November Exam 2024 Flashcards
What are the three sectors of the economy?
- Primary
- Secondary
- Tertiary
What is the Primary sector?
Primary sources is extracting raw materials from the earth or using natural recourses.
What is the secondary sector?
Consists of industries involved in converting or processing raw materials into consumable goods.
What is the tertiary sector?
Industries are concerned with the distribution of raw materials ad manufactured goods as well as direct services.
What is some businesses in the primary sector?
Agriculture, mining, fishing and forestry.
What are some businesses in the secondary sector?
factories, car manufacturers and construction.
What are some businesses in the tertiary sector?
Wholesalers, car dealers and insurance companies.
What is the inter-relationship between sectors?
When someone who works in a sector but still uses the other sectors.
What do the sectors do to sustain?
Reduce their carbon footprint
What skills do you need to work in the primary sector?
unskilled manual labour.
What skills do you need to work in the secondary sector?
some level of skills.
What skills do you need to work in the tertiary sector?
skilled labour
What are the management functions a business has?
- Purchasing\procurement management.
- Productions\Operations management.
- Human Resources managements
- Administration\ Information management
- General management
- Marketing Management
- Financial management
- Public Relations management
- Risk management
What is purchasing management?
Purchases all the goods and services needed by each department in the business.
What is the most important goal of the purchasing function?
Help the business buy good quality products at the lowest price
What is a trademark?
a picture or symbol that a manufacturer uses to distinguish their products from their competitors.
What does SABS stand for and what is it used for?
South African Bureau of Standards. used as a indicator for a good product.
What are important factors to consider when selecting a supplier?
- supplier must be competent
- suppliers must have the correct quantity of goods available at a reasonable price.
- After-sales support must be provided.
What is the production function?
Production company is the combination of the factors of production in order to provide the right product at the right place, time and at the correct quantity and demand.
What are the factors of production?
What is the HR management function?
deals with the staff and hiring, retaining and training them. Need to have a good understanding of all the labour laws.
What is the Administration management function?
Responsible for collecting data in the business and the business environment.
What is the general management function?
The basic task of management. Plan, Organise, Lead and control.
What must businesses formulate to make a business.
Mission Statement, vision statement, strategy, goals and objectives.
What is the marketing Management function?
Product, Price, place and Promotion Policies.
What is market research?
helps the marketing function to identify the target market.
What are the methods of market research?
- Telemarketing
- Questionaires
- Personal interviews
- Online Surveys
What is the financial Management function?
Has to make sure there is enough capital in the business and that is is used in the best possible manner.
What is Long term capital?
spent on fixed assets such as buildings or vehicles.
What is short term capital?
(also known as short term capital) will be used to buy stock, pay creditors and to cover expenses.
What is the public relations management?
involve all the activities that influence the opinions and maintain mutual understanding between the enterprise and the public.
What is Pr about?
Building the image of the business.
What are some factors that affect the importance of public relations?
- Employment of thousand of workers
- Development in the sociological and political fields.
- Growth of global enterprises.
What is the primary aim of public relations?
Creation and maintenance of a favourable image between the enterprise and all the stakeholders.
What is the secondary aim of public relations?
Sales promotion.
What is publicity?
not paid for, can be good or bad.
What is advertisement?
This is paid for. only good
What is Risk management function?
manages the risk in a business.
What is internal risks?
Risk inside of the business such as financial loss.
What is external risks?
Physical danger such as floods or robbery.
Why is a business plan important?
Forces owner to think through and write down their plans and goals for each aspect of the business?
What are the eleven components of a business plan?
- Title page
- Table of contents
- Introduction
4 Description of business - Product and production plan of a business.
- Marketing Plan
- Staff Structure
- Social Responsibility
- Financial Plan
- Conclusion
- Appendices
What is AIDA?
Attract Attention
Arouse Interest
Create Desire
Lead to Action
What is Break even point?
made no profit or no loss
What is a trade union?
organisation which protects the rights of workers who are members.
What is the constitution?
Ensures equality for all citizens.
What is the LRA?
Provides the basic legal framework for the labor relations. Covers issues relating freedom of association, trade unions, collective bargaining…
What are some roles and responsibilities for a trade union?
- Being a mouthpiece for workers rights
- Collective bargaining for its members
- Negotiate on behalf of its members.
What is COSATU?
Congress of South African Trade Unions is a umbrella body. Contains other Trade Unions.
What is FEDUSA?
Federation of Unions of South Africa are politically non-aligned.
What is collective bargaining?
process of people working together in order to negotiate with the employers about issues.
What is a strike?
Temporary collective refusal to work by employees.
What is a stay away?
when people are told to stay away from work
What is a go-slow?
Employees go to work but work much slower.
What is a employer organisation?
employers get together in order to bargain or negotiate with their employees.
What are some effects a trade union may have on a business?
- limit or curb unfair labour practices
- promote negotiation between employer and employees.
What do trade unions do to help growth?
improving the social living standards.