Nov. 8 test review question page 2 Flashcards
What are the terms on page 80 (including the bold face words in the chapter)
idk, dont look at me…
How and why do the plates move
They move away, and closer together. They move because of convection cells driving them into eachother
Who is Alfred Wegner?
hes the guy that theorized pangea
name 3 types of plate movements
Convergent, Divergent, and Lateral
where and why do volcanoes form?
They form near subduction zones, and they form because when convergent happens, the rocks from the thiner plate melt, and the gasses escape through cracks to the surface of the earth, and often explosively
where and why do earthquakes form?
They form near subduction zones. They form because when two tectonic plates push against or past eachother, the friction that is caused by this shake the ground.
name the 3 types of volcanoes
Composite, Cinder cone, and shield volcano
What are the effects of the Mid-Atlantic range?
The mantle gets pushed up and more land appears, like in iceland
What are the effects of the Boundary north of India?
The Himalayans are growing
What are the effects of the West coast of North America?
Volcanoes are created along the western coast of N. America
What are the effects of the pacific ring of fire?
LOTS of volcanoes are created among the western side of the pacific plate
What are theorder of the geological time periods?
Precambrian era, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and then finally………..the Cenozoic era!!!!!
Know 2 major geological events of each era
What does Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition mean?
Weathering is the breaking down of rocks by either chemical, or mechanical weathering. Chemical is when pollutants in the air are connected to rain and then the hit rocks causing Weathering, and Mechanical is when natural things like ice or roots force the rocks to crack and split
Whats an example of Igneous, Metamorphic and sedimentary rocks?
granite, slate, sandstone