Which family do norovirus belong to?
Caliciviridae family
What does norovirus cause?
Gastroenteritis/ winter vomiting virus (most common cause)
Describe the characteristics of a Norovirus virion (RNA, enveloped, infectious dose, stability)
- Single stranded RNA (ssRNA)
- No envelope
- Low infectious dose - less than 10 virions
- Variable - antigenic variants
- Extremely stable to temperatures, disinfection and high sugar concentrations
What are the symptoms of norovirus?
- Nausea and vomiting
- Watery diarrhoea
- Abdominal cramps
- Headaches
- Slight fever
- Myalgia or malaise
- Gastroenteritis (24-48hr later)
How long does an episode of norovirus last?
24-72 hr
How is norovirus transmitted?
- Direct contact
- Fecal-oral route
- Exposure to aerosols
Is there a vaccine for norovirus?
Antigenic shift and variability of virus
Are alcohol hand gels effective against noroviruses?
Noroviruses have no lipid envelope, so alcohol won’t affect it. But soap and water = good
How stable is the norovirus?
It is extremely stable: Resists freezing Resists heat up to 60 degrees C Resists disinfection Resists high sugar concentrations
How long after norovirus infection can a person shed the virus?
Up to 3 weeks after the infection
What is viral shedding?
- Expulsion of a virus from a cell
- Movement to another area of the body
- Shedding into the environment
What causes diarrhoea as a symptom of norovirus?
Small intestine microvilli damaged
- Leads to nutrient malabsorption and enzymatic dysfunction at brush border
What causes vomiting in norovirus?
- Changes in gastric motility
- Delayed gastric emptying
What is the main worry surrounding symptoms of norovirus?
Dehydration due to diarrhoea and vomiting - consider dioralyte treatment
What does lactose intolerance have to do with norovirus?
Norovirus infects the brush border of the small intestine = temporary damage, which can cause the body to stop absorbing lactose