Novice Questions Flashcards
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman god Vulcan?
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective stultus.
stultus, stulta, stultum—foolish
What is the meaning of the Latin noun fīlia?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number ūndecim?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun discipula?
Who is the Greek god of the underworld?
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek goddess Persephone?
Which Roman Praenomen is abbreviated C.?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun medicus?
Who is the fifth king of Rome?
Tarquinius Priscus
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek goddess Hestia?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number ūndēvīgintī?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun fīlius.
fīlius, fīliī, m.—son
What is the meaning of the Latin noun amīcus?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun memoria.
memoria, memoriae, f.—memory
Who is the Roman goddess of the hearth?
Who was the last king of Rome?
Tarquinius Superbus
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek goddess Hera?
What was the Latin term for the second name of a Roman name like Julius?
What is the Latin term for a peach?
malum Persicum
Which king of Rome was said to receive prophecies from a water nymph named Egeria?
Numa Pompilius
How would one say the number “eighteen” in Latin?
Whom did Hades marry?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number septem?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun amīcus.
amīcus, amīcī, m.—friend
Who is the Roman god of the underworld?
From what Latin noun with what meaning is acre derived?
ager, agrī, m.—field
Who is the Greek queen of the gods?
Who is the Roman god of war?
What was the Latin term for the first name of a Roman name like Gaius?
Change the Latin verb form sunt to the singular.
Who is the Greek king of the gods?
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek god Hades?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun medica?
The Romans honored Vesta as mother of the city. What particular honor did this give to her at festivals in Rome?
Vesta was invoked/called on first
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun caelum.
caelum, caelī, n.—sky, heavens
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun medicus.
medicus, medicī, m.—doctor
Give the dictionary entry for second declension noun meaning eye
oculus, oculī, m.—eye
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number sēdecim?
Give the first two principal parts and meaning for the Latin verb sum.
sum, esse—be
In terms of meals, what is the meaning of secunda mēnsa?
Who was the Greek god of prophecy, music and healing?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun verbum?
word; (in grammar) verb
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun rēx.
rēx, rēgis, m.—king
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective īrātus.
īrātus, īrāta, īrātum—angry
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun canis.
canis, canis, c.—dog
April 21st, 753 BC marks the birth date of what city?
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective lātus.
latus, lāta, lātum—wide, broad
Which king of Rome had a co-regent, a Sabine named Titus Tatius?
Give another second declension noun meaning master or teacher.
What is the meaning of the Latin noun arbor?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun flūmen?
Some legends have it that Servius Tullius was actually an Etruscan. What was his supposed Etruscan name?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin adjective parvus.
parvus, parva, parvum—small, little
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun fēmina.
fēmina, fēminae, f.—woman
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin adjective ignāvus.
ignāvus, ignāva, ignāvum—lazy, cowardly
Who is the Greek queen of the underworld?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun casa.
casa, casae, f.—house
What is the meaning of the Latin noun poēta?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun nōmen.
nōmen, nōminis, n.—name
What is the meaning of the Latin noun via?
road, way, street
To make this oracle his own, Apollo killed a great serpent. Name it.
What Greek city was Apollo’s most famous oracle in?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun deus?
Who is the Greek god of wine?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun magister.
magister, magistrī, m.—teacher
Who is the Roman queen of the gods?
What is the meaning of the Latin correlative neque…neque?
According to Homer, who was the eldest son of Cronus and Rhea?
Zeus (not Jupiter)
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number decem?
What is the meaning of the Latin word ita (vērō)?
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman goddess Ceres?
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective pulcher.
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum—beautiful, handsome
What Greek goddess of wisdom was born from Zeus’ head?
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman goddess Juno?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number vīgintī?
Under what king was the forum drained to become the center of commercial, social, and political life?
Tarquinius Priscus
The Fetiales, Flamines, Pontices, and Vestal Virgins were among the priestly colleges established by which king of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
Equipped with the caduceus and winged sandals, what messenger god led souls to the underworld?
Hermes / Mercury
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin adjective dēfessus.
dēfessus, dēfessa, dēfessum—tired
In which part of a Roman house would you find an impluvium for collecting rain water?
Who killed Acron and earned the first ever Spolia Opima?
In the name Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, what is the agnomen?
How would one say the number “twelve” in Latin?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun dea.
dea, deae, f.—goddess
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun medica.
medica, medicae, f.—doctor
Zeus had many children by mortals, but only a few became deities. What child of Zeus and Semele became the god of wine?
Give the dictionary entry for first declension noun meaning water
aqua, aquae, f.—water
Who is the seventh king of Rome?
Tarquinius Superbus
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective altus.
altus, alta, altum—high, tall, deep
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek god Hephaestus?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun arbor.
arbor, arboris, f.—tree
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun vīnum.
vīnum, vīnī, n.—wine
What by-product was made by fermenting the intestines and other waste parts of fish?
garum / liquamen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun discipula.
discipula, discipulae, f.—student
Romulus was said to have become a god. What was his name as a god?
What ruler of Olympus relied on his thunderbolts to help maintain order?
Zeus / Jupiter
How would you say “hello!” to one person in Latin?
Who is the Greek goddess of agriculture?
The consecration of the temple of Jupiter Elicius, the creation of a twelve month lunar calendar, and the insitution of twelve Salii all occurred during the reign of which Roman king?
Numa Pompilius
What is the meaning of the Latin noun magister?
Which Roman king was the son of Demaratus of Corinth, who fled to Etruria?
Tarquinius Priscus
What is the meaning of the Latin correlative aut…aut?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun saxum.
saxum, saxī, n.—rock
What is the meaning of the Latin noun agricola?
Who is the third king of Rome?
Tullus Hostilius
In Roman mythology, who was the queen of the gods?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun parēns.
parēns, parentis, c.—parent
Who is the Roman king of the gods?
Which Greek Olympian was called the “Earthshaker” because he was responsible for earthquakes?
Who attempted to populate the city of Rome by holding a festival in honor of the god Consus in order to attract the nearby Sabine women?
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek god Dionysus?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun dux?
leader, general
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek goddess Demeter?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun pater?
In which room of a Roman house was it customary to sleep?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun mīles.
mīles, mīlitis, m.—soldier
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman goddess Vesta?
Who is the Roman god of the sea?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun aqua?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun frāter?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun caput.
caput, capitis, n.—head
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman goddess Proserpina?
What woman after treacherously allowing the Sabines into Rome was thrown from a rock which now bears her name?
Who is the sixth king of Rome?
Servius Tullius
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun puer.
puer, puerī, m.—boy
What is the meaning of the Latin noun māter?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun parēns?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun rēgīna?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun fēmina?
How would you say “hello!” to multiple people in Latin?
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective sacer.
sacer, sacra, sacrum—sacred
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin adjective fessus.
fessus, fessa, fessum—tired
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman god Jupiter?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun magistra.
magistra, magistrae, f.—teacher
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun liber.
liber, librī, m.—book
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman god Apollo?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number duodecim?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun māter.
māter, mātris, f.—mother
Who is the second king of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
Romulus founded the city of Rome. In what city was he born?
Alba Longa
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek goddess Artemis?
Who is the Roman goddess of wisdom?
What woman vowed to allow the Sabines into Rome if they gave her the gold on their arm but was instead crushed by their shields?
This Roman goddess of the hearth, fire and home was so honored that there are virtually no myths about her.
What is the meaning of the Latin noun arbor?
arbor, arboris, f.—tree
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number trēs?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun fābula.
fābula, fābulae, f.—story
What woman was deified as the goddess Hora after the death of her husband Romulus?
What drink was made of water and honey?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number tredecim?
Translate the Latin verb sunt.
They are
What is the Latin term for the 9th day after birth when an infant was given his name?
Dies Lustricus
Name the Greek goddess of art, handicraft, wisdom and warfare.
Who were Juno’s two sisters?
Vesta and Ceres
Ientāculum, prandium, and cēna are all terms for what?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun ager.
ager, agrī, m.—field
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective miser.
miser, misera, miserum—sad, unhappy
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman goddess Diana?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun īnsula.
īnsula, īnsulae, f.—island
Who is the Roman queen of the underworld?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun familia.
familia, familiae, f.—family
Which part of a Roman’s name refers to his family branch?
Which king of Rome divided the citizens into classes based on wealth, established the cult of Diana at Rome, and conducted the first census?
Servius Tullius
In the sentence Pompey, tell Caesar he is not the leader, give the case and use of leader
Predicate Nominative
Who was Semele’s father?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number duo?
Who is the first king of Rome?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun uxor.
uxor, uxōris, f.—wife
For the verb Sum give the first person plural, present indicative.
What is the meaning of the Latin noun templum?
Who is the Greek goddess of the moon?
What is the Latin term for a pomegranate?
malam Punicum
What is the meaning of the Latin noun soror?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun deus.
deus, deī, m.—god
How would you say “goodbye!” to one person in Latin?
What was the Latin term for the third name of a Roman name like Caesar?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number quattuordecim?
Who is the Roman goddess of agriculture?
What is the first part of a Roman’s name?
How would you say “goodbye!” to multiple people in Latin?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number quīnque?
Who was protected from his father’s cannibalism by noises made by the clashing of the spears and shields of the Corybantes?
Whether you are talking about the number of hills or the number of kings in Rome, that number remains the same. How many kings ruled Rome?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun frāter.
frāter, frātris, m.—brother
From what Latin noun with what meaning is ceiling derived?
caelum, caelī, n.—sky, heavens
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun dux.
dux, ducis, m.—leader, general
What is the meaning of the Latin noun frater?
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek goddess Athena?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun hostis?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun templum.
templum, templī, n.—temple
What is the meaning of the Latin word minimē?
Name the Greek goddess who was born on Delos and was twin to Apollo
What is the meaning of the Latin noun magistra?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun pēs.
pēs, pedis, m.—foot
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun vōx.
vōx, vōcis, f.—voice
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun poēta.
poēta, poētae, m.—poet
According to Ovid, what god enduced the Theban women who followed him to create chaos while intoxicated by his wine?
Bacchus (not Dionysus)
What was the goddess Diana’s Greek name.
What is the meaning of the Latin conjunction neque?
and not
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number sex?
Who is the Greek goddess of wisdom?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun nōmen?
name; (in grammar) noun
Name the wife of L. Tarquinius Priscus whom tradition credits for his succession to the kingship of Rome.
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number ūnus?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun signum.
signum, signī, n.—sign
Name the first and the last of the kings of Rome.
Romulus and Tarquinius Superbus
Who leapt over the pomerium upon seeing six vultures and was killed instantly by his brother?
What son of Ocrisia, a captive of war, became the sixth king of Rome?
Servius Tullius
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun pater.
pater, patris, m.—father
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek god Poseidon?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun marītus.
marītus, marītī, m.—husband
What is the meaning of the Latin conjunction et?
In the name Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, what is the cognomen?
In the name Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, what is the nomen?
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman goddess Minerva?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun caelum?
sky, heavens
What is the meaning of the Latin conjunction aut?
What two bothers were raised by a she-wolf until they were discovered by the shepherd Faustulus and his wife?
Romulus & Remus
Which Roman king was said to be born a slave?
Servius Tullius
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun arma.
arma, armōrum, n.—weapons, arms
What is the meaning of the Latin noun familia?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun bellum.
bellum, bellī, n.—war
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman god Pluto?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun inimīcus?
What term refers to the earn title that would sometimes serve as the fourth part to a Roman’s name?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun fīlius?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun puella?
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective malus.
malus, mala, malum—bad, evil
Who took refuge at Caere in Etruria after he and his sons were banished from Rome in 509 BC?
Tarquinius Superbus
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective longus.
longus, longa, longum—long
What is the term for the first, watery, dark and bitter flow of olive oil?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number quīndecim?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun puella.
puella, puellae, f.—girl
What is the meaning of the Latin noun bellum?
Who was Artemis’ twin brother?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun discipulus?
Which king of Rome assumed the deified name Quirinus?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun agricola.
agricola, agricolae, m.—farmer
What is the meaning of the Latin noun marītus?
The word “Cereal” derives from the name of what Roman goddess of agriculture?
According to legend, who was predicted to become king of Rome when flames were observed around his head as he slept in his crib?
Servius Tullius
What king of Rome was killed when it became clear that his adopted son Servius Tullius was being groomed as his successor?
Tarquinius Priscus
Which Roman king added to the Senate a hundred members, who were called minores gentes?
Tarquinius Priscus
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun cibus.
cibus, cibī, m.—food
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin adjective timidus.
timidus, timida, timidum—scared, timid
What is the meaning of the Latin noun casa?
Who is the Roman goddess of the moon?
Give a second declension noun meaning word.
Who is the Greek goddess of the hearth?
What is the malum armeniacum?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun flūmen.
flūmen, flūminis, n.—river
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun fīlia.
fīlia, fīliae, f.—daughter
What man, having seen 12 vultures fly overhead, interpreted that he would be the rightful king of Rome and killed his brother?
Which king came before Servius Tullius?
Tarquinius Priscus
Which king, a grandson of Numa, built a bridge across the Tiber and annexed the Janiculum hill?
Ancus Marcius
What is the meaning of the Latin noun dea?
In what Greek city was Semele, Dionysus’ mother, a princess?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun via.
via, viae, f.—road, way, street
Zeus married his sister Hera. Whom did Poseidon marry?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin adjective antīquus.
antīquus, antīqua, antīquum—ancient
Give the dictionary entry for a third declension noun meaning man
homō, hominis, c.—man
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman god Mercury?
What were the Greek names of Juno, Vesta and Ceres?
Hera, Hestia, and Demeter
What is the meaning of the Latin correlative nec…nec?
Who established a twelve month lunar calendar and established various priestly colleges during his peaceful reign as second king of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
Who is the Greek god of the sun?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun pecūnia.
pecūnia, pecūniae, f.—money
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun rēgīna.
rēgīna, rēgīnae, f.—queen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun equus.
equus, equī, m.—horse
Who is the Greek god of war?
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman god Neptune?
Which king of Rome was raised by a shepherd named Faustulus and his wife Acca Larentia?
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective lentus.
lentus, lenta, lentum—slow
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun verbum.
verbum, verbī, n.—word; (in grammar) verb
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number duodēvīgintī?
What tasty snack would the Romans refer to as malum persicum?
Who is the Roman god of the sun?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun saxum?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number septendecim?
Name the bird of Athena
From what Latin noun with what meaning is adieu derived?
deus, deī, m.—god
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun leō.
leō, leōnis, m.—lion
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek god Zeus?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun discipulus.
discipulus, discipulī, m.—student
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun oculus.
oculus, oculī, m.—eye
Which king followed Servius Tullius?
Tarquinius Superbus
Which king of Rome was killed when the palace roof was struck by lightning causing a fire?
Tullus Hostilius
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective bonus.
bonus, bona, bonum—good
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective multus.
multus, multa, multum—much, many
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number novem?
Give the dictionary entry for the third declension noun meaning leader.
dux, ducis, m.—leader, general
What is the meaning of the Latin noun homō?
What Roman goddess was a daughter of Jupiter and was goddess of hunting and the moon?
In which room of a Roman house was it customary to eat?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun castra.
castra, castrōrum, n.—camp
The construction of the Mamertinum and the Pons Sublicius both ocurred during the reign of which king of Rome?
Ancus Marcius
Which king of Rome oversaw the first Roman coinage, constructed a temple to Diana with help from neighboring Latin cities, and was the victim of a deadly conspiracy involving his daughter?
Servius Tullius
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek god Hermes?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun fābula?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun rēx?
What Roman god shared a temple with two goddesses on the Capitoline Hill, had the eagle for a symbol, and ruled as king of the gods?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun aqua.
aqua, aquae, f.—water
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun inimīcus.
inimīcus, inimīcī, m.—enemy
Who was the wife of Romulus?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun cibus?
Who is the Roman god of the forge?
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek god Apollo?
What is the meaning of the Latin correlative et…et?
Which part of a Roman’s name denotes his gens?
Who is the fourth king of Rome?
Ancus Marcius
Name the second and the sixth king of Rome.
Numa Pompilius and Servius Tullius
What is the meaning of the Latin noun nauta?
Give the masculine form, feminine form, neuter form, and meaning for the Latin adjective magnus.
magnus, magna, magnum—great, large, big
Which king of Rome, often identified with the Etruscan hero Mastarna, took the first census, divided the city into four regions, and sourrounded its seven hills with a wall?
Servius Tullius
Name the wife of Jupiter who shared a temple with Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill.
In what year was Rome founded?
753 BC
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman god Bacchus?
Which Roman Praenomen is abbreviated M.?
What is the meaning of the Latin conjunction nec?
and not
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun hostis.
hostis, hostis, c.—enemy
What is the meaning of the Latin noun vir?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun forum.
forum, forī, n.—forum
Who was Artemis’ mother?
In Greek mythology, what three brothers were the original Olympians?
Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades
What is the Greek Equivalent for the Roman god Mars?
What is another term for gustus?
Which Roman Praenomen is abbreviated Q.?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin adjective laetus.
laetus, laeta, laetum—happy
What is the meaning of the Latin adverb nōn?
Which Roman praenomen is abbreviated P.?
Who is the Greek messenger of the gods?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun vir.
vir, virī, m.—man
Give the dictionary entry for a second declension noun meaning man
vir, virī, m.—man
Who is the Greek god of the forge?
Who is the Roman god of wine?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun homō.
homō, hominis, c.—man
Which king of Rome purchased three of the Sibylline books only after allowing the other six to be burned?
Tarquinius Superbus
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number quattuor?
In the name Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, what is the praenomen?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun oppidum.
oppidum, oppidī, n.—town
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun nauta.
nauta, nautae, m.—sailor
Romulus was the first king of Rome, but he was raised as a shepherd. What was the name of the shepherd who adopted Romulus?
What omen showed that Servius Tullius was bound for greatness?
His head caught on fire but he did not burn
What two young men killed Amulius and restored their grandfather Numitor to his rightful throne of Alba Longa?
Romulus & Remus
Who is the Greek god of the sea?
What is the meaning of the Latin noun puer?
According to Homer, which god created a new shield for Achilles?
Hephaestus (not Vulcan)
Who is the Roman messenger of the gods?
What is the Roman Equivalent for the Greek god Ares?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun soror.
soror, sorōris, f.—sister
Sea urchins, asparagus, sliced eggs, lettuce, and onions are examples of what part of the meal that might be served before the cēna?
What is the meaning of the Latin cardinal number octo?