Number of plumbing plan sets submitted for permit application
6 sets
Number of approved plan sets retained by the Administrative Authority
1 set
Number of plan sets returned to the applicant
2 sets
Number of plan sets returned to the Owner
2 sets
Number of plan sets kept at the job site
1 set
Expiration of plumbing permit if work not commenced
1 year
Expiration of plumbing permit if work suspended or abandoned
120 days
Renewal fee for expired plumbing permit
50% of the original fee
Deadline for inspection request after equipment replacement
Within 72 hours
Definition of an alley
2m to less than 3m wide
Definition of a court
Bounded by 2 or more sides
Definition of unobstructed yards
Open from ground to sky
Function of a group vent
Serves 2 or more traps
Minimum branch interval height
2.43 m
Melting point for brazed joints
Above 449°C but below part’s melting temp
Melting point for soldered joints
1490°C, 427°C
Minimum distance of building sewer from building foundation
0.60 m
Distance of mobile home park sewer from last mobile home
0.60 m
Maximum angle for horizontal pipes
45 degrees
Maximum angle for vertical pipes
45 degrees
Combustion temperature for combustible construction
Volume defining a confined space
Less than 2501.4 cu. m
Water flow conversion for fixture units
28.3 lpm, 7.48 gpm, 30 qtpm, 1 cftpm
Minimum capacity of a grease interceptor
3 cu. m.
Number of traps served by a unit vent
Plumbing unit inventory (each counts as 1 unit)
Water meter, water closet, lavatory, shower head and drain, kitchen sink, laundry tray, 3 floor drains, 4 faucets/hose bibb
Recommended slope for horizontal drainage pipes
Permissible slope for larger diameter pipes (203mm and above)
Minimum size difference for double sanitary tees
2 pipe sizes
Minimum depth of building sewer below ground
0.30 m
Maximum depth of building sewer below ground
0.60 m
Clear height above pipe in tunnels
0.6 m
Maximum tunnel length without support
1/2 the depth of trench or 2.4 m
Required backfill above pipe
0.30 m clean earth
Minimum metal thickness for special-use sinks
GA 16 (1.6 mm)
Minimum thickness for waste tailpieces
GA 20 (0.8 mm)
Minimum diameter for sink tailpieces
38 mm O.D.
Minimum diameter for lavatory tailpieces
32 mm O.D.
Clearance requirements around water closets and urinals
0.375 m to side wall, 0.75 m center to center for closets; 0.30 m to side wall, 0.60 m center to center for urinals
Minimum shower dimensions
Interior area: 0.6 sq. m, Minimum diameter: 762 mm, Threshold height: 25.4 mm to 228 mm
Lining material height above shower threshold for above-ground installations
At least 76 mm
Extension of lining materials upward on rough jambs
76 mm
Standard grade of roofing felt for shower sub-pans
6.8 kg
Extension of folds, laps, and webbing in shower linings
101 mm
Minimum tensile strength of mesh/webbing for lining
0.9 kg/mm
Prohibition on nailing or perforating linings above the threshold
L 25.4 mm
Minimum weight of lead pans or liners
19.6 kg/m2
Minimum thickness of copper pans or liners
GA 24 (0.5 mm)
Slope of gutters in public or gang shower rooms
Maximum spacing of gutter drains in public shower rooms
4.9 m
Maximum temperature for hot water delivery
Equivalent lavatory unit for a 609.6 mm wide wash sink
1 lavatory
Equivalent lavatory unit for a 457.2 mm diameter circular basin
1 lavatory
Lavatory to person ratio in hazardous environments
Laundry tray to person ratio
Slope sink tray to person ratio
Water closet and urinal to person ratio for temporary workers
Side lining requirement around urinals
0.6 m
Height of non-absorbent lining above urinals
1.2 m
Drinking fountain to person ratio in public buildings
Additional drinking fountain requirement
1 per 150 persons beyond the first 75
Notice period for inspection readiness
3 days
Water head for pipe testing
3 meters
Duration to hold water before inspection starts
15 minutes
Air pressure gauge for testing
34.5 kPa
Duration to hold air pressure during test
15 minutes
Water pressure for piping tests
50% above working pressure
Air pressure alternative for water test
344.5 kPa
Minimum air gap for fixtures not affected by side walls
2 x diameter
Minimum air gap for fixtures affected by side walls
3 x diameter
Approval conditions for air gaps smaller than 25mm
Tested with vacuums from 0 to 63.5 cm of mercury
Minimum elevation of Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker (AVB)
150 mm above piping and rim
Space clearance for assembly installations
30.5 cm
Minimum elevation of Spill-Proof Pressure Type vacuum breaker
152 mm above piping and rim
Elevation requirement for installations with platforms
1.52 m above floor/grade
Minimum air gap for water distribution systems
25 mm or 2 pipe diameters
Installation height of atmospheric vacuum breaker
152 mm above flood level rim
Minimum operating temperature for backflow prevention devices
Minimum height of AVB above overflow rim
152 mm
Minimum height of ballcock above overflow pipe
25 mm
Installation height for non-removable hose bibb-type backflow preventers
152 mm above point of usage
Size requirement for galvanization in water piping
51 mm or smaller
Maximum allowable lead content in water pipes
Mesh size for gravity tanks vent screens
14 to 18 per 25 mm
Indicators of water pressure adequacy
Less than 103 kPa inadequate, more than 551 kPa excessive
Maximum pressure for relief valves
1033 kPa
Drain pipe elevation for pressure relief valves
152 to 600 mm above ground
Minimum separation of water and sewer lines
0.30 m
Maximum distance of unions from equipment
0.30 m
Support intervals for piping
4 feet (1219 mm)
Support requirement for trap arms longer than 3 feet (914 mm)
As close as possible
Minimum size of water service pipe
19 mm Ø
Minimum size of building supply pipes
13 mm Ø
Minimum clearance for galvanized pipes above ground
152 mm
Minimum depth for vitrified clay pipes below ground
0.30 m
Allowable grade for threads of draining fittings
Fixture unit rating for various installations
Clothes washer: 3 units; Sump pump/ejector: 0.063 L/S per unit
Intervals for cleanouts on piping runs
15 m
Minimum front clearance for cleanouts
305 mm for ≤51 mm, 450 mm for >51 mm
Vertical and horizontal clearance for underground cleanouts
0.45 m vertical, 0.75 m horizontal
Maximum distance for underfloor cleanouts from access points
6.1 m
Minimum size of pump discharge pipe from a sump with a water closet
50.8 mm
Minimum height of the lowest inlet above the high water level in sumps
51 mm
Minimum size of vent for sumps and receiving tanks
51 mm Ø
Minimum air pressure per meter of height for sewage elevation
3 kg/m
Distance for no connections below suds-producing fixtures in a stack
2.4 m
Maximum number of water closets or traps on any vertical stack
Maximum number of water closets or traps on any horizontal branch
Minimum diameter of an individual vent
32 mm Ø
Maximum length of unvented indirect waste pipe
Between 1.5 m and 4.6 m
Maximum diameter of indirect waste pipe relative to drain outlet
Less than 4.6 m
Minimum diameter of indirect waste pipe
13 mm Ø
Extension of standpipe for clothes washer above its trap
0.45 m to 0.80 m
Height of the trap for clothes washer standpipe above the floor
0.15 m to 0.45 m
Maximum temperature for water discharged into the drainage system
Not specified
Minimum depth of seal for condenser and sump traps
152 mm
Diameter of siphon breaker in deep seal traps
19 mm Ø
Minimum thickness of concrete walls/bottoms in sumps
102 mm
Minimum plaster thickness inside sumps
13 mm
Minimum metal thickness for condensers
GA 12 (2.77 mm)
Minimum thickness of pipe for acid/corrosive chemical exposure
3.2 mm
Minimum area of CW & VS vent
1/2 the area of the drain
Fixture unit limit for wet venting
1 and 2 F.U.
Maximum number of fixtures served by a vertical wet vent
Minimum size of a wet vent
51 mm Ø
Required separation for CW & VS branch venting
More than 4.6 m
Minimum waste pipe and trap size in CW & VS
2 pipe sizes larger
Maximum length of tailpiece
0.60 m
Minimum water seal for sand interceptors
152 mm
Flow rate range for individual grease traps
1.3 L/s to 3.4 L/s
Maximum number of fixtures connected to one grease trap
Maximum horizontal distance from fixture outlet to grease trap
1.2 m
Maximum vertical distance from fixture outlet to grease trap
0.75 m
Minimum water seal for grease traps
51 mm
Minimum clearance of galvanized pipes above ground
150 mm
Minimum rise of vent above flood level rim before horizontal offset
152 mm
Required size increase of vent stack above reconnection
1 pipe size increase
Minimum extension of a vent pipe above the roof or firewall
0.15 m
Minimum clearance of a vent through roof from any vertical surface
0.30 m
Horizontal distance of a vent from openable windows, etc.
3 meters
Vertical distance of a vent above openable windows, etc.
0.90 m
Horizontal distance of a vent from lot lines
0.90 m
Vertical extension of a vent above a multi-use roof
2.1 m
Number of stories requiring a parallel vent stack
10 or more
Yoke vent interval
Every 5 floors
Yoke vent connection height above the floor
Not less than 1 m
Minimum size of an individual vent
32 mm
Fraction of vent length allowed horizontally
Not specified
Maximum number of fixtures served by a common vertical vent
Minimum size for screening solids from laundry discharge
12.7 mm or larger
Minimum outlet size of a sand interceptor
76 mm Ø
Minimum net opening dimension of sand interceptor inlet
0.2 m²
Minimum depth of sand interceptor under outlet pipe
610 mm
Area increase of inlet section per additional flow of 18.9 LPM
0.09 m²
Proportion of inlet section for sand interceptor outlet
Distance of trap to vent for different pipe diameters
32mm Ø: 762mm, 38mm Ø: 1067mm, 51mm Ø: 1524mm, 76mm Ø: 1829mm, 102mm Ø: 3048mm
Maximum length between water closet and vent
Minimum thickness for rainwater downspout or conductor
GA 26
Minimum net inlet area of roof drains with different strainers
Dome-type: 1.5x outlet area, Roof deck: 2x outlet area
Rainfall intensity used around Manila
102 mm/hour
Additional percentages for rain exposure on building sides
1 wall: 50%, 2 adjacent walls: 35%, 2 opposite walls: 0%, tall building side: 50%
Equivalent rectangular dimensions for semi-circular gutter bottoms
Depth: 0.392x diameter, Width: 0.8862x diameter
Minimum diameter of building sewer if public sewer > 61m away
Not specified, but not less than building drain size
Recommended and allowable slopes for different sewer diameters
102 mm or 152.4mm: 1%, 203 mm or larger: 0.5%
Minimum building sewer depth below ground surface
0.30 m
Maximum distance between manholes
91 m
Minimum horizontal distance from building to sewer
0.60 m
Minimum horizontal distance from property line to sewer
Minimum distance from water supply wells or streams to sewer
15.2 m
Allowable reduction for water supply wells with approved materials
7.6 m from 15.2 m
Maximum/Minimum fixture units for various sewer diameters at 2% slope
152mm: 3,900/275, 203mm: 6,800/300, 254mm: not specified
Minimum depth for molten pig lead in joints
25.4 mm
Minimum wall thickness for Schedule 80 threaded plastic pipe
Schedule 80
Minimum weight and thickness for different lead uses
Lead safe pans: 19.56 kg/m², 1.6 mm; Flashing/vent terminals: 14.63 kg/m², 1.2 mm
Minimum wall thickness for lead bends and traps
3.2 mm
Minimum thickness for caulked-on closet rings or flanges
6.4 mm
Minimum water pressure requirements for different plumbing groups
Flushometer valves: 103.42 kPa, Flush tanks: 55.16 kPa
Multiplier for elevation above water main to determine loss in static pressure
Multiplier for maximum separate demands for fixtures with combined hot and cold water
Maximum water velocity for sizing supply piping
3 m/sec
Minimum area of trench bottom for disposal field
14 m²
Sidewall area added to trench bottom absorption
1 ft to 3 ft
Minimum additional area for leaching beds instead of trenches
Minimum separation of leach bed from water table
1.5 m
Minimum compartments in a septic tank (plumbing code)
Minimum compartments in a septic tank (new ordinance)
Minimum capacity of septic tank inlet compartment
2/3 of tank capacity
Minimum liquid capacity of septic tank inlet compartment
2 m³
Minimum length of septic tank inlet compartment
1.5 m
Minimum width of septic tank
0.9 m
Maximum capacity of secondary compartment in septic tank
1/3 of tank capacity
Minimum capacity of secondary compartment in septic tank
1 m³
Minimum length of secondary compartment if tank > 6 m³
1.5 m
Minimum number of manholes for septic tank
Minimum dimension of a septic tank manhole
508 mm
Requirement for additional manhole if inlet compartment > 3.7 m
Minimum size of vertical leg of inlet and outlet fitting in septic tank
104.6 mm
Minimum horizontal dimension of baffle type fitting
106.6 mm
Minimum extension of inlet and outlet pipe or baffle above water surface
101.6 mm
Minimum extension of inlet and outlet pipe or baffle below water surface
304.8 mm
Minimum vertical clearance of inlet pipe above outlet pipe
50.8 mm
Minimum extension of septic tank sidewalls above liquid depth
228.6 mm
Minimum vertical clearance of septic tank cover above back vent openings
50.8 mm
Minimum extension of septic tank partitions or baffles above liquid level
101.6 mm
Minimum size of inverted fitting in septic tank
104.6 mm
Minimum earth load support capacity of septic tank covers
Minimum extension of bituminous coating in septic tanks
101.6 mm
Minimum wall thickness of steel septic tank
GA 12 (2.8 mm)
Ranking depth to remove materials from trenches before placing filter
25.44 mm
Size range of filter materials for trenches
19.1 - 63.5 mm
Termination of filter material from seepage pit
1.5 m
Minimum vertical clearance in distribution box
25.4 mm
Required line length for dosing tank
More than 152.4 meters
Interval for sewage discharge from dosing tank
3 – 4 hours
Number of siphons or pumps for long pipe lengths
Minimum number of drain lines per field
Maximum length of each line in a disposal field
305 m
Minimum bottom width of trench
457.2 mm
Maximum bottom width of trench
914.4 mm
Minimum depth of earth cover over drain lines
304.8 mm
Recommended depth of earth cover over drain lines
457.2 mm
Minimum thickness of filter material under drain lines
304.8 mm
Minimum thickness of filter material over drain lines
50.8 mm
Minimum spacing between leaching beds
1.2 m
Horizontal spacing of distribution drain lines
1.8 m
Distance from the perimeter of leaching bed to distribution line
0.9 m
Conditions for cesspool installation
Public sewer available in less than 2 years
Minimum sidewall depth of cesspool below inlet
6.1 m
Minimum extension of vented leg in cesspool
403.8 mm
Minimum vertical clearance of outlet flow line below cesspool inlet
152.4 mm
Minimum number of compartments for interceptors
Minimum horizontal distance of tree from septic system
4.6 m
Minimum extension of vented leg fitting below seepage pit inlet
304.8 mm
Minimum diameter of seepage pit
2.2 m
Minimum thickness of seepage pit concrete wall
101.6 mm
Thickness of chamfered concrete block in seepage pits
304.8 mm
Minimum thickness of clean gravel or rock in seepage pit
19.1 mm
Thickness behind brick, block, or concrete liner
152.4 mm
Minimum compressive strength of brick or block
17,225 kPa
Minimum thickness of cement mortar covering for seepage pit arch or dome
50.8 mm
Minimum extension of mortar covering beyond the sidewall of the seepage pit
152.4 mm
Minimum thickness of reinforced concrete slab cover
127 mm
Minimum earth load support capacity of slab cover
19.2 kPa
Minimum dimension of inspection hole for seepage pit
228.6 mm
Depth of top of seepage pit arch or cover below ground surface
457.2 mm to 1.2 m
Maximum absorption capacity for Coarse Sand or Gravel
203.7 L/m²
Maximum absorption capacity for Fine Sand
162.9 L/m²
Maximum absorption capacity for Sandy Loam or Sandy Clay
101.9 L/m²
Maximum absorption capacity for Clay with considerable sand or gravel
44.8 L/m²
Maximum absorption capacity for Clay with a small amount of sand or gravel
33.8 L/m²