NPS: Assess & Manage Airways Flashcards
What are the implications of using and ETT in a neonate?
Avoid excessive cuff pressure
-Causes vocal cord damage
Discuss acute upper airway obstruction
Upper airway obstruction present in 15% of critically ill infants/children and is viral/infectious. Consider trauma, foreign bodies, neck trauma, burns, congenital abnormalities, rumors, and severe allergic reactions.
Most common cause of infant and pediatric upper airway obstruction is the tongue (proportional larger than that of an adult and more easily displaced)
Describe localization of an acute airway obstruction
Acute airway obstruction secondary to supra glottis issues may present as: Inspiratory stridor, prolonged Inspiratory phase, and muffled cry/voice. Glottis issues causing UAO present as: high pitched Inspiratory stridor wi weak and hoarse cry/voice. Subglottic problems present as: Expiratory stridor, normal cry/voice, and brassy cough. Other signs include sniffing position, dysphagia, drooling.
List complications and side effects of deep auctioning an intubated pediatric patient
Desaturation Bradycardia (Vagal Stimulation) Atelectasis Accidental ETT displacement Infection