Notifications, Advisements, Responses//WC Manual Flashcards
Identify the 3 instances when the WC ensures PEAP is notified:
o LVMPD victim person crime.
o PEAP can help emotionally
o employee may be affected by a scene.
** FIT will be notified on the following events: (5)
1- OIS
2- In-custody death or critical harm with police involvement
3- Deadly force
4- force lead to critical injury
5- Member during duties is the victim of a violent crime and sustains critical injury
Which unit is responsible for Non-criminal administrative exams of deadly force, significant bodily injury, or other high-risk events. The purpose is to review agency performance.
** Although the __________________ may have the appearance of an attempted suicide, the intent of the inmate’s action is not to harm themselves but rather gain the attention of corrections personnel. When it is clear the inmate’s intent was not to commit suicide, and there are insignificant injuries to the inmate as a result of the gesture, the investigative responsibility lies with the corrections personnel. The results of the investigation will be forwarded to the ___________.
- gesture
** When an LE employee from another jurisdiction is detained, the WC will ensure (2) ______________________ are notified.
** When an LE employee from another jurisdiction is arrested, the WC ensures the following is notified (5):
If the detainee/arrestee is at or above the rank of Captain, the WC will call the area captain & DC immediately.
There will be no entry in the WC log.
- BC of area of occurrence
- supervisor the employee’s chain
- DC- email providing enough information for a basic understanding of the arrest
- Detention facility WC prior to transport
__________ is notified upon homicides, fire deaths, suspicious deaths, death with media interest, child deaths with physical violence, LVMPD employee or family member.
Homicide LT
__________ will be immediately notified of any incident or complaint alleging a major violation, alcohol or drug abuse, or criminal acts by an employee.
** Supervisors will notify the _____________ of the request for a religious accommodation by a member in a timely manner.
EDS Supv.
_________ will be immediately notified of all reports of criminal acts disclosed by a citizen or by an employee which is not the result of a compelled statement.
In cases where a criminal violation by a law enforcement employee is discovered during a long-term or covert investigation by an investigative unit, the notification will be made directly to the ________________.
- Criminal Intel Section
- Criminal Intel Section supervisor
All commissioned personnel will be subject to _______________________ in instances of officer-involved shootings or conduct that results in death or the substantial bodily harm of another person. The supervisor overseeing the event will immediately contact CIRT & FIT directly and through Dispatch.
_________ will oversee the administration of these tests.
- alcohol and drug testing
** In cases when a law enforcement employee of any agency is involved as a suspect or victim of domestic violence, immediately notify (2) _______________ to respond.
If it is deemed necessary, the WC will notify the _____________.
If the WC is unavailable, contact the ______________________ supervisor.
- WC & area LT
- Criminal Intel Section
- Criminal Intel Section
A ___________ is assigned to the School Violence Initiative each year. A School Violence Initiative report (SVI) is completed by school PD and disseminated to fusion watch. Fusion watch disseminates to the SVI Captain, WC, area LT’s.
When a School Violence Initiative report requires immediate follow-up, area supervisors and/or fusion watch will notify the ___________ & ____________ .
Upon receiving a School Violence Initiative report that requires immediate follow-up, the WC will ensure that the affected (2)__________ are notified.
The WC will also assist the affected bureau commander in coordinating an immediate response.
- Captain
- WC & Area LT
- Bureau commander & area supervisor
If a vehicle collision involves any other citizen’s vehicle, non-motorist, significant private property damage, PIT, blocking, pinching, or ramming, the commissioned supervisor will request _______________to respond.
** The following notifications will be made for negligent discharges:
1- On duty, regardless of injury or property damage:
2- Off-duty, regardless of injury or property damage, not involving police involvement:
3- Human struck:
2- IAB
3- FIT
In cases where a DUI violation by a law enforcement officer is alleged, the WC will coordinate with (2):
- Traffic Supv.
- Criminal Intel Section
During a hostage situation, _______ notifies SWAT. During a barricade, _________ advises dispatch to make the notification.
- Dispatch
- patrol supervisor
Following a pursuit, a supervisor will ensure (2) ___________ have been notified when the use of force with vehicle results in death or critical bodily injury (PIT under or over 40 mph and ramming).
_____________ will complete the appropriate reports for incidents where deadly force is used via PIT or ramming.
** When an arrest is made at a secured mental health facility, the supervisor will notify _____.
A pursuit involved more than 5 units, spanned multiple jurisdictions and crossed area commands. The termination of the pursuit involved a collision with significant damage. What 3 units should be notified?
If, at the conclusion of an event where a suspect has been actively pursued by officers (on foot or in a vehicle), and the suspect commits suicide, the ________ Section will be notified and may respond to the termination point to conduct the suicide investigation.
If a firearm was involved in the suicide, the detective may conduct a countdown of all involved officers’ firearms who were present at the termination point when/where the suicide occurred.
When the significance of a LEO event rises to a chain notification, use ________________.
An event was deemed noteworthy, but not log-worthy, or the information includes a law enforcement officer’s personal information. You should:
- phone and/or email
- Send a chain email through the captain, and cc both the tourist safety as well as the community policing DC’s.
In cases where a supervisor is notified of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct by a law enforcement employee, that supervisor will notify the _____________.
If the subject is a LVMPD employee, notify the ______________ also.
When the employee is from ANOTHER jurisdiction, notify the __________ also.
- WC
- Criminal Intel Section
- appropriate investigative unit
** _________________________ will be immediately notified when the following crimes are determined to be gang-involved and will respond to the scene to assist the respective investigative unit with intelligence gathering and dissemination for:
1. Homicide
2. Attempt murder
3. Any incident wherein Gang Investigations detectives can provide or gain actionable intelligence to or from any Department member.
Gang/Vice/Special Investigations Section (SIS) Bureau, Gang Section
** When the crime involves a dignitary or politician, the __________________________ lieutenant or designee will be notified.
Criminal Intel Section