states that before a patient is asked to consent to a risky or invasive diagnostic or treatment procedure he or she is entitled to receive certain information: (1) a description of the procedure, (2) any alternatives to it and their risks, (3) the risks of death or serious bodily disability from the procedure, (4) the probable results of the procedure, including any problems of recuperation and time of recuperation anticipated, and (5) anything else that is generally disclosed to patients asked to consent to the procedure.
A patient who has been admitted to a health care facility at least overnight for treatment and care.
A device used to communicate between the nurses’ station and the patient’s room on the nursing unit
Jugular Insertion
to insert a Central Line for TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) to be infused
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
A graduate of a one year school of nursing who is licensed in the province in which he or she is practicing
Medical Device Reprocessing Department (MDRD)
wash, clean and sterilze hospital equipment which they deliver to Nursing Units & OR. They assemble procedural trays with correct sterile equipment.
Non-clinical Tasks
Taks performed away from the bedside
Nursing Unit
An area within the hospital with equipment and nursing personnel to care for a given number of patients (may also be referred to as a wing, floor, pod, ward, or station)
Nursing Unit Clerk (NUC)
The nursing team member who performs the non-clinical patient care tasks for the nursing unit (also called health unit coordiantor)
Paracentesis Tray
used by the Physician for withdrawal of excess fluid from any body cavity
Pelvic Tray
used by the Physician for a pelvic examination
Pneumatic Tube System
A system in which air pressure transports tubes carrying supplies, requisitions, or messages from one hospital unit or department to another
Registered Nurse (RN)
A graduate of 2-4 year college based school of nusring who is licensed in the province in which he or she is practicing
Team Leader
A RN who is in charge of a nursing team
Thoracentesis Tray
used by the Physician for withdrawal of excess fluid from the thoracic cavity
A process used to communicate the doctors’ orders to the nursing staff and other hospital departments by requisition or computer
Voice Paging System (Overhead Pager)
The system on which the hospital telephone operator delivers a message to a doctor or makes other announcements; the system reaches all hospital areas
White Board
Chalkboards or grease boards in the nursing unit used to record important information