Notifying Provider Flashcards
the full name of the provider*
the exact time you notified the provider
the specific laboratory result, symptom or other assessment data that you reported
the providers response, using the exact words if possible*
any orders which the provider gives. If the provider gives no orders, note this - especially if you anticipated an order. For example, “Dr. Sara Jones informed of oral temperature of 104 F. No orders received.”*
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In your complete note of the event, include the patient’s other vital signs, relevant observations and any nursing interventions you performed. *
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the commitment for necessary follow-up by provider, such as, “Will visit patient at 0600.”
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symptoms and parameters such as changes in vital signs, level of consciousness, or pain that the provider defines as indicators for nurses to use in deciding to call the provider again.
it is essential that you note your own actions to assist the patient in addition to documenting your contacts with the provider
if a provider fails to respond to a page, a telephone message, or fails to order an intervention and thereby creates a risk for the patient, pursue the chain-of-command and notify your direct supervisor
all actions